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*Pepper's P.O.V*

*Buckle up this one's long*

*This = Thoughts*

I wake up to the sound of screaming and the toilet flushing. I guess it's that time for Ava huh? But wait, why was that scream deeper that Ava's, and why are there more voices. I slowly open my eyes to see the five cosplayers in our apartment. Me and Ava are lying on the couch in our living room. I try to remember what had happened earlier. Oh sh!t! That's right they have powers and their dangerous.

I don't want them to know I'm awake, so I wait for them to leave the room to take a look around. The orange one is on the kitchen floor screaming at Jonny on top of him, the red and tall light blue ones are in Ava's room checking things out, while the dark blue and the green ones are in the bathroom. 

I hear a wimper and see Sylvie tied to the couch leg with her collar. My poor baby! I reached down and pet her head. "Don't worry, once Ava's safe me and you are gonna double kill right baby?" I whisper to her. Sylvie's tail wags, I smile. I hear more foot steps and lay back down.

When the coast is clear I take a peak at Ava, she starts to stir. I watch her sit up and look around. The realization on her face when she realizes that those magical cosp-I mean demons are in our apartment was heartbreaking. 

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, they're in my apartment. How did they-" she starts. I shush her and she looks at me. "Don't let them know your awake." I whisper to her. She nods like she understands, that usually means she doesn't. "I need to get the hell out of here!" she says getting off the couch. 

Oh my god Ava! What didn't you understand about Don't Let Them Know Your Awake?!

The orange one in the kitchen is still on the floor whimpering at the sleeping Jonny on top of him. "The spirit spared me?" He asked, confused. "The human is escaping!" He yells at the sight of the "sneaky" Ava. Once again my katana somehow magically appeared out of thin air. 

I jump up off the couch and Ava makes a mad dash for the door. The green and dark blue one block the exit door. Ava makes a bloodcurdling scream. She retreats back into the kitchen and looks around for a weapon. I hop over the back of the couch and over the kitchen island in front of her, my katana wielded and in battle stance.

Ava grabs the pan from off the stove. "A WEAPON!" the green one gasps. The tall light blue one comes out of her room his gigantic sword wielded. The orange one stands up and grabs two orange twin daggers. The green one pulls out green dual sickles, and the dark blue one pulls out a blue staff with a darker crystal attached to the top. Wow they can never mix up weapons huh

"Back off," I shout asserting my dominance. "I w-will hecking scream!" Ava finishes for me. Not the way I wanted it to go but good job girly. "Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream." The green one said nonchalantly. Wow that's not how I expected it to go. Me and Ava share a look. "Leif hold your tongue." The dark blue one responded. "You know what I mean." Okay that' s a little more reassuring. "Gonna be hard to hold your tongue if you don't have one." I threaten, not showing any weakness. 

"I thought I dreamed you guys up!" Ava said fearfully. "She saw us in her sleep?" the orange one asks bluntly. "She must have the ability to foresee us coming, humans in this world must be more powerful that we thought." The dark blue one said fascinated. "Yep and I foresee these next few seconds to be the most important in your life, the choice of death, or let us go and lose half your limbs." I say proudly. 

I heard the orange one gulp. He's a cinnamon roll. The dark blue one put his weapon away. "Please we mean you no harm." He said trying to calm the panicking Ava behind me. "I thought we meant all the harm." The tall light blue one said next to him weapon still raised. "Asch isn't here." The dark blue one replied biting his tongue. "Please we just need help and-" "We saw you do magic and sh!t, yo-" I started but Ava stopped me. 

"Are you the devil's servants?" Ava asked still trying to piece together the situation. "The devil?" The green one asked dumbfounded. "She means a demon." The dark blue one corrected. What do you mean a "demon", isn't that what you are? I'm so confused. "Oh," The green one replied understanding. 

"Hear me out." The dark blue one started again. "We come with peaceful intent to-" "I've uncovered it!" the red one shouted coming out of Ava's room. He had something in his hand. 


"The source of their power!" The red one continued. "Really?" The dark blue one asked, skeptical. "Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure." The tall light blue one commented. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I demanded. That's when I saw what he had, he had Ava's bra! Ava turned bright red and dropped her stance, I on the other hand turned beet red, still keeping my stance. Pervs. 

The orange one looked in awe, "What's that?" he asked with sparkles in his eyes. "This human is a sorcerer Rhys here." The red one stated handing him a bra magazine. Omg they are dense as hell! I wanted to scream and take them all on but it would be five men against one woman with a katana, Ava doesn't count because, it's Ava. 

"Rhys" starts flipping through the pages, "Fascinating it looks like a combat guide. It shows human females engaging in a fierce battle with each other with these very garments!" He says, looking at the pages. "That doesn't look like any combat I've ever seen." The green one says looking at pictures. 

I guess this sets of Ava I guess because she throws the pan and hits the red one square in the forehead, well on his case the six-head. In the posses she lets out another one of her bloodcurdling screams, and has another attempt at running for the door. 

We really need to work on our staying calm under pressure  skills huh? "Ava NO!" I shout attempting to grab her before she sets one of them off again. She's fast though and I fall flat on my face. The tall light blue one "Pierce" I believe was able to restrain her before she left the apartment. I sighed, she was almost there. "Leif make peace with her." Rhys commanded, and  "Leif" left to go help Peirce. 

"You need some help?" The orange one offered me. He helped me stand up and smiled. I on the other hand punched him in the nose causing it to bleed and tripped Rhys. I grabbed the stool at the kitchen counter and smashed it into Pierce's side. To my surprise he didn't flinch, he just turned around and growled at me. Leif grabbed me and pinned me to the wall. "Ah-ah-ah~ No moving~ Or I'm gonna have to punish you~" I felt a shiver go down my spine. These guys are so damn annoying! 

"Let's just kill them." "Acsh" said, rolling his eyes. "Prince Asch you said that you wanted a prisoner, and informant." Rhys reminded him. "We don't need two, we can just kill that one." He said pointing at me. Oh hell no! I managed to hit Leif in the gut which was rock solid, but that didn't matter. The shock from the impact was all I needed to break free. 

Once free from his grasp I grabbed my katana again and once more got into battle position. "Let Ava go, and leave. Then maybe I'll spare your life." I said pointing the katana at Asch's throat. He simply rolled his eyes. I felt something hit my neck again, "Damn you." I said my voice slurring. The world went black once again.

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