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*Pepper's P.O.V*

It's officially been twenty four hours since I last saw a Daemos boy. To celebrate I nabbed a pack of Oreos from my stash and went to town. As a good dog mom I made sure Sylvie didn't get anything. I was three quarters of the way there when a loud, deathly scream pierced the air, *No pun intended* almost knocking me off the bed. Me and Sylvie sat up faster than you can say Oreo and raced for the door. I grabbed my katana from my dresser and positioned myself in front of the bathroom-where the scream came from, ready to kick some Daemos butt! What I did not expect was for Leif and Asch to be hanging out of the wall, above the bathing Ava.

"I'm not sure what you meant, but it sounded like an insult!" Asch yelled; Ava was bright red, I don't blame her. "What the hell is going on?!" I shouted. Ava let out a breath of relief. All of a sudden Rhys appears next to me, just as confused. "Your Majesty, Leif, if you are going to move from one room to the other, please go all the way through. Being stuck in between uses my magic and- What is she doing?" I face palmed. Damn these guys are stupid. "I know right-" Leif replies, phasing through the wall back to their "palace" thingy.

"Is this also a mixing chamber for potions?" Rhys asked, looking fascinated at the large tub of water. "No dummy, its-" I tried but Asch interrupted me."She's sitting in it though. Is this how you humans harness magic?" "Is our method on Daemos invalid?" Next thing I know everyone is in the bathroom with me and Ava. "The human is drawing more red by the second." Pierce pointed out blankly. 

"GET OUT!" Ava shouted. "Why don't you make us?" Asch scowled. I tapped him on his shoulder and sent a punch to his nose when he looked my way; that started to bleed. "She doesn't have to." I warned, regaining my stance, holding my katana high. "If she starts to kill I'm going for her." Leif shouted giddily, pulling out his sickles. I wasn't scared, I couldn't be. Not for Ava's sake. "Guys, I'm positive I did the clothes wrong." Noi announced, a pair of yellow shorts on his head blocking his view. He removed the shorts and marveled at the sight of Ava with the rest. 

"If you don't get out I'll-" "Do what? You've done nothing but throw idle threats our way." Rhys tapped his shoulder and gestured to me. I gave him a sick smile and made my way in front of Ava, as if a guard to her bath time. "You-" He started again, a fire ball forming in his hands. Ava splashed some of the water his way; putting out the flame. "She knows disarming magic!" "Run!" And with a little water, the Daemos boys left the bathroom in panic; except Asch. I never know someone could be so damn stubborn, besides me. I did one of my cool sword tricks-You know the ones that you see at shows, that scared him off. Finally Ava could bathe in peace. 

"I got this," I told her, putting my sword back into its sheath. "I hate this so much." She shuddered to herself. "I know, I know, this is all my fault, it was my choice to bring them here." "Well that and hurry, they're not getting away with this so easily. 

*Time skip*

Me and Ava stood in front of the boy once again. I told her to put some clothes on, but we had things to do, so the towel worked. 

"Okay, if we're going to be your prisoners, we need to lay down some ground rules!" She announced. 

"As a prisoner, you don't get to make rules." Asch interupted. 

"Who's the powerful sorcerer? That's right, me, er I mean us."

"Sorceress," I reminded. 

"Whatever, why are you guys coming through the walls?" I nodded in agreement. 

"Once our home is linked to a surface, we can enter from any place at will in close proximity." Rhys explained. "So you guys can come in anywhere in our apartment, at any time?" "He just said that." I scolded. I'm still pissed off that I didn't get to finish my Oreos. In my religion, that's a sin. "Alright, I can fix that then." She grabbed a red crayon from the stack on my desk and chose a spot on the wall. "This is my magic spell wand called Cray-O-La, once I mark this door you are bound to only use this spot to enter and exit." "If you don't use this spot, you'll die." I added on for extra effect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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