Our Love:Philasande & Mabalwa 2

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Chapter 3


I just arrived at home and my mother isn't home ok she's probably at the boutique but right now I need to soak ,eat and sleep. I go run myself a bath with some black bath salts only,I need them.

Philasande?He is currently the only thing running through my mind but to forget about him I'll start with my consultations from tomorrow, today is for sleep and tonight I'll go connect with my ancestors just to get an idea of what I'll be dealing with, maybe early spirits or messages,you never know. This part of my life is always so intense especially when I'm in public environments thank goodness I've never had my trance come out into role in public maybe once when I was a newly graduate and I was just learning how to suppress it, enough of okhokho bam.

My "daddy issues" once said an ex in a heated argument after he had lost all patience with me,not that he knew why I was like that because I don't go around explaining what happened to my mother and how I was conceived.That proved to me that I need a MAN that can only live to love and handle me.
The water has run cold so I've just come out and did my do.

Downstairs I'm currently warming up Mac and cheese that I found in the fridge.
As I'm eating,I get a phone call...

'I just missed your sweet voice that's it.'
'I wish I could say the same but I'm flattered, Phakathwayo'
' wasung'biza kamnandi nje?'
I let out a little soft giggle.
I don't know what I'm doing but I'm here for it, HE IS MY MAN AFTER ALL..


She sounds like an angel,her soft giggle gets me shivering a bit.

'i was just checking on you '
'what are you doing?'
'still on my journey to KwaNongoma.'
'uph, that far?'
'As in?The kingdom?'
'yes,I am of royalty.'
'That must be alot'
I chuckle,if only she knew I soon wrap up the call and I carry on sleeping as uBaba Mzimela drives, he'll wake me up when we've arrived,I'm still quite nervous.

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