MotherY/n&SonWally pt. 2

252 11 12

July 9|2023

Wally is about 8 or so now, happy reading :3

A hurried rush of knocks on your front door made you and Wally look up from the large floor puzzle the two of you were working on,
"I wonder who that could be, I'll be back sweets." You stood up from the floor and Wally gave you a smile before turning his attention back to the puzzle.

You made your way over to the door, you saw it was Kits mother and father through the peephole, you unlocked the door and greeted them with a smile,
"Oh, Mr. And Mrs. Greyson," With the door opened you could see their faces more clearly, Mrs. Greyson's hair was wild and her cheeks were red and tear stained. Mr. Greyson looked like he hadn't had a wink of sleep in weeks.

"Y/n, where's Kit, have you seen him at all, is he here?" Mr. Greyson peered over the top of your head, seemingly looking for Kit,
"Uh no, no I haven't seen him. Not since the day before yesterday, he brought over the manicotti you made, is something wrong?" You could feel a pit growing in your stomach and Mrs. Greyson seemed like she was about to have a heart attack.

"He hasn't been home, my baby, we thought he was with you, where could he be?!" Mrs. Greyson ran her hands through her hair and you could see the tears staring to slip down her face.

"Please Y/n, you have to help us look for him, we've looked everywhere but you know him better-" You held up your hand, telling Mr. Greyson to stop.

"Don't worry, we'll find him. Just give me minute to call Dr. Le'ann to watch Wally. I promise we'll find Kit." Mrs. Greyson pulled you into a tight hug and thanked you repeatedly.

It didn't take long for Dr. Le'ann to get to your house, while you waited you had made the Greysons some tea just to calm their nerves. Wally was asking where Kit was and you didn't know what to tell him so you let him go crazy with paint, the mess you could deal with later right now, you wanted to make sure Kit was safe and sound.

"Mommy where's kit?" The question you were hopping he wouldn't ask, you gave him a smile a brushed away the loose strands of dark blue hair from his face,
"Well honey, we don't know, that's why Mommy's gonna help go look for him." Wally's face twisted in confusion,
"Is he lost?" You gave a soft nod and watched his little hands painted circles and lines on the large canvas.

"He is, we're gonna go find him and bring him home so he isn't lost anymore." Wally turned to you, his face had speckles of different colored paint, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Can I help? I wanna help bring him home!" Wally bounced up from his chair and you caught the canvas before it fell back,
"No sweetie, you have to stay here. I promise I'll be back in time for dinner and a story, come here," You opened your arms and Wally happily gave you a hug, you felt the cold paint from his hands stick to your skin and clothes but you didn't mind.

You pulled away from Wally and gave his forehead a kiss,
"I'll be home later sweetie, I love you." Wally giggled, smiling he turned back to his canvas and continued to paint.

You got up and turned to the Greysons, who were ready to go out looking for their son, you gave Dr. Le'ann a nod which she returned and you turned to lead the Greysons out of your home.


"Kit?" The name echoed through the woods, bouncing off of mossy rocks and hollow trees, You remembered Kit saying something about a tree house somewhere near the South West End of the woods. So that's where you, the Greysons, and a handful of police and search teams went.

You brought your hands to your mouth again, using them to help carry your voice as you called out for Kit. A cold breeze made you shiver and pull the tan fabric of the trenchcoat close, you called out for him again,
"Kit? Ki-Gah!" Your foot caught on a branch and you tripped, landing face first in the crunchy leaves that had fallen from the trees and changing seasons.

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