Making the jackets

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(Harry's POV)

We're at the entrance to the common room. Professor McGonagall says the passward and we head in. When we enter we see just how grand the common room is and we see the two prefects with the rest of the first and when they see us they ask Professor McGonagall if we were in trouble and she told them about our chat with Dumbledore leaving out the fact that we're the reincarnations of three of the four Hogwarts founders. McGonagall then says

McGonagall: Just so it is known these four will be up a little bit longer then usual so they can work on something that Professor Dumbledore said they could do.

Percy Weasley: That's alright Professor. (Turning to face the four of us) What is it the you will be working on?

Harry: Well he said that we could wear what we wore at our old school Crystal Groves. The uniform there was whatever we wanted to wear we just had to have something that represented the house we were in and we choose leather jackets as what we would use to represent our school houses. So we were just gonna do a bit of modifying so that they represented the house of Godric Gryffindor.

With that everyone left the common room and headed up to their dorm rooms and the four of us got our leather jackets and me, Henry, and Neville had extra jackets so we let Hermione have them. We removed what we had to represent our Crystal Groves houses and replaced it with the Gryffindor house crest and colors. We then helped Hermione with everything we did but we let it to her to make her leather Jackets authentically her. She decided to go with a very Ravenclaw type of design similar to what me, Henry, and Neville did with ours but mine is more Slytherin while Neville and Henry went more Gryffindor. With that all done Henry put a spell on our jackets to have them grow with us so we don't have to get a new set of jackets every year we'll be here for. Now that we're done with our jackets we go up to our dorm rooms and put them in our trunks to replace our original school robes and we all went to bed and we couldn't wait to see what classes and the teachers had in store for us tomorrow.

Hey y'all I hope y'all enjoyed this part and as always I hope you have an amazing Morning, noon, night, or whatever time it is for you. Now I will see y'all in the next part and I love you my beautiful readers.

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