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* Picture above: The one offer Ava took*

*3rd Person P.O.V*

Asch woke up to everyone else soundly asleep. He hopped off the couch and looked at the masses of people outside Ava's apartment window. He scoffed at the sight, puny humans he thought to himself. He walked over to the sleeping Noi and grabbed one of his daggers. I'm done with this, he thought opening Ava's bedroom door. There are other ways to blend in .

"Asch hasn't been acting normal." Leif stated opening one of his eyes to the group.  "Yes," "Don't you think it's weird how docile we've been since getting here? Normally Asch wouldn't listen so easily and would've acted before now. I wonder what's going on?" "Something changed, it's not our place to ask." Pierce reminded him. "Your unquestioning loyalty is disgusting." Leif mocked. "I do not expect a former assassin to understand loyalty." "Oh yeah fun times." Leif chucked to himself. "We should wake Rhys before Asch does something stupid huh?" "Yes." 

*In Ava's Room*

"Human, your sacrifice will be remembered." Asch told the sleeping figure of Ava. He pulled out Noi's dagger and raised it for the kill. He was about to make the hit when, a shadow hit him dropping his stance. He looked around wondering who did it then noticed Rhys entered the room.

"Your Majesty put down the knife!" Rhys whispered, trying not to wake the sleeping Ava. "Why?" Asch asked not being as considerate. *I mean, when ever is he?* "Because knives kill humans!" Rhys exclaimed, needing to take a breath. "Your Majesty, I'm all for your way of doing things but now isn't the time. One human isn't going to solve the whole magic crisis. We need t-" "Which part is most tender to stab?" Asch asked looking over Ava. Rhys started to loose his nerve. "Don't wake her up! She tried to kill me last night!" Noi and Pierce approached the door. "Have you guys seen one of my dagger around? It's missing." Noi told Rhys yawning. "Quiet Noi or you'll wake her!" Rhys responded shouting. Ava started to stir, sending everyone into panic mode.

"Good job Rhys, her accomplice is going to kill us!" Noi whispered. "I thought you said she seemed like a nice lady?" "I meant this one, the other punched me in the nose!" "She's going to wake-" Asch started but was quickly interrupted by the waking Ava behind him. In an instant Pierce was behind her and gently patting her head back to sleep. After a couple, Ava was out like a light. Everyone let out the breath they were holding in. 

"I could've killed her you know." Asch suggested. "Yes." "Get out now!" Rhys said in a stern voice. Everyone left the room, Pierce ducking just because, and Ava was left to her sleep.

*Pepper's P.O.V*

"What the hell was that?"  SOO I woke up a while ago but didn't wanna leave my room so I stayed watching Anime. That was until I heard Ava scream and Asch's voice yelling. Ugh, I was still in my pajamas when I left my room. *Over sized graphic tshirt and comfy short-shorts.* I ran out to find four of the five de-Daemos boys on the couch. Oh they were so dead.

*Time skip by 5 minutes brought to you by Pierce's YES*

"Assimilate?"Me and Ava stand in front of the boys. I'm so getting tired of this. I thought they'd leave, steal something then run off into the night. But here they are, still annoying as hell. I guess I nodded off because when I came back Ava was giggling. "She mocks us?" Leif asked oblivious to whatever joke happened. "No-no," Ava continued, regaining her breath. "It's just you said as-" "Asch perhaps you can explain." Rhys asked cutting her off. "Fine." He muttered. He bent down to talk to Ava, which made me chuckle to myself.

"Teach us your ways human, now." He commanded. "Asking like that won't-""If I do that will you guys leave?" Ava asked ignoring the way he said it. "Faster than you can imagine." He replied.



"Really, really?"


"Really." Pierce butted in.


"Really." Noi and Leif said too. I wanted to join but felt stupid. 

Ava looked at me, asking for me to join. I sighed. "Real-" "Silence!" Asch shouted. Really? Always gotta ruin the moment. "Killjoy." I "muttered". He glared at me. I guess that's his resting bitch face. "Look, when I woke up was kinda hoping you guys would've robbed us, and left by now, I wasn't expecting you guys to stay." Proof me and Ava share our last brain cell. "Why would you hope for that?" Leif asked out of what looked of concern. "Beacuse losing a few hundred dollars isn't worth dealing with the stress of-" I put me hand on her shoulder for comfort. 

I understood. This was gonna be hard, but if it meant they left faster. Me and Ava are gonna have to teach five Daemos boys how to be human. It took Ava a second but she finialy mustered out never mind. "Ya'll really about this human thing huh?" "Assimilate us now." It is possible to hate someone you just met? Because I do, this guy- I swear. "Even as sorceresses such as ourselves," Ava continued, signaling us. "It'll be hard to teach you the ways of earth, but-" "Sorceress!" I heard Noi squeal with excitement. Hard to guess these guys came from the same place.

 "First off I must use my magic power to conjure up some human clothing-" She trailed off looking at me. Ohhh, they think magic exists on earth. Smart Ava, we can be Sorceresses! "Is what we are wearing right now not suitable?" Rhys asked, squinting again. "Yeah, that's because I casted a spell, that attracted other demons from around the world to one place, it's called a convention spell." I told them, saving Ava's butt. It's like they forget I'm here until I say something. Good, that way I can observe and make sure no one gets hurt. "A summoner?" Pierce, stated coming out of his silence. "She can conjure demons?" Leif asked, confused and,  I don't know, scared? Noi was just strait up excited. 

"Enough talk!" Asch commanded again, ruining the mood. "Where are these clothes?" "Right." Ava said, clearing her throat. "Well first off-" I knew where she was heading- NOT THE SWEAR JAR! So Ava decided that we needed to get better with the swearing, and made a swear jar. Based on the level of swear you put in money. She brought it so the table and started to explain, but was cut off by Asch grabbing it and holding it above her. "Your magic is mine!" He said giddily. "What the- put down the damn swear jar!" I shouted, wondering what the hell is he gonna do with that? I didn't expect what happened next. 

"Pierce smash it!" Oh hell no! But I was to late. Pierce had taken it and smashed it on the table. Ava had let out an audible gasp, and Rhys shook his head embarrassed. The money was falling of the table and on the floor; "Well-" "Forgive us-" Rhys started. "It's alright, a small sacrifice to make as long as you leave as soon as possible." She reassured. "Whoa, we had $150 in this thing? Hell yeah! Wait does that count? Okay one fifty one now." I placed about twenty in the pile. 

Ava looked at me. I shrugged. "Whom is she speaking to?" Leif asked looking around the room. "Spirits?" Noi suggested. Me and Ava pocketed the money, "Come, I am going to take you to a very sacred place to us humans." She announced and we started to head for the door. "Why are we playing along with this? This is the dumbest thing we've ever done." I told her looking back at the whispering demon boys behind us. "I know, but they're leaving soon, so we just have to get through this."

I really hope this doesn't take long.

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