A Life

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Daddy and I were watching a movie when there was a knock at the door. I knew better than to answer it. Even Owen had taught me that.

I pulled my blanket up over me more and looked at Daddy. He was the adult so he could answer the door.

He shrugged and got to his feet. He paused the movie and set the TV remote on the coffee table. He walked over to the door and opened it.

"Hey, can I come in?"

I turned around and looked over the back of the couch. I wasn't expecting us to have any guests. We hardly ever had people over.

I especially wasn't expecting Ethan to be the person at the door.

Darren stepped aside and let Ethan come inside. His hands were stuffed in the pocket of his sweatshirt. It had been a while since we'd seen him. I assumed he was busy. He got a girl of his own who acted similar to I did. I figured they would be busy doing stuff together like Daddy and I were.

"Hi, Aly," Ethan said. He pulled out a bar stool and sat down.

"Hi." Ethan and I didn't interact much. After he tagged along with us on our camping trip all those months ago, I didn't care for him. He didn't seem like he liked me and I didn't like being around people who didn't like me. He didn't come around much so I didn't have to worry about him. It made me curious to know why he was showing up at the house randomly.

"So, what's going on? You don't usually show up unannounced," Daddy said, breaking the awkward silence.

Ethan looked between me and Darren. "I'm thinking of breaking up with Natalie."

"You had a girlfriend?"

Ethan gave Darren a cold look. "Yeah. We've been dating for a while."

Darren shrugged. "This is news to me."

"Whatever. That's not the point. I just... I started thinking that maybe she's not who I want to be with right now. I mean... I like her. She's just not... I don't feel like we have a lot in common and we don't have fun together."

"That's normal. Lots of people go through that."

"I can't help but compare how Natalie and I are to you and Aly."

Darren raised his eyebrows. "What about us?"

"You're so close to her. She trusts you so much. I don't think Natalie doesn't trust me but I don't feel like things are as good as they could be. Not like you two."

"Aly and I aren't... anything. I'm just taking care of her because she needs some help."

Ethan's eyebrows furrowed. "You're not dating?"

Darren turned around and looked at me. I wasn't sure if he expected me to be watching and listening or not. He didn't seem mad when he realized I was though. "Aly, can you go play in your room while we talk?"

I nodded. I got up from the couch and walked into the hallway. I stayed where I could listen in on the conversation but not where either of them could see me. I didn't want to get in trouble for not listening.

"Look, Aly and I are just friends. I'm taking care of her because she can't take care of herself. What you and Natalie have going on is very different."

"Maybe it could be more like what you have. I mean... it seems to be going well for you. She likes you. She hasn't left yet so that's a good sign."

"Ethan, she doesn't have anywhere to go. She doesn't have any money. She doesn't even know how to work. I'm not saying she's staying because she has to but it's certainly one of the many reasons."

"She just seems... I don't know. She really likes you. I guess I just thought that it was more than friendship."

Darren was quiet and I wondered if I missed anything. Maybe he was just being quiet so he could think of something to say. Sometimes I did that. "You should try to get to know Natalie better. Do stuff she likes doing. Take her on dates. Don't focus on other relationships to guide you in the direction you need to go."

Ethan sighed. "You think that'll work? I don't want to drive Natalie away."

"If you put forth some effort, you won't. She'll want to be with you because you're showing interest in her."

"I'll try it."

"I hope it works for you. You could use some stability in your life."

"And you could use some fun and excitement in yours. You hardly do anything anymore. Not that you ever used to do things. If you got a million dollars for staying inside, you'd be so rich." I didn't think Daddy was that boring. We just liked spending time together and watching movies. What was so wrong with that?

Darren scoffed. "That's not true. I do stuff. You know I go camping when the weather's nice."

"You've hardly been since you got her. I barely see you anymore."

"We have a lot going on. I didn't just inherit a girl to come live with me. She also has... problems that need to be addressed. It's a lot more difficult than I was expecting."

"Can you even handle it? I mean... this is taking a huge hit on your social life. It's not just me that you haven't been hanging out with. Have you been on a date in the last year?"

"No, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"You could have a girlfriend and a life. You're seriously missing out." Was I stopping him from being happy? I didn't like the thought of keeping him from living his life and meeting new people. He didn't even have a girlfriend. Was that my fault?

"I'm happy with my life, Ethan."

"Okay but... I just want what's best for you. Someone's gotta look out for you."

"You think Mom isn't? She's always making sure I'm taken care of. She's been like that since I moved out on my own."

Ethan laughed. "Yeah, me too. She needs someone to take care of. Someone to get her mind off of us."

"Maybe we should get her a dog."

"You know she's more of a cat person."

"Right. How could I forget?"

"Think about what I said. Don't tie yourself down. Live a little."

"I'd ask you to stay but not if this is the conversation we're going to have."

"Don't run away from your problems, Dare."

"I'm not. Look, I appreciate the concern but I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me."

"That's what brothers are for."

"If you need someone to worry about, go talk to Owen. He has plenty of problems you could help him with."

"Yeah, right. You know I'm not capable of helping that much."

Darren laughed. "Say hi to Natalie for me."

As Ethan left, I couldn't help but feel like he was right. Was I really making Darren's life worse by forcing him to take care of me?

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