Wally X Hanahaki Y/n pt.2

588 13 7

June 18|2023

You hadn't been to the office in three days, feeling weak and always coughing, it was safe to say you felt like death, literally wasting away out of fear of being rejected.

Although you had wanted to, you didn't go to the park when you were sent home, your mind preoccupied on the petals and leaves that started to come up with every cough attack.

Frank had been messaging you off the wall, worried about your growing sickness and trying his best to convince you to tell Wally how you felt. You felt bad, you knew he and the others would miss you when you died. Wally wouldn't, that you knew for sure, to him you were just another editor. Something easily replaceable.

Honk! Honk!

You smiled yourself and began to walk to your front door, opening it and seeing Frank waving from his car made you smile. You had to take your time as you walked down your driveway, though you had been resting, your body was still weak. Once you had made it to the car you opened the door with a small struggle, I really am getting weaker, You pushed the thought away and greeted Frank with a smile as you got in the car.

"Look at you, please Y/n you're breaking my heart. You have got to tell him," you knew how bad you looked, your hair was messy and frizzed, dark bags under your heavy bloodshot eyes. You looked away and rubbed your arm,
"I'll tell him." Your voice cracked and speaking made your throat burn, Frank brought you into an awkward hug over the center console, and then he gasped when he felt your body.

"Y/n! You're freezing!" Frank pulled away and began to turn up the cars heater, you didn't feel cold or warm but once the heater kicked on you felt a whole lot better. The drive to work was silent, it almost always was, the only sound would be your occasional coughing fits. You had yet to tell Frank about the leaves and petals that came up with every fit, as your body hunched over into yet another hacking fit Frank pulled into his parking spot and switched the car off.

He gently patted your back as you continued to hack and cough, the coughing had stopped but you were gagging on something caught in your throat. With your eyes watering you reached your hand to your lips and opened your mouth, Frank gave a confused noise as you reached into your mouth, your eyes screwed shut once your fingers grazed whatever was caught in your throat.

You wrapped your fingers around the slimey thing and pulled, gagging and on the brink of tears, you finally pulled the thing from the back of your throat.

You looked down at your hands, saliva and a bit of blood covered your fingers, but it's what what in your hand that made you start bawling.

In your hand, a small blue flower, real name Myosotis, or forget-me-nots. You stared down at the small flower and couldn't help the sobs that escaped from your lips, once again Frank brought you into another hug over the center console. He gently patted your back and ran a hand through your hair,
"It's okay, Y/n. You'll be alright, I promise." Frank was never one for promises, and the words brought a sad smile to your lips as you hugged him tight, you could only hope that he was right, that you would be okay.


Though your body ached, it felt pretty good to be back in the office. Poppy, Julie and Sally had greeted you and told you how worried they had been when Frank told them you needed a few days at home. Howdy and Barnaby gave you bone crushing hugs that you had missed while being gone.

The day was easy, editing scripts and fixing the occasional prop or two, you had a few coughing fits but luckily nothing ever came up. You had just finished helping Sally hand out everyone's lunch, and you two were sat together editing a script and talking over two bowls of salad.

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