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*Pepper's P.O.V*

"That fire magic stuff I saw, was real?" Ava asked dumbfounded at the sight of Asch's fire hands."Yes allow me to explain." Rhys answered." We are from another world and go by the name Daemos-"

"Your name is Daemos?" she asked dumbly.

"No we are Daemos-"

"Your all named Daemos?"

"No my name is Rhys a-"

"Your world is Rhys?"

"Ava," I sighed. "His name is Rhys and their Daemos from the world of Daemos, okay? Sorry you can continue." "Oh o-okay well um lets see." He continued his cheeks a little pink. Ava was right when she called them beautiful men, damn! "We are from another world and our home is being threatened by a horrible monster-" He may be hot but he's not very good at lying. I must've dosed off a little because the next thing I heard was Ava's question.

 "Move your people here?" She asked the little cogs in her brain turning. "Wait that's not our-" Noi started but was slapped by Leif. Another reason why I don't trust them 100%. "We truly have no idea where we are in this world, or even how to begin living here." Rhys continued. "So please can powerful sorcerers such as yourselves help us?" Just then everyone bowed to me and Ava, except Asch. 

Ava's face turned bright red as she headed to the bathroom. "Why is she going to the death room?" Leif asked worried almost. "Perhaps she's going to make communications." They turned to me. "What's she doing in the death room?" Leif asked again. "She needs a minute to process things." I told them while untying Sylvie from the couch leg. She barked at Pierce, and I could tell that he was the one who tied her up. He'd better sleep with one eye open tonight, all of them should .

"What if she al-" Noi starts but Rhys finishes for him. "Patience Noi, we need to give her trust before she gives us hers." They all look at me. "That goes for the both of them." ""Good luck with that." I muttered under my breath. They all surrounded the bathroom awaiting Ava's answer. "Okay, I can help you guys."She said with her "i have a plan" voice so I just went along with it. "You can?" Rhys asked, he almost sounded excited, it was cu- nope, shut it down, they hurt Sylvie remember, shut it down.

"Yes I can in fact I know the perfect people who can help you." She tells them while winking at me. I get it now. "Yep and if we go right now you will be able to catch them in their most powerful state." I finish for her. "Other humans?" Pierce asked skeptical. "Should we trust this?" Leif asked looking between Ava and Rhys. He knows it's a trap, maybe, hopefully not

"Anything to help us is greatly appreciated."Rhys responded, happily. "Rhys this is obviously a trap!" Asch started. I really don't like that guy, he knows too much. "No I'm going to put my faith in this human female sorcerer." Rhys responded. "Yeah one of them seems like a nice lady." Noi commented. WOW, I mean I did punch him in the nose, but that was out of safety. "R-really?" Ava asked surprised. In all honesty, she's the reason I wake up in the morning, without her my life would've been a rabbit hole of pain and sadness. 

*Okay this is my writing and I'm hitting a little too close to home*

"Don't show her weakness Noi." Asch threatened. I gave him a stern glare, and he returned. If looks could kill me and him would've died way earlier. "You okay pep?" Ava asked my silent figure. I didn't talk just nodded. When I'm really skeptical about something I stay quiet, yet prepared. Ava knows this about me and moves a little closer. 

"Prince Asch-" Rhys started giving him the same glare. "Fine," He scoffed. This jerk really thinks he's that big and bad. I'd give for anything to wipe that sneer of his smug face and mop the floor with him. But there are too many of them for that, so I stay calm. "Prince?" Ava asked. "It's none of your concern human." He responded, I scoffed. I hate this. Feeling so weak and helpless when I know I can do something. 

"Now take us to these humans that can help us!" He commanded. "Jeez, please and thank you are words you know." I "muttered" to myself. "And remember-" He pulled out the bra again. Oh my gosh, please get them out of here quickly. "I have your source of power." I rolled my eyes, right. Damn these guys are stupid. Let's just hope these other "sorcerers" can handle them. 

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