Heading to Hogwarts and the sorting

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(Harry's POV)

Today is the day me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione are going to Hogwarts for our first year. Me, Henry, and Neville are putting our Trunks in the trunk of moms car and our familiars in their respectively cages are in dads car with Sapphire on my shoulders under my leather jacket collar and her cage in dads car. Me and Henry both went to Diagon Ally and we got each other an owl so that we could communicate with mom and dad during school on like the weekends and after classes. Once both cars were packed dad got in his car with Henry and mom got in hers with me and Neville and off we went to Kings Cross station in London so we could get to Platform 9 3/4 30 minutes early.

(Time skip to them arriving at Kings Cross station)

We just got to Kings Cross station and we are getting trolleys to load our trunks and stuff on to. Once all our stuff are out of mom and dad's cars Hermione comes over to us with her mom and dad and we introduce ourselves and then Mrs. Granger mentioned that Hermione told them about Neville's gran and that they were hoping to meet her before sending her off to school with us. Mom then explained that Mrs. Longbottom wanted to be here with Neville but was asked to deal with something that was very important so she sent Neville to our house so he could go with us and get here on time. I then looked at the time and saw that it was 10:50 and that we had to fined the entrance to the platform so we could sit together on the train. So with that we all said goodbye bye to our parents and guardians and head to platforms 9 and 10 and as soon as we get there we see a group of red heads at the platforms, the Weasley's, and me, Henry, and Neville say and introduce the family to Hermione and they are quite excited to meet her especially Mr. Weasley seeing as he has such a love of all things Muggle. The Weasleys let the four of us go first and when we get through we all see a scarlet steam engine with the words Hogwarts express on it. We then went and got our trunks on the train with the help of wandless and wordless magic, that we learned thanks to our training, and went and found a compartment. We all plan to get mastery over elemental magic more specifically Earth, Air, Fire, and Water magic. We already know all about the mind arts and are masters in both Occlumency and Legilimency. In fact our Occlumency and Legilimency are so strong that we can defend themselves against Albus Dumbledore and get through his Occlumency barriers without him finding out that they're in his mind.

(Time skip)

It's now 11:00 and the train is now pulling out of the station and the youngest Weasley male comes up to our compartment and says

Ron: Mind if I join you guys? everywhere else is full.

The 4: Not at all.

Ron: Thanks Harry, Henry, Neville, and Hermione. And Hermione I'm Ron by the way Ron Weasley.

Hermione: It's a pleasure to meet you Ron. (To the whole compartment) So what house do you think you'll be sorted into?

Harry: Me and Henry really about this but we think we'll be sorted into Gryffindor like mine and Henry's parents the Potters and Sylvain's.

Neville: I think I'll be in Gryffindor as well much like my mum and dad.

Hermione: I think I'll be in Gryffindor to but I wouldn't mind being in Ravenclaw though.

Ron: I think I'll be in Gryffindor much like my entire family.

I then look at Ron and see that he has a rat in his lap. It looks like it's been through a lot over the years. So I ask Ron

Harry: Say Ron what's that rat of yours name?

Ron: His name is Scabers. He was Percy's, but then mum and dad got him an owl so he mine now.

After hearing that I look at the rat and I get a sense that Scabers is more then what he's thought to be. So I make my eyes glow lightly and use them to see if my suspicions are true and then I looked at him and looks like what I thought about him was right the rat isn't a rat at all it's an animagus. I then form a mind link between me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione and I say to them

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