Saving the-boy-who-lived

33 1 0

(Unknown POV)

In a house on the outskirts of Landon a husband and wife were in a baby room with their one year old son, Henry, for they just put him down for bed. Once he was down they left the room and made their way to the living room and sat down and started talking

Caleb: Have you heard the news Cynthia?

Cynthia: I have heard. It's good to hear that he survived the attack. But Caleb with Lily and James gone who will Harry go to? I know that Lily didn't want him to go to live with that sister of hers in the muggle world. But I know that Dumbledore will put him with her where we won't be able get him unless we get to Harry first before he can, that's what we'll do we can portkey to get to Godric's hollow before Dumbledore can get to him.

Caleb: That's a great idea Cynthia. Let's head there now but first let's check on Henry first.

With that said the two parents went and checked on their son and saw that he's still sound asleep then instructed one of their house elves to watch over their son while they are out and with that they went outside and put up protective wards around the house to keep their son safe should someone find the house while their out with the wards up they portkey to the Potters house to see Sirius black there holding baby Harry they went up to him and said

Caleb: Sirius is that Harry your holding?

Sirius: Yes it is, are you two here to take him to Dumbledore?

Cynthia: No we want to prevent Dumbledore from getting him and sending him to live with the Dursley's, plus there's something about Harry that nobody but us, James, Lily, and Dumbledore know about.

Sirius: What would that be?

Caleb: Harry along with three others are the reincarnations of the Hogwarts founders.

Sirius: Are you sure that Harry is one of the Hogwarts founders?

Cynthia: We are and its because the Sylvain's have been the guardians of this fact since the days of the founders themselves. There was a prophecy that states that in a millennium the founders would be reborn, one would born in the year 1979 on the 19th of September, two would be born in the year 1980 but one is born the day before the end of the seventh month making him a possible target for the the dark lord of this time while the second would be born at the end to parents that denied the dark lord thrice, the last one will be born in the year 1981 on the 13th of February.

Sirius: Ok, if I may ask which of the founders is Harry the reincarnation of?

Cynthia: Harry is the reincarnation of Salazar Slytherin.

Caleb: As for the other three founders their identities in this life are as follows: a muggle born by the name of Hermione Granger, Neville Longbottom, and Luna Lovegood.

Cynthia: Hermione is Rowena Ravenclaw, Neville is Godric Gryffindor, and Luna is Helga Hufflepuff.

Sirius: Ok that's a lot of information to process but here's Harry please make sure Dumbledore never gets his hand on him.

With that Sirius gave Harry to Caleb and Cynthia and left Godric's hollow where he's going neither of the two knew. After Sirius left they see the shadow of someone approaching them on a motorbike so they hid with baby Harry in Cynthia's arms, but when they saw that it was Hagrid they came out of hiding and approached him and he said

Hagrid: Caleb, Cynthia, it's good to see you two again. That there be Harry in your arms Cynthia?

Cynthia: It is, why do you ask?

Hagrid: Because I have been sent by Dumbledore to come and get him and bring him to his only other living relatives in the muggle world, his mom's sisters family.

Caleb: Sorry Hagrid but Harry isn't going anywhere near the Dursley's ever, we already have the paperwork to become Harry's legal guardians in the muggle world as well as his Magical guardians in the wizarding world. In fact we need to be getting back the house so we'll be seeing you later.

With that Caleb pulled Cynthia closer to him while she pulled Harry closer to her and the three portkeyed away leaving a stunned Hagrid on his motorbike having to go to Dumbledore and tell him why he wasn't able to bring Harry to him on private drive so he goes off and leaves Godric's Hollow heading there now wondering how Dumbledore will take this news.

Hey y'all, I hope you liked this chapter and I'd like to give a special thanks to Akshaya2006 and Hadrius_Peverell for letting me use their ideas but they aren't the only ideas I'll be using in this story there is one more that I came up with that I think y'all will like quite a lot. But until the next part I love you my beautiful readers.

(Also I'm thinking about coming up with something I can call those who are apart of my group on here something that only goes for my followers on here I'm thinking I could call y'all my Arcadians but idk. tell me what you think about it in the comments.)

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