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It took about an hour before Hobi got Tae settled down enough to actually sleep, having his Alpha in his nest was apparently too much for the Omega. But after pumping out his scent and rubbing his hand up and down Tae's back, the Omega finally fell asleep. He knew it wouldn't be long, his scent was getting sweeter by the minute and being here in his nest, Hobi was assuming that it was speeding things up.

And he was right, before he even had a chance to fall asleep he felt Tae squeeze his knees together harder as his hands gripped onto Hobi's shirt like the Alpha wasn't pinned underneath him. "I'm not going anywhere Baby, I'm right here."

"Hurts Alpha," Tae whined as he rocked their cocks together. A loud moan leaving his lips as he did it again and again.

"Keep going baby, make yourself feel better." He wouldn't do more than this, not until Tae asked him for more. When he was outside of heat and didn't hate him. But for now, he'd do what he could for the Omega to help with the pain, as long as their clothes stayed on.

Tae kept rocking, he sat up and angled himself to where their cocks were perfectly touching. His hands were on Hobi's strong chest as he chased after his high. The Alpha had no intention on cumming, this was about Tae and his needs. But it felt too good and when he heard Tae cry out in pleasure, it was too much for his knotheaded brain. He came soon after his Omega.

They were both out of breath, their chests heaving trying to get as much oxygen into them as they could. Tae's eyes were still bright blue and it took everything inside Hobi to keep his Alpha in check and keep his brown eyes in control. "We should get cleaned up," was all he got out before Tae clawed at his chest and hissed at him.

"No," he growled, "want Alpha's scent."

"And you can have it, but don't you want to get cleaned up? Don't you feel sticky?"

His head cocked to the side in the way that made Hobi want to coo at him so badly. "I do, but," he stopped as he pouted, his eyes taking on the puppy dog look.

"But what?"

"Will you shower with me?"

Hobi jolted a bit, there was no fucking way he could shower with Tae. He's having a hard enough time keeping his hands to himself. If they are both naked, Tae's heat will surely make them do something that they'd both regret later. "How about I go get cleaned up really fast and then I'll draw you a nice bath and you can soak while I make us some food and clean up the nest a bit?"

Tae pouted even more, but then nodded his head and agreed a little too quickly for Hobi's liking. He didn't know what was going on, but he wasn't about to argue with him, even more since he was getting his way. So he kissed Tae on the forehead and then made his way to the bathroom, he'd have to wear some of Tae's clothes, but something was telling him that the Omega wouldn't mind.

He pulled his boxers off, cringing at the amount of cum that was on them before throwing them in the laundry basket. He washed himself quickly, loving that he was using the same soap that his Omega uses. His stupid Alpha brain was loving that. He dried off and put on the clothes and made sure that the bath was ready for his Tae.

"Baby, come on before it gets cold. I'll make us some spaghetti, how does that sound?"

Tae nodded his head quickly before running into the bathroom and slamming the door shut. His nose was going insane a little before he found the source. His Omega whined a bit before looking at the door and making sure it was locked. He'd have to be fast, otherwise, it wouldn't work. He stepped into the bath quickly washing off all of his own bodily fluids before he got out and dried off.

Then he reached out a finger and took a bit of the Alpha's cum and rubbed it on his scent gland on his inner thigh. It would be the only way to explain the scent, while he might not be able to smell everything, Hobi as an Alpha sure as fuck would. Then he shoved the boxers inside his hole, plugging him up and sighing that he finally had his Alpha's cum inside him.

He stepped out of the bathroom once he was fully dressed, he looked at Hobi who was standing up, his hands planted firmly on the table as he growled lowly in his throat. His eyes were red, his Alpha in full control as his nostrils flared a bit. He could smell his cum on Tae and it excited the Omega to an extent he didn't even realize. 

"Alpha," Tae said with a straight face even though all he wanted to do was tilt his neck and submit right then and there.

"Omega, why do you smell like my cum?"

Tae shrugged a bit, his Omega might want to fully submit to Hobi, but he's still a part of Tae and Tae is nothing short of a smartass. "Because you came in your pants like a virgin, how am I supposed to know? Is dinner ready?"

He could see that the Alpha wanted to say more, based on how his jaw was ticked he was more than a little annoyed with the Omega. But Tae was standing strong, he wouldn't lose this battle of wills with just anyone. When his stomach growled, that was all it took. He knew the Alpha was a good one and wouldn't let a hungry Omega in heat not eat the food he'd lovingly made.

Hobi sat down and patted his lap, "come eat Baby, Alpha will feed you."

There was no fucking way he could sit on his lap, he'd smell it surely wouldn't he? He'd realize it was more than just scent marking. But he wanted to sit on his lap, almost desperately. And before he knew it, he was wiggling in the Alpha's lap as Hobi spoon fed him.

He'd never been so happy in his life, he had the full attention of his Alpha and his Alpha's scent was all over him, he could smell his Alpha all around him and his Alpha's seed was deep inside him. They spent the next few days doing much the same. He'd shove the Alpha's boxers inside him after they'd get each other off and he was always so content afterwards. His Omega was getting what he needed during his heat even if there was no knot.

When he woke up after his heat it crashed into him, everything he'd done over the past week. He rolled over and there sleeping next to him in his nest, was his, was Hobi. He started to growl as he backed away from the Alpha. He couldn't get far, the wall blocked his way. He felt trapped, he was supposed to be safe in his nest, that's what Jimin always said. But he wasn't safe, there was an Alpha in his nest that didn't truly want him.

"Baby," Hobi croaked out as he reached for Tae. "What's wrong, is it another wave?"

"Get out," he growled as he tried his hardest to get away but couldn't. He felt so trapped, this was worse than not being able to smell people. "Leave, right now."

Hobi sat up and sighed, "it must be over then. Can't say I'm surprised, I knew you would act like this." He sounded almost disappointed, but there was anger in his voice as well. That only pissed Tae off more.

"Oh no, you don't get to be more pissed than me. You have no right," and with that, Tae slammed the door in the Alpha's face while he crawled back into his nest and cried.

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