Call me! Rockstar Wally X Reader pt.2

462 18 11

June 16|2023

"Y/n. . ." You groaned and turned away from the voice, curling further into the couch wanting to go back to your dream.

"Y/n get up, your drooling on your phone, and dinner is ready." Your body shot up at the mention of dinner,
"Mmm, what we havin'. . ." Your groggy and tired sentence was interrupted by a yawn, Elise let out a soft laugh, of course, food would get you up and awake so fast.

"We've got a salad with dressing, spaghetti, and meatballs with garlic bread, you were out for a while." Elise gave another laugh and pulled you from the couch,
"Your plate awaits." You rolled your eyes at the inside joke and walked behind her toward the dining room.

"So that must've been one hell of a call, who was it?" Elise sat down and began to swirl some spaghetti onto her fork, you felt your cheeks turn red as you remembered why you were passed out on the couch in the first place.

"It was uh. . . Wally. . ." You didn't look at her as you took the fork and sat down at the small dining table.
"You're joking, right? This is you fucking with me?" Elise smiled and pointed her fork at you accusingly,

"No actually, really I swear." You glanced to the living room, your phone somewhere discarded on the couch,
"He called, we uh talked for a bit, messaged a few times. I said sorry about the apple." There was a metal clatter and you looked over to see Elise staring wide-eyed, her fork discarded next to her plate, her brown eyes narrowed at you.

"Oh my god, he calls you and you don't tell me!" There's the Elise you knew from high school, drama first then hello.

"I was gonna tell you! I just. . . Fell asleep with him on the phone. . ." A blush crept up your face as you realized you fell asleep talking to your idol, had you fallen asleep first?

"Ugh, I'm so jealous of you right now." Unlike the high school Elise, she dropped the topic and smiled as she continued to eat.
"I'm just that good I guess." Elise only gave a soft hum in response, the two of you continued eating, you didn't mind that your phone was in the living room, leaving you to remember the different conversations you and Wally had.

You had talked about many different and random things, about family and friends, where you had grown up and gone to school, and the different activities you spent your free time doing. Wally was sweet, he was a good listener and it was almost like he was really there with you, two friends chatting over memories. 

"Do you think he'll call again?" You looked up to see Elise sitting back down, her plate full, she must've gotten seconds, You nodded before answering,
"I hope so, he said he would call tomorrow. I don't know when though, he said he had practice and then he was going to see some producer-" Laughter made you pause, you looked over to see Elise holding a hand over her mouth a big smile on her face,

"You sound like his wife already! What do you know where he's going for lunch too?" You shifted and looked down at your lap, away from her gaze feeling your cheeks grow dark, Elise gasped, 
"You don't," She had a shit-eating grin, from your reaction you knew she knew. 

"He's having lunch with Barnaby. . ." You pushed the words from your lips and Elise began to fan girl, stimming with her hands and talking louder as she bounced in her chair.
"You are so bad! Y/n M/n L/n get your man!" Elise kept rambling, letting her inner fangirl take over, you didn't mind, mostly agreeing and giving into thinking of Wally as yours. 

But he's not, he's expressed it before, the rockstar only has one love, and that's music. He's not interested in giving his heart to a woman or a man, his heart belongs to music, that was for sure. It didn't stop you from falling head over heels with the man, his fluffy dark blue hair, shining smile, and melodic voice you loved these things about him. You loved his passion for music and his love for his close friends, you remembered an article about Wally staying up with Barnaby for hours because Barnaby had some bad clams, Wally stayed by his friend's side and took care of him. 

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