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That day was a bit of a turning point in their relationship because Tae took the I'll kiss you any time you want to heart and kissed Hobi basically whenever he saw him. It was always chaste in public or around others but when they were alone, he'd all but pounce on the elder and kiss him until they were both out of breath. And while Hobi loved every single minute of it, he also dreaded every single minute of it. 

He wanted Tae, so very badly and he didn't want to push him. His Alpha kept trying, the persistent little shit. But he did his best to keep him in check, the first time the Tae straddled his hips and rocked as he rubbed their cocks together, Hobi thought he was going to die. They hadn't done anything remotely like that since Tae's heat.

"Please Hobi," Tae whined as he rocked harder.

"I've got you Baby, let me make you feel good." The Omega whimpered as he nodded his head quickly. Hobi's hands went to Tae's hips, he needed to touch his skin so badly so he placed them under his shirt so he could feel just how smooth he was. That only encouraged Tae to move more, Hobi was squeezing so hard that he was sure he was going to leave several bruises behind.

They rocked back and forth against each other, Hobi swallowing all of Tae's moans and whines. He pulled back and fisted Tae's hair, pulling his head to the side, "if you cum for me I'll leave a little mark on your scent gland."

Tae's body jolted a bit before he moved his hips quickly and frantically against Hobi, "mark me, please, please."

Hobi leaned down, his breath caressing against the Omega's scent gland, his lips brushing it in a soft kiss. "Then cum for me Baby," he growled. And cum he did, it was glorious and his Alpha was loving it. He satisfied his Omega based on the smell and how happy he was purring in his lap right now. 

"Alpha," he whined, baring his neck more, "you promised."

And he did, so he leaned down and kissed the whiny Baby. His lips attached to Tae's scent gland as he left his mark behind. It wasn't the mark that he truly wanted to leave, but it was something at least. Thankfully Tae already smelled like him anyway so he didn't have to worry as much about other Alpha's approaching him, even more now that he was pupped. But he wanted everyone to know he had an Alpha that was here and wasn't going anywhere because he lov, Hobi shook his head. He couldn't go down that road. It was too soon. 

Tae was a pile of goo in his arms and Hobi loved it, he was still a little squirmy on his lap but that was okay because he was pumping out satisfied and happy Omega scents as he purred away happily. "What about you?"

"What about me?"

The Omega pulled back looking at the very obvious hard cock that wasn't hiding very well under the clothes Hobi had on, "I want something, but I'm afraid you'll say no."

"I'm not having sex with you," Hobi was quick to say before he could ask.

His hair was flopping back and forth as Tae shook his head, "not that, something else."

"Short of sex, I won't tell you no."

"You promise?"

Hobi shook his head a bit as he chuckled, "I told you I'd never lie to you."

Tae started stripping all of his clothes off only for Hobi to try and stop him, "you promised."

"And I said no sex," he countered.

The Omega huffed as he continued on his mission to get naked and present for the Alpha, "I want you to fuck my thighs."

"The fuck?" The Alpha sputtered, his mouth wide open and he was shook. His sweet little innocent Baby asking for something like that. 

"Jimin said it was fun," the Omega was pouting and Hobi knew he was going to cave. "I want to try it, he said it's good for when the Omega is sore but the Alpha is still hard."

With a loud snort and a soft scoff, Hobi started muttering how he was never letting his innocent baby near that demon of an Omega ever again. "Are you sure? It'll put my cock really close to your hole."

Tae nodded quickly as he shook his ass back and forth a bit, Hobi face palmed because he was going to die right then and there. "Yes yes, please."

"Okay Baby, let's lay down on our sides though. Odds are I'll knot you and this position will be easier to wait until it goes down."

The younger was so eager, he flopped over onto his side and held his leg up so Hobi could slide his cock between this thighs. Hobi prayed quickly, prayed he'd survive this and not fuck up. He removed his clothes as quickly as he could and pressed his chest against Tae's back. It felt too good, that much of their skin touching. When his cock first touched the slicked up thighs he had to pinch himself.

Do not cum immediately like some newly presented Alpha, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his mate. While Tae's inexperience was adorable, he refused to be nothing short of amazing for his Omega. He groaned, leaning forward and biting Tae's shoulder as he started to thrust. Every time he pulled back the head of his cock would brush against Tae's fluttering hole and it made even more slick leak out.

"Fuck this feels so good," he groaned out as Tae whimpered and arched his back a bit. The heads of their cocks brushed against each other and Tae wrapped his large hand around the both of them. His hand was covered in their precum and his slick. "Fuck Baby, just like that."

His hips started moving faster, their hips slapping against each other. The noises that filled the room were so sinful, the smells a perfume that Hobi wanted to smell for the rest of his life. "I'm close, Alpha," Tae whined.

He was going to make his mate cum again and just from this? Fuck if that didn't make his chest puff up in pride, "yes Baby, cum for me. Show Alpha how good he's making you feel."

"Bite me again, please."

And who was Hobi to deny him something he wanted anyway. He made sure that he wasn't on the scent gland, but as close as he could get without mating them. Yes he wanted that, but not until they both talked and agree to it. As soon as Tae felt Hobi's teeth on his neck he cried out as he came all over the nest, Hobi following immediately after.

There was so much cum in front of them but Hobi didn't even care, smelling their cum mixed together was perfection. He wanted to tell him how he felt, but he was scared. Scared that Tae didn't feel the same or that he'd only say it back because Hobi said it. There was also the possibility that he'd be so caught up in the moment and the endorphins running through his body would make him feel like he loved the Alpha but then when it settled he'd regret it. So he bite his tongue and just continued nuzzling into Tae's neck, drowning the younger in his scent even more.

They stayed cuddled together for about half an hour waiting for the knot to go down, but neither of them seemed to mind. "I feel sticky," Tae mumbled almost sleepily. He'd had two big orgasms in less than twenty minutes.

"I'll clean you up and then we can sleep for a bit. But I need you to eat when we get up, okay?"

The Omega barely nodded, his breath evening out already. It would be harder to clean him up and the nest if Tae was asleep, but it wouldn't stop him from doing it.

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