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     "HEY YAN, WHO ARE THE SKINNY GUYS IN GREEN that walk around the  city?" Sokka asked as he, Yan, and the rest of Team Avatar walked down the street. Yan turned to the Water Tribe boy as he watched a Dai Li informant walk by. She held back a scoff of disapproval as her eyes followed the Dai Li informant who strolled past the group.

"They are called the Dai Li. They sort of act like law enforcement around here but they are corrupt and in alliance with the Fire Nation. They're a bunch of scummy sons of bitches if you ask me." she answered hotly, glaring daggers into the back of the Dai Li's head. The rest of Team Avatar exchanged looks before continuing down the street.

The group of teenagers walked into a small supply shop that was relatively empty. As soon as they entered, the cashier sitting behind the counter looked up at the newcomers, taking in their appearance. Katara and Yan walked around, grabbing stacks of blank parchment, brushes, and ink; Sokka had an idea to put up fliers for anyone who had seen Aang's flying bison. After purchasing their supplies, the group returned to their safe house to get started.

"I should also inform you all that this city is very corrupt; no matter who you ask, no one is going to directly tell you where Appa is being held. Everyone is afraid of the punishments that could happen to them if they let slip any secrets of the city. Our best bet is to do this ourselves and ignore anyone who tries to stop us." Yan informed everyone once they were inside the four safe walls of the home. Everyone nodded, Katara placing the stack of papers and other supplies in the center of the table.

"Look! I know how we're going to see the Earth King like Sokka has been trying to do!" she said excitedly, holding onto a thick stack of papers.

"How are we going to do that? One doesn't just pop in on the Earth King!" Toph remarked sarcastically, leaning her head against her hand as she sat cross-legged on the floor.

"The King is having a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear." Katara continued. At the mention of a bear, everyone exchanged confused looks.

"You mean platypus-bear?" Aang asked as he lay on a banister.

"No, it just says 'bear'."

"Certainly you mean his pet skunk-bear?"

"Or his armadillo-bear?"


"Just... bear. The palace will be packed; we can sneak in with the crowd." Katara continued after everyone's suggestions on the Earth King's pet were finalized.

"Won't work. No offense to you simple country folk, but a real society crowd could spot you a mile away. You've got no manners." Toph said as she lay on her back and pointed at Katara, starting to pick at her ear. Yan nodded in agreement at Toph's observation.

"I hate to agree, but she is right. The rich society here is very fancy and traditional; they've got their own rules and fancy mannerisms that honestly made me question their logic. Believe me, I've been around plenty of rich people in my seventeen years of living that it is very easy to pick out who is who in a crowd." she explained, Katara crossing her arms.

"Excuse me? I've got no manners? Toph, you're not exactly Lady Fancyfingers. And Yan, you dressed and acted like a boy when you were in the military." Katara mentioned, frowning deeply.

"Hey, she did what she had to do to protect herself and her family, anyone would do the same. I learned proper social behavior and chose to leave it, same as Yan. You never learned anything. And frankly, it's a little too late." Toph continued, coming to Yan's defense.

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