~Trash Day pt2~

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*Ava's P.O.V*

"I'm glad I have a friend like her." I thought carrying the trash out the door. 

"Uh, h-hey Ava." I heard a voice stutter.

"Hey Jake," I replied. "What' up?" 

"I-I'm here to collect rent."

Right, Jake, the person we're renting our apartment from. He's had a crush on me forever, but he's really just annoying. If I were any other girl I would be fawning over him, light blond hair, vibrant olive green eyes, but I'm not. Pepper keeps making jokes and shipping us and stuff, but not so deep down I know she hates him.

"How come I'm your only tenant you personally collect from?" I ask him stepping out of the door. "Y-you see I-I." He stuttered his face turning beet red. 

I sigh, "Pepper's got the rent, you should probably wait a little so she can have her coffee, she gets a little... grumpy."I tell him. "You can say that again" he whispered, but I could still hear him. 

"Also you know Jake there are other ways to make friends without coming off as creepy," I told him watching his head drop in embarrassment. My eyes leave him and go to the clock "Sh!t I'm gonna be late!" I exclaim, brushing past him and heading for the door.

"O-okay, I'll just get the rent from Pepper, no big deal." He chuckles. 

~Teleportation brought to you by Ava's Giant Novelty Pencils~

I walk to the back of my building to see a group of cosplayers in elaborate costumes. There were five, a dark blue one, a light blue one, a orange one, a green one, and a red one, who was on the ground. They all looked like they were struggling. 

"Are you guys okay?" I asked sounding worried and confused. There was whispering among them, until they all looked at me with loathe in their eyes. "You guys good? You got like diarrhea or something?"

"A human!" The orange one shouted. My eyes flick over to the red one laying on the ground. I run over to him and check his pulse. "It's touching Asch!" I heard one wispier-shout. "He's dead, he's dead, he's dead!" A higher pitched voice shouts I started to panic.

 "You do realize your friend is not breathing right!" I ask as no one moved. "Intimidate it!" yelled the light blue one as the green one pulled out dual sickles. "Hello! Are you guys gonna do nothing here?!" I asked the worry in my voice building.

They all just sat there staring at me, trying to be scary. "Oh for the love of-" I started. If they weren't going to do anything, I was gonna take matters into my own hands. I got on one knee and started to push on his chest. I did that a couple times, then realized that's not gonna work. So I gave him CPR. They all gasped. 

"SHE"S SUCKING HIS ORGANS OUT!" the orange one yelled with a terrified look on his face. "Through his mouth?" The tall light blue one commented. "Wee need to act!" The green one exclaimed. "Pierce!" The dark blue one called. And with that the tall light blue one who I guess was named pierce grabbed me by the hoodie and lifted me off the ground. 

"What the heck!?" I asked. "What are you doing?!" Below me I heard the red one coughing, I saved him I guess. The red one stood up and grunted as he took a breath. "Thank the gods," I heard the orange one sigh. "Let me go or I'm calling the cops!" I shout trying to break free of the light blue one's grip. "She's calling in reinforcements!" The dark blue one shouted. "Evasive maneuvers!" The light blue on then proceeded to pull out a huge black and blue sword in the blink of an eye. 

I gasped, Are they really going to kill me after I saved their friend? I thought still trying to break free. "Peaceful evasive maneuvers!" The dark blue one called again. The one holding me "Pierce" then stuck me to a tree by my hood. And with that they all walked off, following the red one I saved. "Are you serious?!" I yelled squirming to get off the tree. "Why am I so short?" I asked myself and god at the same time. I'm so late for my interview 

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