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My tooth removal surgery date came faster than I was expecting. I was nervous to have my teeth removed knowing that pain was inevitably going to follow. But I knew that meant I would be closer to eating pancakes again without being in pain so I had to push through my fear.

Darren stayed with me as long as he could. The nurses who were helping Dr. Andrews put an IV in my arm and gave me stuff that would make me sleepy. They said I would take a nap while I got my teeth removed. They said I wouldn't feel a thing.

I was super groggy when I woke up. Darren stood beside me as I forced my eyes open. The lights above me were too bright and hurt my eyes. It was hard for me to wake up.

Darren smiled at me when I looked in his direction. "Hey, baby. How are you feeling?"

I blinked slowly and tried to talk but the gauze in my mouth prevented any words from forming. Either that or I was too numb to get it to move.

I only felt slightly numb thanks to the medicine the dentist had given me. I couldn't feel what I had done to my mouth and I was grateful it wasn't so bad. I knew it could've been painful but I was glad I didn't have to experience it.

"How are you feeling, Aly?" I looked over my right shoulder and saw Dr. Andrews walking into the room.

I mumbled through the gauze and pointed to my mouth.

He chuckled and raised the chair I was lying in until I was sitting up. "The gauze will soak up any blood and add some pressure to your wounds. You can take them out once the bleeding has stopped." He turned to Darren. "Will you be with her throughout her recovery?"

Darren nodded. "Yes. I work from home so I won't be far from her at all times."

Dr. Andrews nodded. "Good. She'll need some help as she adjusts. I advise you to go pick up her prescription medication as soon as you can. She may need the pain medicine soon."


"You're all good to go. I'll have one of my nurses help you get to your vehicle. Best of luck with your recovery. If you have any questions, please give us a call."

"Thank you."

Dr. Andrews waved at me. "It was nice seeing you again, Aly. Have a good day."

A nurse came in a few minutes later with a wheelchair in front of her. She wheeled it to the side of the chair I sat in and helped me move over. I was slow on my feet and didn't feel very steady. Thankfully, Darren was watching me carefully so he could help if needed.

The nurse walked us out through the parking lot and helped Darren get me into the truck. He thanked her before getting into the truck beside me. He started the car and turned the heat on for me so we could warm up.

He helped me get buckled and glanced at my mouth. "You doing okay?"

I patted my cheeks with my fingers and widened my eyes. "I'm puffy, daddy."

He laughed. "You look like a squirrel."

I tried to laugh but it hurt to move my mouth too much. I groaned and held my face as if it was going to offer any relief.

"Take it easy, baby. We'll be home soon. I have to make a quick stop at the pharmacy for your medicine and then we can go home and you can get some rest."

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I was still groggy from being asleep when they took out my teeth. I wasn't ready to wake up when the medicine was wearing off so I was glad to be in the truck so I could rest some more. I was just ready to get home so I could go back to sleep and be comfortable in my bed.

When I woke up, we were back home. Darren had a small brown paper bag in his hand along with his keys. Neither of us had our seatbelts on anymore so I suspected we had been home for several minutes at that point.

I blinked my eyes opened and turned to look at him. I was still tired and just wanted to get back into bed so I could rest some more.

"Someone's tired. Let's get you inside."

"Can you carry me?"

"You have to get out before I can carry you."

I followed him to the door and swung my legs over the edge of the seat. I brushed my hair out of my face before I reached out for him.

Darren lifted me out of the truck and hoisted me onto his hip. I wasn't sure how he lifted me so easily but I wasn't complaining.

He carried me all the way to my bedroom and set me down on my bed. I kicked my shoes off and started kicking the blankets aside but he stopped me. "Hang on, Aly. Let me get you some comfy clothes to change into."

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him grab a change of clothes out of my dresser. He set a matching pair of pink pajamas on the bed beside me and helped me change out of my old clothes and into the new ones.

"Now, you can lay down."

I pushed the blankets away and curled up on the bed. Darren tucked me in under the blankets and made sure I was comfortable.

"Do you need anything right now?"


His eyes widened a little as he realized I didn't have him. Who knew where he was? "I'll go find him for you."

I settled into my bed and closed my eyes. I was ready for another nap so I could feel better and get back to being my old self again. I was ready for pancakes.

Darren came back after a few minutes and tucked Ted in beside me. "He was hiding in the truck. I guess we forgot him when we were coming in."

"Thanks, Daddy."

He smiled. "Get some rest, baby. I'll be in my office if you need me, okay?"

I nodded.

He went to the light switch and turned it off. The curtains in my room were already pulled shut so the room got dark again and I easily fell back to sleep.

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