The River KillerWallyXCannibalY/n

639 14 28

June 25|2023

Trigger Warnings


You hummed as you set down the half-eaten burger, your eyes staring into the television your entire being hooked on the news anchors words,
"Police say that this victim was dismembered like the others, but reports say that unlike the other victims found, this one isn't missing their organs. Police say they have leads of who may be committing all these murders-" You flicked the television off and stared at the black screen for a few moments. 

You knew you had taken the organs of your last victim, their kidney was right in front of you stuffed between a toasted brioche bun with all your favorite burger toppings. You couldn't have forgotten to harvest their organs, you always harvested your food before dismembering the rest of the body.

What if someone else dumped those parts? The question knawed at your brain, if someone was dumping bodies in your river, you needed to stop them. A mistake on their part could lead police to you, and you couldn't have that happening. You gave a soft sigh and cracked your knuckles, you were going for a kill tonight anyways, maybe while you were dumping the body you could find clues as to who could be body dumping in your river. 


You sat back on your heels and rubbed your face of sweat with the sleeve of your hoodie, your victim, a twenty-something woman had given up quite the fight. She almost managed to run away but you had tackled her and slit her throat. The body underneath you was still warm, you reached into the large hoodie pocket and pulled out two small glass jars. They clinked against each other as you set them down beside you, you pulled out a scalpel a present from a friend a long time ago, and began to cut into your victim for your next meal.

The scent of copper made your stomach growl after you filled both jars with organs, you took a deep breath and shoved the jars back into your hoodie pocket, and greedily began to tear into the dead woman's torso. 

You brought the slimy pinkish-red intestines to your lips and stank your teeth into the juicy goodness. You had slurped the large intestine down quickly, you dug your hands back into the woman's still-warm body cavity and pulled out one of her lungs, it gave away with a soft pop. You brought the warm organ to your mouth and took a bite, you could care less about the blood, fat, and dirt that covered your lower face. you were hungry and weren't going to pass up a hot and ready meal.

Once you were done with your little feast you began to hack away at the body parts, separating them into eight pieces. The river was only half a mile away, you didn't mind a nice walk through the forest, the sky was beautiful as always.

When you got to the river you wasted no time disposing of your newest victim's body parts. It didn't take long, you tossed the remaining arm into the river and brought your fingers to your lips as you watched the pieces float down the river. You softly hummed as you licked the blood from your fingers, the woman was a real health nut and was amazingly delicious, tender, and juicy. Your ears twitched and you were aware of a presence across the river, you looked up and locked eyes with a man. 

He was taller than you, his eyes bore into yours and you took in his appearance, his dark hair was tucked under the dark black hood of his hoodie, even from across the river you could make out dark splotches of what was most likely blood. He had dark blue jeans and he wore matching steel-toed boots that were covered with mud and blood. You wanted to look down at your own and make a joke about matching, he spoke and his smooth voice carried over the sound of the river.

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