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Tae was trying to rip both of their clothes off at the same time and Hobi was doing his best to stop the wandering hands, "Baby, wait."

The Omega whined, his eyes bright blue as he kept up his mission to rid himself of any article of clothing. "You don't want me Alpha?"

"You know I do, stop that. I just don't want our wolves making any more choices for us. They forced us together, they forced the pup which I am thankful for so stop pouting. But I want us to be able to choose when to be together."

"I get that, but I want you Hobi."

The Alpha shook his head back and forth quickly, "no you don't. It's my fucking Alpha that's pumping out rut pheromones and it's making your Omega want me."

"But I do want you."

"Tae," he sighed, his grip on the younger going softer because he didn't want to hurt him. He just wanted him to stop trying to strip them. "If you wanted me you wouldn't run off any time you get even remotely horny. The first sign of arousal and you are gone and hiding yourself in the bathroom."

The Omega blushed bright red and it was adorable. "You really don't understand anything," he huffed, trying once again to hide his face from his fated.

"Because you don't talk to me, we are fated. We are having a pup together and I barely know anything about you. Before your heat you actively avoided my existence and yes I know it was solely my fault for that. But Tae we don't even know each other's favorite color. All I know is you crave dumplings and I have no idea if it's a pregnancy thing or a you thing."

"Grey," the younger mumbled with his face shoved into Hobi's pillow.


"My favorite color is grey, yours is green."

Hobi flinched a bit, how did Tae know that? He's fairly sure he'd never mentioned it, but regardless, he knew about his favorite color whereas the Alpha didn't know shit. "What about your family? You never talk about them, am I going to be able to meet them before the pup is born?" Tae shook his head and it made Hobi frown, "my family wants to meet you," he whispered.

"If I had a family I'd love for you to meet them. But I don't."

"Tae, everyone has family."

"Well maybe in your little sunshine and rainbow filled world. But in the real world, in the darkness where I live, not everyone does and I'm one of those. All I had are my parents and they are dead, murdered. So I can take you to their graves if you want, but that's all."

The entire time he's known the younger he had no idea, "I'm sorry," he whispered. He couldn't think of anything else to say. But the upside was their arousal simmered down. "I didn't know." He took a deep breathe, "I have," but he was cut off.

"An older sister and two loving parents, I know Hobi. You might not have done your research on me, but I did on you."

Hobi's head cocked to the side, he was a little amused at the huffy Omega that was still trapped underneath him. "Oh."

"Yeah, oh. So all of the questions you have for me, I already know the answers on your side."

"Well, then why do you run and hide any time you start to slick up?"

That caused Tae to whine even louder, he twisted his hips to flip over so Hobi was sitting beside him vs between his legs. It was a tad awkward but Hobi was so shocked by the movement that he didn't even try to stop him. "I hate you," he groaned as he tried to curl up in the fetal position.

Tae's scent had always been more muted than most wolves, but extreme emotions always brought it out more. "No you don't, I can smell everything you are feeling right now Tae. Why are you embarrassed? You getting slick is a good sign that our wolves are compatible and not gonna lie, I enjoy smelling you like that." How was Tae going to explain everything that was going on in his head? Yes, he'd gotten slick and run off to the bathroom to hide when he'd wake up in the morning. "Hey, just talk to me," the Alpha whispered.

"I know that you've noticed my arousal when you've woken up. I know that you smelled it and noticed I wasn't in the bed. But did you notice anything else?"


With a soft sigh, "I'd wake up rutting against you and freak out because I was hard and leaking slick and I was afraid that I'd wake you up so I'd go hide in the bathroom."

"Well I never noticed the rutting, but I did smell your distress when you ran to the bathroom and that would wake me up. When I smelled your arousal I never questioned it because you never brought it up. I didn't want to distress you further, that's why I don't want to do anything today. You hide at the first signs of arousal and now my wolf is forcing something onto you that you clearly don't want."

"But I do," he whispered before rolling over and sitting up. He crawled into Hobi's lap and shoved his face into the Alpha's neck, he needed his scent to calm him down. "I've never done anything Hobi, you know this. And you have. I don't know what to do, I feel like a fucking child and I don't want to disappoint you and I know I will. So whenever I get horny, I run."

That was literally the cutest shit Hobi had ever heard, "oh my God you are adorable. Baby, you could literally never disappoint me. If I'm honest, my knotheaded Alpha loves that he's the only one that you will ever do anything with."

Tae huffed out a massive breath against Hobi's neck, "of course he does, can we start with a kiss at least?"

Hobi has wanted nothing more than to kiss Tae's pouty lips, but like he told Yoongi, he would always go at Tae's pace. His fingers went to the hair at the back of Tae's neck and pulled him back a bit, "I'd love to kiss you Baby," then their lips touched each other. It was soft and slow, he didn't want to freak Tae out. But it wasn't needed apparently because as soon as their lips touched, Tae whined and pushed Hobi onto his back as he followed along with him.

The Omega wanted something, he just wasn't sure what. He pulled back, his eyes brown and that was the only reason the Alpha believed him, "kiss me," he whined before diving back in.

Slowly Hobi opened his lips up, he didn't want to freak out his mate, but he also wanted to give him what he wanted. It was clear that Tae had no idea what he was doing. His movements were choppy and uncoordinated. It was sloppy and Tae whimpered throughout the entire thing, but Hobi didn't care. He could smell how happy and content his Omega was, so he didn't mind letting him take and learn.

They kissed so long that their lips were practically numb from it, their lips swollen and covered in spit as they panted a bit. "Wow," was all Tae could say as he swayed back and forth a bit, "I want to do more of that."

Hobi reached up and palmed Tae's cheek, his thumb gently brushing across the Omega's lower lip. "We can kiss whenever you want Baby, as much as you want."

"You still smell like rut."

The Alpha snorted, "yeah well it's hard to keep him in check when you smell the way you do and you are laying on top of me and kissing me. I am an Alpha you know."

Tae grinned, turning into the adorable rectangle that he loved so much, "your Alpha wants me sssssooooo badly," he sang with giddiness. 

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