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SOOBIN smiled as he watched the two boys embrace each other, his gentle eyes longing at the way yeonjun held his boyfriend. it's been two weeks since the incident between the three boys. two weeks and the two already held each other dearly.

two weeks of absolute hell for soobin. he let the one person he had ever truly loved away; only because he knew he was no good for yeonjun. he could never give him the life that taehyun had already started giving him. soobin looked down at the floor, his eyes lingering on the bracelet that yeonjun had gotten him for his birthday.

he never truly knew how much this would hurt. watching someone you love disappear because you knew the other person needed them more. taehyun deserved someone as beautiful as yeonjun. taehyun deserves to call yeonjun his.

soobin did not.

soobin always felt as though he deserved no one; even with yeji. yeji didn't deserve him-which is why he called it off the day yeonjun and taehyun got together. he couldn't continue hurting her.

soobin looked back up, and smiled as he saw yeonjun walking over to him. "hey." he sheepishly said, his healthy cheekbones protruding with a wide smile.

"hey" soobin softly spoke, eyeing the pink haired boy. "i'm sorry for all the things i said to you." yeonjun admitted rather quickly, earning a look from soobin.

"don't be, i deserved it." soobin said, he kept his answers rather short. scared that if he spoke any sooner he'd admit the fucked up truth that he was in love with him.

"you didn't, and it was wrong of me to say the things i said." yeonjun defended, "best friends?" yeonjun asked, holding his arms out for soobin to hug.

"always." soobin spoke, immediately hugging the pink haired boy. the emotions flooded through soobin's body, "i have to go, but i'll be back later." soobin lied, yeonjun smiled and the two bid their farewell.

as soobin turned around, he let out a gently cough.

a singular blood soaked blue flower petal placed gently upon his palm.

"if loving him kills me, so be it."


firstly, i wanted to start this off by saying a thank you to everyone who read, commented, and voted for this story. thank you guys for being patient with me, and allowing me to update at wonky schedules. i have been dealing with a lot for the past few months, so i was struggling to figure out where i wanted this book to go and how i wanted it to end. but i hope you guys liked where it ended <3

but back on topic, i want to thank all of the people who were nice and understanding about my lack of updates. i had a lot happen in 2023, from family members passing away to car accidents happening and school. overall, i've just been extremely stressed out and couldn't bring myself to write without automatically giving up. so thank you, because without you i wouldn't have been able to finish this book.

love each and everyone of you; thank you for reading and allowing me to give you a book that i love dearly. this has been one of my favorites to read, and i just want to say thank you again.

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