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*Pepper's P.O.V*

15 minutes after Ava left and me sitting on the couch playing my guitar I realized two things, one Ava forgot her phone (again) and two she didn't get all the trash. I set my guitar down and pet Sylvie before grabbing her leash and the leftover trash. 

I leashed Sylvie before grabbing the last of the trash. Jonny looked like he wanted to come too so I picked him up. 

*Teleportation brought to you by Pierce's famous head pats*

I walked to the back of our building to find Ava hanging from the tree by her hood.  She was struggling to free herself. Stupid short potato. Normally I would rush to help her but something felt wrong. I don't know what or how happened but my katana formed in my hand as I held on to Sylvie's leash. I heard footsteps coming and hid behind one of the bushes surrounding the area. Suddenly a group of five cosplayers with horns stood before Ava as she was muttering to herself. Sylvie started to growl, I pet her head to keep her quiet. 

"Oh no, beautiful men," I heard Ava mutter to herself. "Descend at once." The red one commanded. Ava grew a confused look on her face. "Huh?" She asked dumbfounded. "De-sce-nd." The red one pronounced, as if that was going to work. I scoffed, ether these guys were the best actors of all time, or they were extremely thick in the head. Sylvie started growling and the dark blue one looked over in our direction, I shushed Sylvie and he turned his head back around. 

"You can drop the medieval rollplay, I am not in any position to participate." Ava stated, "AS YOU CAN TELL!" She was starting to get annoyed, that made me wonder, did these guys hang her in the tree? If so they are dead before they can scream. I swear the dark blue one can sense us because he keeps looking in our direction and turning back. If he knows we're here why not come after us? I internally gasp. Is this part of their plan?

"She's rejecting Prince Acsh's request." The green one commented. "Wow!" The orange one exclaimed. "Do not disobey me!" The red one shouted, jeez what a hothead. "Wow!" Ava started sounding offended. "I don't know what your rollplay is but I'm not into that." 

"Let me try Your Majesty," the blue one started, walking up to Ava. "Greetings it's a pleasure to meet you, before you stands Prince Asch the future king of-" "Wow" Ava started, cutting him off. 

"You guys are really into this huh? Here I'll play along." She grunted and in her fairest maiden voice she started, "Oh cruel fate, how could a poor maiden like me get stuck in a tree? Oh I remember, BECAUSE  OF YOUR STUPID MUSCLE BOUND FRIEND THAT PUT ME HERE!!" You could hear her voice change back to normal in an instant. 

"Now get me down before I call the cops!" I knew it! They did put her there, I swear when I get the chance I will kill them where they stand! "Silence!" "Prince Acsh" shouted while raising his hand. The tree behind her burned to a crisp dropping her. At least they got her down I- WAIT WAS THAT MAGIC?!?! 

Ava turned around to look at the burning tree. "D-did you just?" She started. "Prince Acsh do not use your magic on such trivial matters!" the dark blue one stated looking angrily at the red one. I could feel Sylvie start to shake and wimper next to me. I held her in my arms and shushed her, my eyes flickering between the burning tree and the red one. 

He walked up to Ava and looked at her with hate in her eyes. "The next words that come out of your mouth better be-" He started while Ava started reaching for the horns on his head, giving them a tug. The others gasped, as if touching them was a sin. The tall light blue one covered the orange one's eyes. The worst part about it was they weren't coming off. Ether that' some strong glue or- OMG they're DEMONS!! 

I guess Ava knew it too because she finally let go. "They're real," She started. "HOW DARE YOU?!" the red one started. Ava giggled, "I knew I should've slept in today." She stated, giggling once more. And with that, she passed out. "You killed it." The orange one commented, coming from behind. "N-no, no I didn't" the red one stuttered looking as surprised as the others. 

"YOU BETTER NOT HAVE KILLED HER!!" I shout popping up from behind the bush. "I knew I felt another presence." the dark blue one said nonchalantly. "Listen here motherfu*kers I don't know who the hell you are, but if you don't back away from her there's gonna be five graves in the grave yard today." I say pulling out my katana. The dark blue one just looks at the green one.

"Leif." He calls. "Got it." he returns. The next thing I know the green one teleports behind me and knocks me out. The world went black.

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