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"You will not," Hobi growled, his foot had stopped the door before it could completely close.

Tae took a step closer to the Alpha, their toes almost touching. "That's the thing Alpha," he sneered, "you can't stop me. You want to fuck her and keep me on the side waiting. Well that's not going to happen. You can't have both of us."

"You said we could be friends," the Alpha was almost desperate and it was exactly what Tae wanted.

"I did, but what you want isn't fair to me. You want to basically court both of us, but your wolf has already decided that it's me, it's your human that needs to catch up. So until it has, go, go fuck your Omega and see what your Alpha does to you." He smirked at him, "but for now we can't be friends, so I need you to leave, leave my house and leave me alone."

"Are you rejecting me?" The Alpha sounded so sad, his scent so strong.

"Is that what it will take to get it through your head? Then yes, I am rejecting you, until your Alpha gets the human side's shit in order, I your fated mate, Kim Taehyung are rejecting you Jung Hoseok." Then he turned around and walked into his apartment slamming the door behind him.

There was a loud whine on the other side of the door and it sounded like the Alpha was crying. Tae's Omega was pissed and kept trying to come to the surface. For the first time in his life, he pushed his wolf back. He couldn't let the Omega take over, he'd be out that door and on his knees begging for his Alpha's forgiveness. While he didn't want to hurt the Alpha, which was strange in it's own way because he's never cared about hurting people before. He needed him to understand that this was serious.

The only thing that controlled the Omega was Tae sitting in the nest surrounded by the Alpha's scent. But it was still hard, it took Hobi over an hour before he left the building. He finally settled down, getting up to shower and eat something before he had to finish his homework.

Days passed and his routine had changed so much. Where he used to just go to class, stalk victims, kill them and come home. Now he was surrounded by people constantly. His friends wanted to walk with him to class and they wanted eat with him, hang out after classes and go do things. It was a novelty to Tae who had never really had friends before, even before he presented. 

Hobi never approached him, but Tae could always feel his eyes on him. He'd wake up and find gifts outside his door, scented items that kept his Omega calm and little handmade trinkets. He wanted to throw the trinkets away, but every time he tried, his Omega would take over and stop him. There was no way the Omega would allow Tae to throw away courting gifts from his Alpha. 

The dumb Omega didn't understand that it couldn't be actual courting gifts, not when he was courting another Omega and for years now. Plus he's going to be with her during her heat, he was afraid of what his Omega was going to do when that happened. But he couldn't think about it now, he had classes to do.

It's like his Omega knew when the Alpha was leaving, "are you okay Tae Tae, your scent is, well don't take this the wrong way but it's not good."

He looked at the Alpha in front of him, with his big doe eyes and nodded, "Hobi leaves today I think, for her."

"Are you going to be okay?"

Jungkook really was sweet, he never crossed any lines with Tae, he knew that Tae wasn't looking for any of that. He was a really good friend, always made sure that Tae was okay and being a great place holder for the Alpha that Tae really needed. He felt bad at first until Jungkook explained that he was in love with someone else and it could never happen so he didn't mind helping out Tae with whatever.

"I'll be fine, he's made his choice."

"But didn't Jiminie say that bad things can happen when fated mates don't, you know mate?"

Tae was trying his hardest not to cry, something he'd never done before he'd met Hobi. "My life was already shit, it can't get much worse. HE doesn't want me, so there's not much I can do about it can I?"

The baby Alpha didn't know what to do, his friend was hurting and he didn't know how to fix it. But he was going to try, "let's go do something fun, turn your scent around."

"I don't feel like it," Tae grumbled but still packed up his things because he knew that Kook would not give up. The Alpha was a persistent little shit when he wanted to be. They ended up at the arcade, a favorite hangout of theirs, they bonded most over video games. Even if Tae had never played them before, it was hard not to enjoy them when he saw how excited the Alpha was. 

They stayed for a few hours playing until Tae started to notice the strange looks he was getting from other wolves. "Kook," he whispered, he felt like something was crawling all over his skin. "I feel weird and people are looking at me strangely."

The Alpha had been so immersed in the game he was playing that it took a minute for Tae to get his attention. He whipped around, his eyes flashing red, "Tae why didn't you tell me that you were in pre-heat?"

"Umm, I'm not?" He questioned, he'd never been in pre-heat before. Is that why he felt all hot and itchy? If this is pre-heat then his heat is going to really suck. "I've never had a heat before, only the phantom one that Hobi sent me into."

"Shit, shit, shit, this is not good. I don't know what to do, well I do, but I'm damn sure not doing that," he was rambling and spiraling and it made Tae chuckle a bit. 

The Omega snapped his fingers in front of the Alpha's face, "focus Kook, I need to get out of here. I think there are other Alpha's here and I don't like the way they are looking at me."

Junkoook jumped up, "shit you are right, let's go." He wrapped his arm around Tae's waist and all but dragged the Omega out of the arcade, he got him home, just in time for his scent to sweeten even more. He all but pushed the Omega towards his nest and pulled his phone out, "I need you and Jinnie Hyung, now. Tae's in pre-heat and I'm freaking the fuck out."

Tae could hear some cursing coming from the phone but his brain was too focused on adding his new things that Hobi gave him. He had to make it perfect, his Omega kept chanting, then our Alpha will come. "Shit, hurry his scent just got really sour. I don't know what to do."

The Omega in the nest whined loudly before he wailed out Alpha and started to cry, Jungkook ran over. Even if he knew he wasn't the Alpha that Tae wanted, he'd do just about anything to help. "What do you need Omega?"

Tae shook his head, "my Alpha, I need my Alpha." He repeated that over and over, as he cried into a hoodie that Kook had seen Hobi wear on more than one occasion. 

"He's coming little one, I promise," he knew he shouldn't lie to the Omega, but what else was he supposed to do? He had a hysterical Omega in pre-heat to deal with and he's never been around an Omega in heat before.

It took nearly an hour for the other two Omegas to finally crash into the apartment, bags of supplies in their hands, "thank fuck you are here," Jungkook gasped out with a hand over his nose. "He wants Hobi and I don't know what to do."

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