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"I did it, that's what I'm trying to tell you," the Omega screamed. "I killed her, I can tell you everything about it."

"Your mate already confessed and weren't you almost nine months pregnant when the murder happened? Stop lying Omega, you can't save him."

Tae was seething, "ask him details about the murder. I bet he doesn't even know what color the suitcase was or how many times she was stabbed. I can answer all of that because I did it."

The officers rolled their eyes, not believing a word he was saying and he was freaking out. The only saving grace was Binna was with Jin. They wouldn't let him see Hobi, and he needed to see him. He needed to apologize, this would kill the Alpha if he got sent to jail. Being separated from your fated mate would kill you if the separation was too long, but Tae would survive because he had Binna.

So he went back home and all of his friends were there, he didn't know what to tell them. It's not like he wanted them to be scared of him. "I couldn't see him," he sobbed from the middle of his nest.

It was almost a month before they set a trial, Hobi looked like death. He was barely eating, could hardly sleep and he knew that he was dying. They didn't let Tae come and visit, apparently, the Omega confessed and they didn't like that he was trying to trick them. Hobi's heart was breaking a little. He knew without a doubt what his mate did and while he wants to be pissed that he put himself and their daughter in danger, he gets it.

He gets why he did it, he protected his family when Hobi couldn't. Seeing him for the first time in so long was refreshing, he saw Tae and his daughter sitting in the front row right behind his chair. He wanted to hug them, kiss them both of their foreheads but he couldn't. He was chained down to the floor so he couldn't do anything but sit in his seat.

He had to listen to the prosecutor tell the entire room how this savage Alpha already had a mate and a pup on the way, yet he still brutally murdered his ex Omega since he couldn't have both. He was painting Hobi in the most horrible light. 

Finally it was his lawyer's turn, and although the Alpha admitted to committing the crime. He was actually in the hospital at the time of the murder after being attacked by the victim. He started to freak out a bit, he didn't want them to turn their sights onto Tae. He'd happily die as long as his loves got to live together. "His mate even confessed," he lawyer added and Hobi's entire body seized up, "they love each other so much that they both confessed to a crime neither of them committed. Hobi was in the hospital and his mate was almost nine months pregnant and with him. There are witnesses to this. We have three signed affidavits from their friends that stayed outside their room that neither of them ever left. We even have the Alpha's Doctor that could testify it as well."

They lied for him, he doesn't know why, but they lied. The next four hours were so stressful, they had placed him back in a cell while the jury decided his fate. If they sent him to jail, he would die. They were made very aware of this fact, but he didn't know if it was enough.

"We find the defendant not guilty."

He was free, as soon as he was uncuffed from the floor he hopped over the barrier keeping him from his family and wrapped them both in a hug, "you've gotten so big baby girl," he cooed as he kissed Binna all over her fat cheeks. "Why did you guys lie?"

"We didn't, we were there all night," Jimin said with his chin up in the air just daring the Alpha to question him further.

It took a few hours before they convinced everyone to go home, that they needed time alone since it had been a month. Hobi wanted nothing more than to slide into his mates heat, but Binna cried every time they tried to put her in her crib. She clung onto her Appa so Hobi just laid down with her on his chest. "I need you to tell me."

Tae sighed, his scent taking a very sour note to it. "I'm sorry, please don't leave me."

"Never, no matter what." He turned his head a bit so he could kiss his mates forehead, "she wasn't the first one was she?"

He listened to Tae tell him how he'd murdered so many people that he lost count. That when he presented as an Omega and discovered he was scent blind he went insane killing his parents. That when they died, he realized that he could smell their scents and he became addicted. But once he met the Alpha it all stopped. He could smell another wolf, and that Hobi made him so happy that he didn't need to kill anymore. That he swore he'd never do it again, but that bitch attacked them and he couldn't let her live.

Tae was borderline hysterical and it was breaking Hobi's heart, he wanted to be upset, but in the back of his head he's fairly sure he knew. Something was always off with Tae and he never quite knew what it was. "I love you Tae, this doesn't change anything. But you can't ever do it again, even if it's something like Moonsu. Promise me, promise me over our sleeping daughter that you will never kill another person."

"I promise," he sobbed into Hobi's arm, "as long as I get you I don't need to. I love you so much, I love her so much. I've never love anyone the way I love you two."

It would take a while, but they'd be alright. They were fated after all. The Alpha reached over and pulled his mate against him, "I love you more Baby." They fell asleep wrapped up together, the three of them happy in their nest.

A/N thanks for coming on yet another BTS ride with me. Love you guys so so much.

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