Lesson 2: Potions

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(Harry's POV)

Everyone was in a seat and Professor Snape came in with his robes billowing behind him as he walked and took attendance when he got to my name he stopped and looked at me and I could just tell that he had some kind of hatred towards me. So I took a quick Look into his head as he was trying to do the same to me and saw that he hated my father's and my godfather Sirius black because they pranked him I then got out before he found out I was in his mind. When I got out of his mind he continued with attendance and once he was done he said

Snape: There will be no wand waving and no silly incantations in this class. I can teach you to enslave the mind and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even put a stopper on death...if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach. Now Potter what would you get if you added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?

Harry: You'd get a sleeping potion that's so strong that it's known as the Draught of living death.

Snape: Lucky guess. Potter where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?

Harry: The stomach of a goat sir.

Snape: What is the difference, Potter, between Monkshood and wolfsbane?

Harry: There isn't a difference between the two, sir. They're also known as aconite.

With that Snape took points from Gryffindor saying it was for my cheek. He then set us up in pairs to brew a simple potion to cure boils. As Snape watched me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione and we all saw the face that he made when he saw that we made our potions like we'd made them hundreds of times before, as if it was like second nature to the four of us. Which it kind of was since we brewed it quite a lot when we were with Merlin and the founders last year.

As time went on the four of us had finished and we went around to see if anyone was in need of any help. When the class ended Snape asked the four of us to stay back. When everyone but us were out Snape asked us

Snape: How is it that you four were making a potion that even some of the pure blood students were having trouble making?

Harry: We made it and other potions last year and during the summer quite a lot both at home and back in Crystal Groves.

Snape: I guess that makes sense. At that school were there any classes that you had to take?

Neville: There were only classes like that back in Crystal Groves they are: Potions, Herbology, Healing, and Care of Magical Creatures.

Hermione: Now professor of you won't mind my friends and I would like to go so that we can get to lunch before it ends.

With that said and done the four of us left the classroom and headed to the great hall for lunch and when we got there we sat and started eating and chatting about random stuff.

Hey y'all sorry it took me so long to get this posted but here it is now and I hope you enjoyed it. Now I hope you have a fantastic Morning, Noon, or Night and unit the next part bye.

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