Priest Wally X Human Y/n (5)

477 17 21

July 29|2023

Wally held you close as he helped you up the stairs, your whole body felt weak and you trembled with every step,
"The sun is going down, but it'll still be a bit bright, are you ready?" You gave a soft nod and clung to the railing as Wally stepped up to the platform and unlocked the large wooden door.

He gently nudged it open, the crack of golden sunlight was already pretty bright, Wally returned to your side and helped you up to the platform. You reached out your hand and pushed open the door, the light was blinding and you threw your arm over your face to provide some shade and allow your eyes to adjust.

Wally gently took your other arm and led you out into the world, the suns heat felt amazing and you smiled as you breathed in fresh air. Once your eyes adjusted you softly gasped,
"So many colors," you took another deep breathe in,
"And smells." You could smell the dirt and grass, the old paint of the shed you had just stepped out of and so many other things.

"Right, I read that demons have different senses that humans." Father Wally gently laid his hand on the small of your back and led you forward,
"I bought your grandmother's house, figured you'd want a familiar home." You took in your surroudings, and saw the familiar flowers, rose bushes and the large lemon tree.

You smiled and let yourself really feel being alive, being human, the soft grass under your feet, the different smells of the world, your stomach made a noise and you jumped,
"What in the seven seas was that?" You turned to Father Wally, your eyes wide, Is this normal? Why does my stomach feel so weird?

Father Wally laughed and you were confused,
"You're hungry, I knew you would be so I made a lasagna."
"That's one of those, pans with noodles, cheese, and sauce in them right?" You didn't know much about food, demons don't need to eat, but Humans definitely needed food and water.

"Yes, I picked a few lemons and made some fresh lemonade." You smiled and the two of you went inside, the smell of food made your mouth water and you were excited to eat and get to actually taste food instead of all the molecules and atoms that it was made up of.


You were with Wally for a little over three years when it happened.

You sobbed and hiccuped as you held onto Father Wally, you could feel your dress soaking up his blood, and sticking to your legs, hands and face, you had stopped applying pressure to his stomach, the blood had stopped flowing when his heart stopped beating.

Around you, the bodies of the Sisters, still and lifeless.


Your heart ached and you held Wally close, in a matter of hours you had gone from bride, to newlywed, to a widow.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," You rocked back and forth, still holding Wally close and never once letting him go, as you held him you thought to hours before, before the slaughter of your friends, before the reception, and before you said yes.

"Are you ready Y/n?" Sister Sally asked, you smiled and nodded, taking her hand she led you toward the large doors of the church and lined up beside Father Barnaby.

You heard the organ start playing, and you held your bouquet close to your tummy, the large doors opened and the sisters walked out, you held your breathe and began walking forward.

The church pews were empty and you saw the sisters line up to the left and the Fathers line up to the right, you couldn't help the smile on your face when you saw Wally.

Dark blue suite that complemented your dark blue dress, white was for purity and you were anything but, being that you were a demon and had done a thing or two with Wally.

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