The meeting of the five

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(Harry's POV)

It's now August 31 and the day in which me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione get to meet the fourth person who is being reincarnated as Helga Hufflepuff. As the day goes on me, Henry, and Neville were feeling a little loopy and dizzy. Now it's 6 pm and the three of us are in my room going over the stuff that will be covered so we can take whatever exams we miss at Crystal Groves while we're at Hogwarts. While talking the three of us are suddenly transported to a random place that we're all to familiar with. As I go to stand up I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and as if out of instinct I grab the hand and turn to see who it is and see that it's Hermione and I let her hand go then look at Neville and Henry and see them being helped up by Rowena and Helga. I then get up with some assistance from Hermione and see a girl with long blonde hair who looked to be a year younger then us four. The four of us went over to her and I waved and said

Harry: Hi I'm Harry, Harry Potter and this is my brother Henry Sylvain and our best mate Neville Longbottom.

Hermione: and I'm Hermione Granger what's your name?

Luna: I'm Luna Lovegood. It's a pleasure to meet you Harry, Henry, Neville, and Hermione. Would any of you happen to know what we're doing here?

Henry: All any of us know the five of us are here to meet each other but knowing Merlin that's not the only reason we're here.

And as if it was planned Merlin came into the room and said

Merlin: Very keen observation Henry. You are of course right there is another reason that you five were brought here. If you will follow us this way I will explain everything.

With that the five of us followed Merlin and the founders and found ourselves in a room that looked like the thrown room of a palace. When we got to the front Merlin and the four founders went to five different throne's and stand behind them and Merlin then said

Merlin: Now would the five of you gather at the steps there is something that the five of us need to tell all of you.

We did as Merlin told us to and once we were done he said

Merlin: Now that you five are here I am proud to tell you that you five are to be future kings and queens where four out of the five of you will have the same powers and abilities that the Master of death have while the fifth one of you will be the Master of Death.

Salazar: As such the five of you will be able to do what us five have been doing for the past few centuries.

Rowena: Now here is how this is going to go each of us will call one of you and when called you will go and sit in the throne in front of the one who called you.

With that said Merlin moved to be standing behind his throne then they started to saying our names. Now each of us were sitting in one of the five thrones and then someone came to the thrones and one by one the founders and Merlin grabbed the crown that they wore when they were our ages. Once they each had their crowns they stepped in front of us and put them on us saying our names and our title which was the prince's and princess's of time and space. With that said they each put their own prince/princess crowns on us each. Salazar told us to clue ourselves into the wards around the school when we regain their memories so that we aren't restricted by them, which means me, Henry, Neville, and Hermione will have to clue in Luna when she regains her memories next year. They then had us stand up and think about how we want to look when we fight evil and the crowns would make it show up, all we'd need to do is put our crown on and let it do the rest. We all closed our eyes and did as we were told and I went with a black compression shirt, black pants, green and silver combat boots, a black leather jacket, and a Slytherin green hooded robes that shrouds my face in darkness. I then see that everyone else is now in their own outfits and so then we all sit in our thrones and just feel a small portion of the magic we'll be getting in the future when we're ready for it and we'll be going through the process of a soul bond and we'll be getting another portion of it then and we'll be getting the rest when Voldemort is finally erased from existence in this life time at least . With that said and done Merlin then tells us

Merlin: The five of you all have a very special ability. Said ability is being able to have someone that they, if they choose to, can join you on your journey and it could be anyone be it a friend or the person you were planning to spend the rest of your life with. Also the objects in your world that you know as the Deathly Hollows they are nothing but copies of the real Hollows. Two of the real Hollows are in my possession as Henry is my chosen heir he will have to be in possession of the hollow copies and I will be able to give him the real resurrection stone and invisibility cloak. When he and the rest of you are ready to receive them and the rest of the power you will get when fighting against Voldemort. I also know where each of the Hollow copies are in your world. The elder wand is in possession of Albus Dumbledore, the current Head master of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. The resurrection stone is on a ring that belongs to the Dark Lord Voldemort that he has hidden in a shack. And finally the invisibility cloak is currently in Dumbledore's possession but he does plan on giving it to you Harry as it was your father's cloak before he died. But be sure to check it for any spells and compulsion's that he might have put on it.

With that said and done we all were brought back to where we were at when we were brought to Merlin and the Founders. We each then pulled down the hoods of our cloaks and they turned back to our original clothes just with our crowns on our head, which we just took off and shrank to wear them like rings for easy access. The three of us were in all muggle clothes and our leather jackets with our Crystal Groves house coat of arms on the front right side and back and each of our jackets are different colors since we're in different Houses.

(A/N: Much like Hogwarts there are four houses in Crystal Groves. They are Centaur, Griffin, Dragon, and Sea serpent)

I'm in Sea serpent, Henry is in Dragon, and Neville is in Centaur. We continue with what we were doing before we were teleported to Merlin and the founders just now.

(Time skip 1 hour later)

It's been an hour since everything happened and we started back on our school work. Neville went back to Longbottom manor a little bit ago and it's now dark out and we're having dinner before heading to bed and sleeping excited about what tomorrow will bring us.

Hey y'all here's another part and the part that I promised y'all in the last part, so I hope y'all liked it. So until the next part bye and I love you my beautiful Arcadians.

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