Lesson 1: Transfiguration

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(Harry's POV)

It's the next day and it's the first day of classes. Me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione all woke up before the other students so we got ready to for for the day ahead and pulled on our normal school clothes and our leather jackets and head out to the great hall to see it that only the staff are there so we go to sit at Gryffindor table and Professor McGonagall comes and hands us our time tables and she says

McGonagall: I see you four are quite the early risers. No one but the staff are here.

Henry: Well I guess that's what happens when you are used to waking up this early. Even when we were at Crystal Groves we woke up before the other students were awake so we tended to be early to breakfast, I guess getting up early does have its perks.

With that Professor McGonagall went back to the staff table and the four of us all sat at Gryffindor table and started getting our food and after a few minutes more students started to come into the great hall and we see Draco come in so we call him over and we introduce him to Hermione and he asks if she has a familiar like we do. I told him that she doesn't have one at the moment but we plan to get her one over the weekend with Dumbledore or professor McGonagalls permission. With that we continue chatting about random things like what classes we are most looking forward to for me that would be Transfiguration, for Henry it's DADA, for Neville it's charms, for Draco it's potions, and for Hermione it's history of magic. When it came time to go to class the five of us went to class together as to make sure that all five of us made it on time and when we entered we saw a cat sitting on the desk that's in the front of the room me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione used our magic to see that the cat was in fact Professor McGonagall and as the last Slytherin student came in we hear someone ask where the teacher was the four of us all say that she's at the front of the class and everyone thought we were crazy that is when Hermione said to McGonagall

Hermione: Professor could you please show yourself to the class so we can get class started?

With that said the cat jumped off the desk turning into Professor McGonagall and she said

McGonagall: Well done Mr. Potter, Sylvain, and Longbottom and Miss. Granger. How did you know it was me on the desk and not a random cat?

Harry: Well Professor you tend to sit fairly stiff when in cat form and you were not really doing what other cats would do if they saw all of these students coming in here.

Hermione: Well that and also the markings around your eyes are similar to the way your glasses look.

McGonagall: Well done to you four 50 points to each of you for doing something that no first year has ever done before.

So with that she turned her desk into a pig and back and started to go over the rules a d such for her class and after a bit she had us all turn a match into a needle and of course me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione got it first try and everyone was surprised that we had done it none verbally as well. We would have done it wandlessly as well be we decided to not show that off until Luna has joined us. But even then we'll probably wait till our third year for her and possibly Ginny to join us in our third year. Then with some encouraging words from all me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione Ron had managed make his match change shape but it stayed the same color on his first try but managed to get it correct on his third try.

With that class had ended and we were on our way to potions. Where we saw that we were having the class with the Slytherin's.

Alright everyone I hope you enjoyed this part and I can't wait to see what happens in the next part but until then I hope y'all have an amazing Morning, Noon, Night, or whatever time of day it is for you. So until the next part I'll see y'all there love you my beautiful and amazing readers.

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