Really Sleepy

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The rain outside was coming down fast. It coated the windows and made puddles in the grass. I could faintly hear it on the roof.

It was a peaceful sound. One I often found myself praying for when I lived with Owen. Anything to get my mind off of what was going on. Fantasy was better than real life with him. But with Darren?

It was like a dream come true.

I rolled onto my side and watched the door. Usually, Darren came in to wake me up in the morning when he didn't have to work. He liked spending as much time with me as he could on those days. Maybe he wasn't awake yet.

I sat up and looked at the clock that sat beside my bed. The green letters said it was 7 something. I knew that was early. Even if I didn't understand how time worked I still knew our usual routine. I'd gotten used to looking at the clock and seeing the numbers. I knew what I was used to seeing.

Oh, well. If Darren wasn't going to wake me up, I was just going to have to go wake him up.

I got out of bed and walked out of my room. The hallway was quiet. I couldn't hear if Darren was up moving around or not. Usually, he was up before me so I wasn't used to being awake by myself in the house. It felt illegal.

I opened his bedroom door and peeked inside. Darren was still asleep. He was lying on his back with the blanket covering only half of his body. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping.

Leaving the door open, I walked over to the bed. I sat down on the mattress before I laid back and snuggled against Darren's side. I always liked sleeping near him. I felt so safe with him.

Darren, still asleep, rolled onto his side facing me. His arm wrapped around me and pinned me against his side.

I giggled and pushed on his arm. "Daddy, I'm stuck."

He didn't hear me, obviously. He was snoring lightly as he slept. It was cute.

I pushed on his arm again. Even asleep, he was too strong for me. I was no match for him and his weight. Trying to get myself free was useless.

Darren turned his head and he was close to my cheek and ear. His breath warmed up my cheek and made me shiver. His snoring was right in my ear and it was hard for me not to laugh about it.

I patted his arm. "Daddy, wake up. I can't move."

Darren's eyes opened lazily. He looked at me and I had a feeling he wasn't understanding that it was me. His eyes were still full of sleep and his body was still pretty heavy over mine. "Hi, baby."

I giggled. "Hi, Daddy."

He nuzzled his nose in my hair and his grip went from just being dead weight to being intentional. He wrapped his arms around me and basically held me close to him. It wasn't something he did often. Hardly ever, actually.

"Daddy, what are you doing?"

His eyebrows furrowed and he looked confused. It only lasted for a few seconds before his eyes widened and he let go of me completely. He scooted back and then sat up, pulling the blanket around his waist as if he were covering himself up. "Shit. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that, baby."

I sat up and folded my hands in my lap. "It's okay, daddy. You were really sleepy."

He ran a hand through his dark hair. "Yeah, I was. I don't usually get that tired."

"Did you sleep okay?"

He sighed. "I had a hard time falling asleep. I've had a lot on my mind lately and I guess it just came to a head last night."

I frowned. "I'm sorry, daddy."

"It's okay. I'll be fine. I might just need some naps to help me get my sleep back."

"That's what usually helps me."

"Do you want to go play for a little bit? I need to get a shower and get dressed and then we can have breakfast."

I nodded. I wasn't opposed to playing all morning.

He smiled and brushed a strand of my hair back behind my shoulder. "We might have to get your hair cut sometime. It's getting really long."

I looked over at my shoulder and inspected my hair. I liked it long but it was harder to deal with. Daddy wasn't the best at combing my hair out and we couldn't ask his mom to do it all the time.

"I'll have to add that to our list of things to do. You sure do keep me busy."

I smiled. With me trying to get my life together and become a regular person and not just someone's baby, I built up a list of things we had to do in order for that to happen. Darren was doing a good job at keeping it all straight but I was sure it made him exhausted.

I got out of bed and headed for the door. "I'm gonna go see what Ted is up to. He loves playing with me."


Hey, guys! I've asked a few people already but is there anything you'd like to see in this story? Any plots or storylines you want me to try out? I'm open to any ideas you may have!

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