Peanut Butter and Jelly

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Darren's mom was nicer than anyone I'd ever met. She didn't talk down to me as if I were any less than her and she was cautious with what she did and said, like she knew I was fragile. I didn't think I'd warmed up to anyone quicker than her.

She carefully brushed my hair, getting out all of the knots and making my hair feel smooth and not as heavy.

"I always wanted a little girl. Instead, I ended up with three boys."

"How old are they now?"

She laughed. "They're all grown up now. They all moved out and are living their own lives."

"Aren't you lonely?"

"I don't mind being on my own. It gives me time to focus on myself now."

I didn't think I'd like being on my own. I knew I liked being by myself because I was safe with myself but the quiet was loud. It didn't make sense but I liked it for myself.

She leaned around me. "Alright. Now, it's time to fix that bear of yours."

"It's not... You don't mind?"

"Of course not, honey. I'm glad I can help."

"How come you're helping me? You don't really know me." I watched her get Ted out of the bag he was in and set him in her lap. She had a sewing kit next to her that was bigger than I expected. The box everything was in was huge and had several layers to it, holding everything from thread to scissors. She was definitely prepared to fix Ted.

"I'd do anything for my kids. And the same goes for you now that you're with Darren."

Her words made me wonder how much she knew. Did she know that I didn't have a normal life growing up? I didn't exactly know what normal was but it definitely wasn't what I had. Now, being with Darren, I wasn't sure what that meant between the two of us. Did he expect me to be a girlfriend to him like Owen did or did he want me to be his kid?

Darren walked into the bedroom and smiled at me when I noticed him. "Your hair looks nice. I told you my mom could work wonders."

I gave him a small smile before dropping my gaze.

Darren's mom, Evelyn, patted my shoulder. "She's a sweetheart, Darren. I hope you're taking care of her."

"Of course, I'm taking care of her."

She nudged her head to the side, in the direction of a room I didn't know. "Get her something to eat, sweetie. Aly, are you hungry?"

I didn't want to get Darren in trouble with his mom but I was hungry. I looked between them before I nodded at Evelyn.

Darren held his hand out for me. "Come on. Let's find something to eat."

I took his hand and followed him into the hallway. The kitchen was a little smaller than the living room and had old wallpaper with roses on it covering the walls. There were a few appliances on the counters but for the most part, they were bare. She really kept the place clean.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"Can I have pancakes?"

He chuckled and opened the door of the fridge. "Maybe something a little less complicated. Does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sound good?"

I made a face at the back of his head at the sound of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I made so many of them for myself when I lived with Owen. It was one of the few things I could make on my own and it was quick to put together. "Fine."

I sat down on a barstool at the island, watching as Darren made both of us a sandwich. He knew where everything was in the kitchen. It made me wonder if it was the house he and his brothers grew up in.

"How do you like my mom so far?"

"Are all moms like her?" I asked as I licked jelly off my thumb.

He smiled. "They can be."

"I wonder what my mom is like." I said out loud. I never had a normal life growing up. I didn't have parents to love me and raise me and teach me things. I didn't know what it was like to have a mom or a dad and it left me longing for that feeling.

He leaned his arms on the counter of the island. "I bet she was nice and caring and maybe she even liked pancakes."

I smiled but it quickly fell from my face. I grew up with Owen being my father. We weren't biologically but there was a part of me that wanted him to be that for me. It was hard growing up without parents to teach me things or love me. It felt like I grew attached to Darren quicker because he was that for me.

"Aly?" Darren watched me, having caught my change of expression.

I shook my head. Maybe we could talk about it once we were back home but his mom's house wasn't the time for such a heavy conversation.

He brushed the bread crumbs from his hands. "I'm going to go talk to my mom and then we can go. Is that alright?"

I hated to leave his mom's house so soon after we got there but I knew it wouldn't be the last time we would be by to visit. I liked talking to her and being in her home. It was a peacefulness I didn't feel often.


Edited 5/18/2022

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