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Hobi was prepared for the whiney, needy, and clingy Taehyung. He did spend his heat with him after all. So he wasn't at all surprised that he had to hand feed Tae while the Omega sat in his lap doing his best to scent every single inch of Hobi's exposed skin. But he did it, he got him fed and that's all that mattered, "you ready to go back to sleep?"

Tae nodded his head slowly as his eyes opened and closed so softly. "Do you want me to stay with you or go home?"

The Omega gripped Hobi's shirt tightly as he wrapped his legs around the Alpha, like he was desperate to keep him close. "Don't leave me, you can't leave me."

"Okay Baby, I won't, but if you want me to stay I'm going to need my things. We do have class tomorrow."

Tae shook his head several times, pulling Hobi closer to him. "I don't want you going alone. That's twice that she's tried to assault you now."

"We can wake up early and then go, I live in the dorms though. Will you be okay with all those Alpha scents around," he chuckled, "guess we don't have to worry about that do we."

"Sleep Alpha," Tae mumbled against Hobi's chest as he made himself comfortable for bed.

Sleeping with Tae was almost magical, being in his fated mates nest while he felt the soft exhale of the Omega's breath on his neck. He'd never been this content with Moonsu, yes he loved her but he didn't realize until he'd met Tae just how wrong their relationship was. With Tae, his Alpha was so content, practically a pup with how happy he was being in Tae's nest and holding him. 

He'd always been a bit restless sleeping in Moonsu's nest, he did it but it was never as peaceful as sleeping in his own bed. He fell asleep quickly and peacefully. The next morning he woke up with a heavy weight on his chest. He knew it was Tae, the Omega's fluffy hair tickling his chin and his scent so heavenly. "Morning Baby," he whispered as he kissed the top of his head.

"Morning, do we have to be awake?"

Hobi chuckled softly as he squeezed Tae just a little harder, "if we want to make it to class then yes. I have to shower, change and get my stuff."

"Fine," Tae sighed, "let me get ready." He smiled, "make me breakfast?"

The Alpha snorted, "sure Baby, I can do that." They both got up and Tae could hear Hobi opening and closing cabinets while groaning. "How am I supposed to cook when you have no food?" The Alpha shouted.

Tae snorted as he walked out of the bathroom, a towel fluffing up his hair. "Well in my defense, I have a very caring Alpha that brings me homemade food nearly every day. So why would I go buy groceries?"

The Alpha's chest puffed up in pride, "that's right, you do have a very caring Alpha. And sadly we'll have to grab something to go because you have no food here and I don't have time to cook you anything either."

Tae didn't care, he lived on snacks and microwaved food before his friends came crashing into his life. As long as he was with Hobi, he didn't really care about anything else. Neither of them saw the eyes that followed them with so much hate in them. They were too caught up in each other to be aware of their surroundings. 

Hobi watched his Omega fondly eating the pancake on a stick as he walked him to his first class, "I won't be able to see you until this evening, none of our classes are lined up. Will you be okay?"

The Omega raised his eyebrow a bit, "I've been okay my entire life."

"Yes, yes, my overly independent Omega. I want to know more about your life, can we do that tonight?"

"You don't want to know about my life before you, trust me."

He was a bit confused, of course he wanted to know. He wanted to know everything about Tae, "but I do. I want to know everything about my sweet future mate."

"That's the thing Hobi, I'm not sweet. I'm actually a really bad person, you just bring out the best parts of me."

Hobi laughed thinking that Tae was joking, "sure sure, so scary. Beating people up in dark alleys like a masked avenger."

"Something like that," he mumbled, "I'll see you tonight," then he turned and walked into the building leaving Hobi standing there a tad bit stunned at how quickly the mood shifted.

The Alpha giggled a bit and shook his head, his silly little Omega couldn't hurt a fly.

Life with Tae was so easy and absolutely amazing, he never wanted to leave his side and he was annoyed that they had absolutely no classes together. 

But the days went by so fast and before they even knew it, the semester was over. They had one week off before their next round of classes would begin, Hobi wanted nothing more than to spend every single second with his Omega. But there was something else he wanted, almost desperately. "Tae, can I ask you something?"

The Omega popped his head up from where he's been nuzzling into Hobi's neck, his Omega needing his Alpha's scent since he's pupped. "Of course, what is it?"

"When, I know that I don't have a right to ask. But when you go can I possibly go," he was mumbled and stumbling over his words like a scared pup about to get into trouble.

"Spit it out silly," Tae chuckled as he cocked his head to the side and grinned at Hobi.

"Can I go with you to the next baby appointment? I really want to see our pup and hear their heartbeat." He wouldn't even look at Tae, too scared that he wasn't going to be allowed to go. Yes, they practically lived together and cuddled all the time, but that was because the Omega needed him since he was pupped. He knew that if he wasn't, Tae would probably want nothing to do with him.

The Omega's scent started to sour a bit and it pushed Hobi into a slight panic, he started apologizing and saying he didn't have to go that it was fine. That he understood why Tae wouldn't want him with him only for the Omega to start sobbing and fall down on his chest. His panic spiked even more, not knowing what was wrong. "You stupid Alpha," Tae sobbed as he hit his chest with no amount of anger behind it.

"I don't understand, yes I'm stupid, and I'm sorry I made you cry."

"Of course you are coming to my appointments," he grumbled as he glared at Hobi with a huffy look on his face.

"Well you didn't ask and I didn't want to assume, you know what they say about assuming Tae."

Tae rolled his eyes a bit, "well you are an ass. But I didn't ask, because why wouldn't you be there? I might have sorta made this pup on my own, but it's still half yours."

Hobi grinned as he leaned down to snuggle with his Baby, nuzzling his face into Tae's hair. "Maybe I can participate in the next one then?"

He was joking of course but the scandalized squeak that Tae made was worth it, "so you want to deflower me AND pup me again?" He sat back onto his heels, his fists perched onto the sides of his hips, "you better mate me before then. It's bad enough that I'm a pregnant unmated Omega, I'm not going through that twice you stupid Alpha."

Said Alpha snorted a bit, "I'd mate you this instant if I thought you'd let me."

That seemed to make Tae happy and a little smug as he snuggled back into Hobi and purred slightly.

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