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IT WAS FINALLY TIME TO GOInto school and Zero just couldn't wait to speak to his crush that also happened to be his bully. He was already searching all over for her through the school and he was already feeling so upset because he didn't see her anywhere, until, he spotted her outside by the water fountains standing right beside a scared and nervous Yujin.
Zero stopped his walking to stand dead still as he watched the scene play out in front of him. He was fucking livid. He could've sworn he told Yujin never to speak with Y/N again.
His eyes couldn't be still and he already knew that veins were popping out of his arms by the way he had his hands balled up into tight fists that made his knuckles turn whiter.
Getting tired of watching how Yujin shook in his stance while he tried to explain something to the girl, he then took his eyes off of him and moved them over to the female that didn't look happy at all. She looked like she wanted to kill the boy.
After some more stares at the two, Zeros eyes went wide when he saw Y/N quickly put her right hand up to Yujins cheek, not giving him any time to even think about using his reflexes.
The dark haired teens head threw to the side and he stumbled back as he held onto his left cheek with whines coming from him.
Zero felt himself stop breathing for a quick second, but it wasn't because he was scared of anything like that. He actually felt happy that Yujin was slapped by the woman because he knew, or well hoped that they were both done with one another.
As the H/C haired girl turned herself around and began to walk away from the other male, her eyes landed on the blonde that was standing there with an amazed smile on his face.
"H-Hi Y/N...." Zero greeted, his hand rising as he slowly began to wave with amazement still growing in him.
Y/N, slightly stunned that Zero even had the guts to say anything to her after he'd just witnessed what she'd done, stared right at him in confusion.
She could feel his energy moving over to her, and she could tell something was different about him.
Just when the girl was about to make her way closer to the blonde, he already beat her to it. He was walking right over to her with the ends of his lips turned all the way upwards.
"What... What were guys talking about...?" He asked breathlessly, knowing that none of it was any of his business.
"Why do you want to know?" She spat, disgusted with the blonde in front of her. He was just acting so different, she couldn't even tell if she liked it or not.
Zero stepped closer to his bully and looked up at her with some of his hair bouncing down to his shoulders and his eyes seeming more bigger like he was an actual new born puppy. "Because, Y/N..."
As the female waited for whatever Zero was about to say, she realized that he stopped talking, "Because what?"
The blonde closed his eye with yet another one of his popular high pitched giggles. "That's the Y/N I love..."
Y/N shut her mouth and looked Zero dead in the eye at the word love. She remembered him telling her he loved her in the video, but she didn't dare mention it in person, so now that Zero just did it, she felt kind of trapped.
Zero put his hand arms out for the girl and gently wrapped them around her torso before laying his head down against her chest, causing her to stiffen up at the hold.
When they stayed like that for a few more minutes, the blonde finally took his head off of his bullies chest before he looked up at her, his adams apple looking more visible. "I've been so bad Y/N... I'm sorry for sending you that video... I- I really am..."
Y/N still didn't say anything though. She felt like she couldn't. She wasn't expecting Zero to tell her he loved her at all and it seemed that she was still stuck on that.
"I.. I regret sending you the video, Y/N..." Zero whined, afraid of the fact that his crush wasn't responding, "But.... I.... I don't regret me saying I love you... B-Because... I.. I do.... I do love you Y/N.."
Zero cringed at his stuttering and he prayed that Y/N didn't think he was being hesitant. It was just that he had a large handful of emotions flowing through him at the moment, and he really didn't know how to express them for someone.
When Y/N was still being unresponsive, Zero then pushed his head back onto her chest, nuzzling up on her as he did so. "Y/N. Please say something...!"
Never did Y/N ever land onto the thought of her being creeped out by Zero. It was something she'd never expected.
A long exhale left past Y/Ns nostrils as she calmed herself down, "Zero.... We need to talk about the video, okay...?"
"But we just did!!" The male groaned, rolling his eyes and hugging onto her tighter, "Now I want to know if you love meee!"
Contemplating on whether she should lie to the boy that held on to her, Y/N practically drowned in her thoughts. She didn't even say anything back even though she probably did reply in her head.
Pulling his head away from her chest with a pout, Zero looked up to his crush once again, "Y/NNNN... Say something!!"
Y/N flinched as Zero's words vibrated throughout her body before she looked down at the blonde. "Zero. Do you mean it?"
"Mhmmm!!" He beamed up at the woman, his hair bouncing up and down with every nod he did. "I love you! I love you alot! I just... Wished that I told you when... S-Sober.. so here I am telling you!"
"Sober...? You were... Drunk?" Zero noticed that there was something off about Y/N, but he just didn't know how he'd approach that.
"Yeah, but... I remembered a bit of stuff... And..." He looked down at his feet while blushed formed on to his cheeks, "I.. I came and I felt so good... So... I- I kinda remember that, of course.. hehe..."
Before the female could even get another word in, Zero was already turning his face back up to look at her. "And I'm saying it now, aren't it? So.. you should know that I'm not lying!"
"So... You... Love me?" She blinked profusely at the thought of being in a relationship with Zero.
"Y-Yes..." The tone of Y/Ns voice really caused Zero to cower down and loosen his hold on her a bit due to embarrassment. "Do you... Love me back...?"
Turning down her E/C eyes so she was now staring deep into Zero's soul, she began to slowly lean her face down to his with more thoughts spilling into her mind.
Zero quickly understood what she was trying to do and he didn't fight it at all. He fluttered his eyes shut and allowed his arms to wrap around her tighter.
Puckering up his lips with closed eyes as the girl backed him up against the bricked wall, she pushed her hand up to his jaw and held it tight as she clashed her lips against his without a warning.
When the two started kissing in unison, Zero couldn't really tell if the kiss was heated or passionate, but he didn't really care. He just missed the feeling of Y/Ns lips on top of his.
Y/N wasn't even thinking about the kiss at all, she was just shocked that after everything she did to the boy, he fell in love with her. She never had anyone that was romantically interested in her, so she just fed into Zero's delusions to see how they'd end up. She actually didn't know if she loved him back.
Other hand traveling down to Zero's waist, Y/N slipped her hand right underneath his shirt and rubbed him up and down. It was only then that Zero realized she hadn't done that in a while, but he loved it so much more now that he remembered the feeling.
His left eye slowly opened as he looked over to the side just to see Yujin staring right at him and the woman.
Yujin was just about to turn around, but then he saw the taunting smirk pull onto Zero's lips as he continued to kiss Y/N, and a wave of jealousy and annoyance washed over the dark haired man, but he knew he couldn't do anything but watch.