Priest Wally 6

281 14 9

August 30|2023

You giggled and stood, took a few steps back and sat back down, tucking your legs underneath yourself you pat the palms of your hands to your thighs,

"Come on, you can do it!"
"Let go of my hands, little buddy, you can do it!" Across from you, Barnaby held Wally, who just continued to giggle and watch you and Barnaby with the cutest smile.

"Come here, come to Mama!" You reached your arms out, letting your finger tips just barely reach Wally,
"Come on little buddy, take a step or two," You gave a soft sigh and shook your head.

"He loves to step or two, but maybe he just isn't ready to walk." You thought for a moment and looked up to Barnaby,
"You down for food? I'm sure he might want something too." Before you were even done speaking you were already standing to make your way to the kitchen.

"Anything is. . . Y/n, look, Y/n turn around, Y/N!" You jumped and quickly turned around at Barnaby's panicked voice,
"What?! What is. . ." You followed his gaze and your heart soared, walking to catch up with you, Wally, his little hands up and grabbing for you.

"Oh!" You reached your arms out and his little legs went out just as you scooped him into your arms. You held Wally close and he wrapped his arms around your neck and put his head against your chest, you locked eyes with Barnaby and couldn't help but smile and hold your arm out.

"C' Mon, I know your just as proud and happy as I am." You held back a tear and Barnaby stood, as he walked over Wally turned and reached his arms out for him,
"Da-da!" Barnaby scooped Wally into his arms and you gave a soft smile before starting to make something for lunch-


"Wait wait wait!"
"I'm sorry?" You hummed, and looked at your son and took a sip of tea/coffee.

"You and Dad didn't kiss?! Alright, what's up with that?" You kept your drink to your lips and let Wally continue,
"The two of you never, and I mean never, kiss! Why do you think I wanna hear stories of when I was little?" You paused, Had he really not figured it out? You blinked a few times and set down your cup, taking a deep breath in.

"To spend time with your mother, but, I don't think your old enough-" You tried to stall him, stall the truth but you knew it had to come out sooner or later. That and Wally was a persistent little. . .

"I'm seventeen! I know where babies come from! I knew what I was asking when I asked for a sibling, for you and Dad to-"

"He's not your-" You had almost slammed your hand against the small table, but paused and slowly realized, that that probably wasn't the best way to start out.

"Dad isnt. . ." Wally gasped and you turned to him red faced,
"Oh, how dare you! Dad!"
"No, Wally!" You tried to reach out for his hand, but he was already up and running back inside, shouting for Barnaby.

"Oh boy." You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose, and let out a soft chuckle before deciding to shake off the nerves and tell your son the truth. Well after you finished your tea/coffee.

You brought your, now empty, cup inside and made your way to the kitchen to clean it, just as you set it on the drying rack Barnaby and Wally walked into the kitchen.

"I was just about to find the two of you."  You dried your hands on a soft plush towel and the three of you walked into the living room, you and Barnaby sat on one couch while Wally sat on the other.

He stared at the both of you, almost like a dissaproving father scolding his daughter and her new boyfriend,
"Well?" He demanded, you and Barnaby gave each other a short nod and turned towards Wally.

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