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TAEHYUN ran. he ran faster than he has ever ran before. his mind only focused on the boy that was left at the hospital. his chest heaved up and down. he could do this. he could make it. he had to get to the boy he loved more than anything.

why did he have to run away? why was he so scared of the possibility that yeonjun didn't love him back...taehyun looked up at the hospital before him. the building was so close yet it felt so far away from his grasp.

"fuck" he ushered out, he had ran for about two miles-which was a lot to someone with hanahaki. he rushed through the double doors, the cool air felt like a blast to the sweat laced face that stopped a moment to catch his breath.

he let out a soft cough, blood staining the corner of his cracked lips causing him to wipe it off. "sir are you okay?" a nurse asked, worry laced all over his voice as he stared at taehyun.

he let out a cough , "yeah...yeah" he replied, feeling quite lightheaded as he continued running.

"where is he?!" taehyun yelled out as he saw the entrance to yeonjun's room getting closer and closer.

beomgyu and hueningkai stood up, "tae-" the two started, he brushed passed the two boys and rushed into the males room. the pink haired boy laid on the bed, his pale face stuck out and his eyes were held close. dry blood seeped onto the side of his cracked lips. he looked so cold.

"yeonjun?" taehyun spoke, walking towards him. "tae" beomgyu started, causing the boy to whip his head back. "they said he doesn't have much longer..." huening whispered.

taehyun turned back to the pink haired boy, rubbing his fingers alongside the boys cheeks. "jjunie...please. i'm here." taehyun whispered, pushing his forehead to connect with yeonjuns cold on.

"don't leave me now..." taehyun whispered softly, tears softly forming in the corner of his eyes. "i love you." taehyun spoke, squeezing lightly onto the boy. "i love you so much...and i'm sorry i'm so sorry that i didn't tell you sooner."

taehyun was terrified.

he just got the boy, how could he lose him so soon...

he placed his hands on the side of the boys face, caressing it slowly. "i love you yeonjun." taehyun spoke, placing a gentle kiss on the boys lips.

the kiss was soft. a gentle one. a pure kiss that taehyun had never given before.

he slowly pushed himself up, "i love you too." yeonjun croaked out, wrapping his arms around the blonde. taehyuns eyes widened and he immediately pressed his lips against the boys. the aching in their chest disappearing as their lips fit perfectly together.

"you're awake?!" taehyun exclaimed throughout the kiss, pressing gentle butterfly kisses along his face. yeonjun smiled at the blonde boy.

"i love you taehyun. i'm so sorry it took me so long to realize that..." yeonjun whispered against taehyuns body.

"i'll never make you wait again, i promise."

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