The Tattoo Artist (1)

292 8 0

August 23|2023

Trying a different title style :3
Welcome Home
Human AU
Y/n is 26, graduated college with Barnaby, and owns a tattoo parlor and Wally is whoever you want him to be my dear reader :3

"Thanks, Y/n! You are the best,"
"Yes I am, now you know the rules, keep it covered and no scratching." You tucked some of your hair behind your ear after tossing the plastic wrap off the side and then pulled off your gloves to toss into the trash.

"Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. How much I owe ya?" Barnaby stood from the large leather seat and carefully pulled up his pants and buckled them, behind mindful of the newest addition of ink you had just finished after four hours.

You stood from your chair, snatching up two water bottles from the table, you tossed one to Barnaby and he quickly caught it and gave a small thanks. You smiled and led him toward the front desk and began typing away at the cash register mumbling and quietly adding up his total payment.

"Nine inches. . . shading. . . color. . ." You continued to mumble,
"That'll be four fifty even, that should cover everything." You glanced up and gave Barnaby a knowing smile, his cheeks flushed slightly and he ran his fingers through his hair before reaching for his wallet.

"That's not bad, and again, I'm sorry for your vase. I'll try to play a little less rough next time." Barnaby smiled and you softly shook your head and laughed as he fished out his cash from his wallet.

"I'm only kidding Barns, boys are supposed to play rough, it's good for 'em." Barnaby handed over a couple of twenties and you gave a quick count,
"Barnaby, not again-" You began to shake your head and slip out a couple of tens, and Barnaby put his hands over yours,

"It's for the kid, just take it Y/n." You lightly shook your head,
"Barnaby I've told you, we're doing just fine you don't need to-" Barnaby leaned in close over the counter and locked eyes with you.

"A woman like you should be doing more than fine, take it Y/n," You glanced down at the money in your hands, your heart and mind battling for what to say.

"I know I could be around a bit more," you locked eyes with Barnaby again,
"But it's like you said, you wanted it to be up to the kid, and it is. I'll always be around for ya Y/n, you know I'm your guy." You gave a soft smile,

"Thanks, Barnaby." You didn't know exactly what the thank you was for, but you damn well knew it wasn't for the money, and by the look in Barnaby's eyes, he knew that too.

You were about to pull away when you realized just how close the two of you were, and how low you had been keeping your voices.

Barnaby's eyes glanced down for a moment and you took a short breath in, before you could say anything, his phone began ringing.

"Ah, your phone is ringing." No shit Sherlock, you mentally cursed yourself and pulled away from Barnaby, deciding to busy yourself with the cash register.

"I, uh better take that," Barnaby took a few steps away from the counter and pulled out his phone, You softly cleared your throat, avoided his gaze, and began recounting the money in your hands and opening the cash register as he answered his phone.

"Smooth Y/n, real smooth." You jumped slightly and glared at Rachel, your co-owner and friend, who had come up next to you, her back facing Barnaby.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." You put the twenties and tens in their place and closed the register, but kept your gaze away from her and away from Barnaby as you pocketed the five extra tens.

Wally Darling X Reader Oneshots Welcome HomeWhere stories live. Discover now