~Trash Day~

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*Pepper's P.O.V*

I wake up to the sound of Ava's alarm going off. 

"Uggggh," I groan, reaching for a pillow to cover my ears. 

Beeeep Beeeep. I sigh. Ava's been my best friend since highschool. I know her and i know that that girl can sleep through anything.

 "I guess it's time to start the day" I mutter to myself. I stand, walk to my closet, and pickout my clothes for today. 

I chose my purple dinosaur hoodie, white washed ripped jeans, my purple converse shoes, and my light gray beanie. As soon as I open the door, my pet Bernese Montanan Dog runs and jumps on me. 

"Sylvie!" I exclaim my face covered in dog slobber.

 Ava's cat Jonny brushes his head against my leg. "I'll bet you guys are hungry huh?" I ask standing up and wiping the slobber of my face. Sylvie gives me a little bark. 

I go to the pantry to grab the "Num-Nums" just to find Ava's ceral boxes filled with paper towels. 

"So that's where they go!" 

I thought to myself. "Sorry guys, I guess Ava's forgotten to grab your food." I tell the animals. I check to see if we have anything, all I could find were the two slices of pizza that we had left over from dinner that night. "Sorry, this is all we have for now." I say as I place the two slices in their food bowls.

 Sylvie looks quite happy for pizza, Jonny on the other hand was quite upset. 

"Look I'll get your food later, first I need to wake up Ava." I stood in the opening of the door, leaning up against it overlooking Ava. She's always so peaceful looking when she's sleeping, but she needs to wake up.

"Ava," I beckoned coming closer to thee side of the bed.

 She started to stir, looking up at me.

 "Morning Pepper." She groaned siting up to look at me. "What time is it?" She asked groaning at the bright light coming through the window. 

"Time in which if you dont hurry your sleepy ass up, you'll be late to your interview." I replied. 

"What?" She asked confused, "I thought I set my alarm to wake me up in ti-" 

"AVA!" I burst, cutting her off. "Girl it's 9:00! Your interview is at 9:10!"

That got her up. 

She was a quick mess of freshening up, changing and grabbing a handful of cereal before almost running out of the door.

"Hey, hey." I warn stopping her.

"Trash day," I tell her pointing to the overflowing bin, she sighs. "It's your turn girly."

"Fine," she grumbled. 

"Great,"I smiled

She downed her handful of cereal and grabbed the trash.

"Be careful," I warn her. 

She turns around to look at me. 

"Anime convention this week, there could be creeps."

She just stands there. I shrug

"What? A girl can't look after her best friend?"

She smiles at me and leaves the apartment. And with that she was on her way.

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