Wally X Hanahaki Y/n 1

770 16 5

May 4|2023

Hanahaki disease, tell your love how you feel, or succumb to the illness. 


I covered my mouth and tried to keep the cough from coming up, my chest ached and as I inhaled my body shook and a string of coughs came,
"Ugh, Cut," The director called out and the clapper sounded, he shot a glare over to me and I felt my face heat up with embarrassment, 
"Sorry Mr. Darling, we have to begin again, silence in the studio!" He shot another glare and I took a deep breath and watched as Wally took his place to restart the scene, oh no.

My throat was dry as I coughed again, and the director nearly screamed,
"Cut!" He got up and started storming toward me,
"You, you are going to get out of this studio, right now-" I stepped back as he continued to point and yell.

"That is enough! Either you calm down, or we get a new director, you don't talk to staff like that!" Julie and Poppy were by my side, sticking up for me and reminding the director who really was in charge,
"Mr. Darling, don't you agree we should-" The director stopped short as he turned around and was met with the intensive stare of Wally Darling. He was standing tall and had his hands behind his back, his head was cocked to the side and he seemed to be staring into the director's soul.

"Come again?" The words were simple, but the way Wally said them sent shivers down my spine and made the room seem dark. My admiring was cut short as another set of coughs took the air from my lungs,
"Oh sweet Y/n," Julie held my arm and gently pat my back as I coughed, 
"Why don't we go get some lemonade, Wally," Poppy turned to Wally and I kept my gaze down as I tried to breathe,

"I'm going to take Y/n to get a drink, I'll be back in a few to finish up here." Poppy was smiling and turned back to me, I felt pitiful as I looked up and saw Wally still scolding the producer, of course, why would he care about me, I asked myself, I sniffled and let Poppy lead me out of the recording studio and down the halls. 

"You know, you've been drinking more often, would you like me to make you a cider later?" Poppy asked, she was trying to cheer me up, I took a deep breath and shook my head,
"No, thanks," My throat hurt and itched, 
"Poppy?" I asked, keeping my gaze down at the floor as she led the way to the conference room.

"Yeah, Y/n?" She asked I looked up to see her smiling, she opened the door and let me in first and grabbed me a drink, I took a deep breath,
"Have you seen those people on the news, the some that are coughing up flowers," She interrupted me as she handed me the glass.

"You mean the ones that died? Yeah, I saw, it's sad what causes it," She turned to do something else and my ears perked up, 
"They know what causes it?" I tried not to sound so excited, she hummed and nodded, just then Frank Frankly came in with his cup of empty tea and a folder of sorts. 

"Hello, Frank!" Poppy waved and I smiled and hoped Poppy would drop the subject, please, don't say anything, not to him. My heart raced and I picked up my drink and started to chug in hopes Poppy wouldn't expand on the subject.

"Han-hiki? Hanahiki? Something like that," Poppy hummed and shrugged and I nearly choked on my drink as Frank joined in,
"Hanahaki? Why would you two be talking about that?" Frank asked, I looked away and shut my eyes,
"It was on the news, Y/n was just asking, oh I gotta go, Y/n are you okay here?" Poppy asked, turning toward me, I nodded and she waved bye to me and Frank. 

I looked back down and avoided Frank's gaze as Poppy left, I felt my eyes start to fill up with tears,
"Oh Y/n," I sniffled as Frank sat next to me and put a hand on mine,
"You know you just have to tell him, it'll be okay Y/n," I shook my head at his words and the tears started to flow,
"No, Frank I'm dying, and I can't tell him, he's so. . . I'm nothing, Frank." My heart ached and I hated it, Wally Darling, the cutest in the office and best actor, of course, someone like him wouldn't love an editor like me back, my chest ached and another fit of coughs came up. 

Frank held me close in a side hug as my body racked with coughs, when I stopped and could breathe again, I opened my eyes and felt my heart drop as I saw the speckled blood and spit in my hands, Frank held me close,
"Please Y/n, it's okay," I closed my eyes and let myself sink into Frank's arms,
"Just tell him, and you'll be okay," My body felt heavy and drained from the fit of coughs, I barely had the energy to sit up.

"Thank you, Frank," I smiled at him and the door opened, my heart skipped a beat, Wally was walking in with his brother Eddie and they were talking,
"Oh, Y/n! Poppy told me what happened, Are you feeling okay?" Eddie asked giving me a concerned look as he laid a hand on my shoulder, I nodded and glanced at Wally who was staring at Frank.

"I'm alright, I think I'll just help out somewhere else-" I was cut off by Wally,
"No, you can go home and get some rest." The way he looked at me is what made me believe, I really am nothing to him. I gave a smile and with Frank's help left the office. 

My heart was heavy, the day is beautiful, maybe I can go to the park at least, I tried not to cry as I got my things and left the office. Once I had gotten out of our office and was in the elevator is when the tears started falling, and I let them. As the elevator doors began to close I let the tears fall from my face to the elevator floor, before the doors were fully closed someone had stuck in their arm and as the doors started opening again I wiped my face as best I could.

I froze when Wally walked through the doors, his eyes staring into mine, my heart fluttered and my chest ached. I turned away when another set of coughs shook my body, I sniffed and wiped my bloody hands on the hankie Frank had given me, I felt like a weak bird in front of a hungry cat with the way Wally was staring at me.

"I'm sorry about earlier," My throat hurt as I spoke, 
"Don't worry about it." His voice was so smooth and charming, I couldn't admire him for long as another fit of coughs tore my attention from Wally. This fit lasted a whole lot longer than the last, and I found myself kneeling on the floor of the elevator gasping for air as the coughs continued to come. 

I took a deep breath as I was finally able to breathe again, I was suddenly aware of a hand on my back, I looked up to see Wally kneeling beside me and my heart and mind began to scream.

Tell him. Don't tell him. He might love you. He might hate you. Tell him. Don't tell him. Tell him.

The elevator doors slide open, Wally opened his mouth the so something and for a moment I thought I could see love in his eyes, my eyes started to water and my chest began to ache again, I pushed off of Wally and my body shook and trembled as the coughs burned at my throat.

I ran away, fleeing the building and finding comfort in being out in the open air, I let the words finally fall from my lips,
"I love you, Wally. . ." I wiped my nose of the snot that had come, and I trudged over to my car.

Wally darling will never love someone like me, I opened the door and stepped into my car feeling tired and weak from the disease. Although i was finally alone i didn't let the tears fall, still needing to see the road as I drove back home.

May 22|2023

June 18|2023

I may or may not have forgotten this was finished lol, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote <3

Spread the spores,

-~1479 Words~-

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