
820 23 29

June 22|2023

Did someone ask for angst?

You gripped the side of the desk, taking a deep breath in and keeping you legs from buckling underneath you, you put a hand to your large belly, a pained smile on your face.

"Oh apple slices, please not now," you took a deep breath in the the pain began to ease away, you felt a hand on your back and you looked up to see Eddie, your brother in law.

"You alright there Y/n?" Eddie had a concerned smile and you nodded, slowly letting go of the desk and standing yourself up,
"Yeah Eddie, just Braxton Hicks, nothing to worry ab-ow ow!" You shut your eyes and leaned onto Eddie. You had been denying your contractions for well over an hour now, each one grew closer together and became stronger, you gave Eddie a nervous smile.

"Y/n," Eddie wanted to scold you for ignoring being in labor, but he started to lead you out of the annex, letting you lean into him so you could focus on your breathing.

The two of you entered the break room and were met with Frank,
"Y/n, Eddie I've got the newly printed scripts, oh my-" Frank rushed over to your left side to help Eddie guide you out of the break room. You dug your hands into both Eddie and Franks shoulders as another contraction began to pulsate through your lower body.

"Y/n, how long have you been having contractions?" You could hear the slight annoyance in Eddies voice,
"Um, just over, an hour," You knew both of them would scold you if you weren't in active labor.

Eddie and Frank guided you through the office, and you ignored the looks from the other people in the office, you may be Wally Darling's wife, but he wasn't the Darling that took proper care of you. You knew that the people in the office were well aware of Wally's unfaithfullness to you, Wally wasn't ashamed in how he got his ways.

You had known this even before you were a couple, but of course once you two had started dating you had thought he had stopped screwing around to get his way. It was a painful night when you first found out he was pretty much cheating the entire time. Though it soon became a regular thing for you to find lipstick on his shirt collars and panties that werent yours while doing laundry.

Wally had promised to stop once you had gotten engaged.
Then he promised to stop once you were pregnant.

Yet here you were, being escorted to the hospital not by your husband, but by your brother in law and his husband.

Frank stayed by your side in the backseat as Eddie drove to the hospital, Frank comforted you and talked you through every contraction, Eddie was on the phone trying to call Wally.

Your heart felt heavy, but you couldn't think about Wally, you had to think about the baby trying to be born.


Your screams filled the hospital room, even with an epidural the pain was unbearable, Eddie and Frank held your hands and never left your side. They let you hold their hands in a death grip as you pushed, you could barely hear what they were saying to you, and after a moment of silence a soft high pitched cry filled the room.

Eddie put a loving hand on your head and brushed away some hair that clung to your sweaty face,
"You did it Y/n," your vision became hazy and Eddie's face and words blurred together, you could feel how tired and drained your body was, you wanted to sleep.


When you woke you felt refreshed, you looked around to see that you were in a different hospital room, to your right Eddie was laid back fast sleep in a large chair, his arms dropped over the armrests. To your left Frank was sitting up against the wall sitting on a long cushioned bench.

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