Author's Note

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Hey, guys. I wanted to share a quick author's note to make sure everyone was on the same page in case you didn't know why I haven't updated lately.

I'm writing this on the third of May.

Around the beginning of March, I logged into Wattpad and noticed several stories were deleted from my profile. I had no warning of this being done and didn't have any of my stories backed up elsewhere (please don't criticize me for this). I was absolutely crushed upon seeing all my hard work and some of my best stories taken away from me. I'm still working through my thoughts and feelings about this. I was afraid of updating again as Wattpad's code of conduct policy states that anyone who breaks the rules for a number of reasons can have their entire account wiped from the site. I'd already slipped once and didn't want to make another mistake, even accidentally. So I stopped updating any of my stories and went on a hiatus as I tried to understand what happened and where I was to go from there.

I never got an answer from Wattpad on what was wrong with my stories other than a list of things I could have potentially done wrong. I can narrow it down but not enough to be a clear answer. So it's hard for me to 'fix' this and write things that are allowed on the site without knowing if it will be allowed. It'd be nice if Wattpad had a setting within the drafts of a story to tell you if it broke their code of conduct or not. But I don't have that option.

Moving forward, my stories will have limited sexual scenes or at least will be toned down quite a bit. The wording of such scenes may seem... lacking but it's only to protect me and my account. I don't want it to be this way but I either do this or give up writing altogether. And I don't want to do that. I will also be limiting the number of mental health stories and scenes that I write. It seems that any depiction of trauma or harm isn't allowed so I won't be writing on those topics anymore. At least not in a way that is graphic or overly descriptive. Again, I'm sorry if it ruins the writing or the way the story reads. I'm doing what I feel is best for me.

Coming back to Wattpad is going to be a slow process. Updates may take longer than they had previously been. I've been writing off of Wattpad since then but have been adjusting to these new changes so it's taken me longer to get things typed up. If I decide to quit or take another break, I'll make sure to put a note on my profile to let everyone know. I'm just playing things by ear for now.

I want to thank all of you who have helped me through this process. Multiple people have helped me regain some or all of my stories in some way or another so the entire plot isn't lost to the void of the internet. And, for that, I'm so grateful. I never would have been able to get them back without help from my amazing followers. I'd also like to thank everyone for their kind words of comfort or support during this time. Knowing that all of you are backing me up and supporting me means everything to me. As much as I love the writing, I feel this community is the best thing about being on Wattpad. I'd never be where I am now without a supportive 'fan base' to push me and cheer me on.

If you have any tips or suggestions, you can always leave them in the comment section of any story or message me privately. Any new story suggestions or plot suggestions for current stories will be welcomed as always. I love seeing what you've come up with as you all are just as much a part of these worlds as I am.

Thank you all so much.

- Writerandreader17

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