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     YAN MADE A VOW TO NEVER GET ON A FIRE NATION AIRSHIP EVER AGAIN. She found the journey boring and with no earth for her to bend, she was certain she was going insane. There wasn't much to do on the airship other than look out the window or sit around doing nothing. It would take at least two days to reach the Fire Nation at the speed the airship was going. After training for a few more weeks, the Earth Kingdom commander announced that the regiment was ready to proceed to the Fire Nation. They used a stolen airship that honestly made Yan airsick; how her fellow soldiers could deal with it, she couldn't understand.

"Please tell me we're almost there." Yan sighed heavily as she laid her head on a table in the mess hall. She was growing increasingly bored and just wanted to get off the stupid hunk of metal.

"We'll be there by this afternoon. Just be patient and keep an eye on your sword." Arnaaluk, a non-bender boy from one of the Water Tribes said, checking his sheath to make sure he had all his weapons.

Yan sighed, leaning her head against her hand. "I double-checked before we left the camp. I just want to get off this metal coffin; I feel like I'm going to lose my breakfast." she groaned as she rubbed her temples to ease her growing nausea. The Water Tribe boy quickly stood up to find another seat before he got thrown up on; that would ruin his trip and everyone else's.

. . .

     After spending three days on the airship, the Earth Kingdom Army finally reached the Fire Nation. The benders and non-benders of the group got dressed in armor or stocked up on materials and weapons for the fight. Yan cracked her knuckles and got situated between a few men who stood ready for when the ramp lowered. She was both nervous and determined. She stood with the other non-bender men, ready to take back her freedom.

The airship landed at the base of the caldera and the hatch opened. The group consisting of the benders rushed out in a large group. Yan stood with her fellow non-benders as the earthbenders created a tunnel large enough for the troops to pass through. The journey didn't last long as they trekked through the tunnel and appeared on the other side of the city.

Yan wasted no time in assisting her companions as firebender soldiers blasted fire at them. With the earthbenders throwing volley upon volley of rocks to slow the firebenders down, Yan and her non-bender companions advanced forward. Things seemed to be working rather well, considering she wasn't working alone. The non-benders and benders switched positions, the benders taking out any soldiers that were up on high while the non-benders used their weapons to strike down the soldiers that weren't shooting them with fire. Before the small group knew it, they were moving closer and closer to the royal palace.

"We need more benders up here!" a man shouted as the small group struggled against a larger group of firebenders. Yan was nearly set on fire when her shirshu ― who she didn't know had followed her ― ran into the area and mowed down a few soldiers. Yan looked up at her pet with wide eyes.

"What are you doing here? I told you to go home!" she shouted, narrowly avoiding a sword that was swung in her direction. Xian growled ferociously, opening his mouth to use his tongue to paralyze the enemy. Yan pointed to the west, ordering her travel companion to run to the cliffs away from the battle. As the shirshu ran off, the group of non-benders advanced toward the palace. Yan knew that a crowned Fire Lord ruled over the Fire Nation while the rest of the troops were out fighting and stealing land. Fire Lord Ozai was practically unstoppable; no one dared to stand up against him. With his deranged daughter Azula by his side, they were untouchable. Yan had never met them and she did not want to.

The group of non-benders ― soon followed by various benders ― made it up to the Fire Nation Palace where they were met with more firebenders. The earthbender girl defended herself and her group effortlessly, nearly getting her clothing set on fire when she took her eyes off her opponent for a second. She desperately wanted to use her bending but she decided to leave it to those who had really been training; besides, others learning that she was actually a bender wasn't exactly on her schedule today.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍 | prince zukoWhere stories live. Discover now