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Reborn woke up that morning already upset. He didn't know why he was upset, but he had the feeling something was going to happen at some point in the day. He did a quick rundown of the day's plans as he got ready. "Tsuna's coming back from his  meeting today; None of his Guardian's have a mission today, so they'll all be in the mansion; No one should be coming for any reason." Still perplexed, but not about to let it show, the hitman left his room to go eat breakfast. If he was right, which he always is, then Hayato and Lambo should be in the mansion already.

Upon arriving in the dining room, Reborn was greeted by the two Guardian's and the staff. He nodded back, took his seat and began eating. He was the only one of the former Arcobaleno visiting - he actually lived in the mansion with Tsuna and his Guardians, but that's beside the point - the Vongola currently, so he was alone at his table. He didn't mind, though, he wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone.

"When will Tsuna be back?" Lambo Hayato from the main table.

The silver haired man looked about ready to flip the table, but he didn't. Instead, he sighed with his eyes closed, "Il capo will be back later tonight. Please stop asking."

Lambo slouched in his chair, visibly upset. He was only fifteen, so Tsuna hadn't let him go out for mission's yet. When he complained, Tsuna said he wanted Lambo to finish high school like the rest of his Guardian's. Lambo reluctantly agreed. He didn't like staying in the mansion alone while the others got to go out all the time. But, Tsuna usually didn't leave, so it was bearable.

When everyone was done with their breakfast, the staff cleaned up while Reborn, Hayato, and Lambo left the room. Hayato, being Tsuna's right hand, was in charge of keeping everything running smoothly while he was gone. This included doing most of his paperwork. Lambo was going to do his school work - online - in the study. He'd normally do it in Tsuna's office so the brunet could help him, but the study was the next best place when he wasn't home. Reborn was going to the shooting range further in town. The building wasn't in the original plans for the town when they moved the base, but it was put in so Reborn - and a few others - would stop using people as targets. It didn't matter if they missed on purpose, one wrong move on a bad day could result in war and nobody wanted that.

Having gone their separate ways, the day continued with little to no trouble. It wasn't until four hours before Tsuna was set to return to the mansion that a problem showed itself.

When he was done with his school work, Lambo had gone down to the labs to see if he could help with anything. Shoichi and Spanner both worked for the Vongola, but they were spending the week with the Gesso famiglia to help Byakuran' Guardians with something, leaving Giannini alone. Lambo had taken an interest in the inventor's line of work when he was about twelve. He had asked Verde for some help with his Lightning Flames, and had come back and headed straight to the labs to see if he could help the engineers. Everyone was surprised, but no one objected. So, he spent his free time in the labs - where he now was - about four days a week.

"Do you need any help with anything, Giannini?" the teen asked when he entered the room.

Giannini looked over to the door and threw a quick greeting to Lambo before turning back to what he was doing. "Yes," he answered the teen's question, "but I don't think you can help me with this."

Lambo shrugged and made his way over to the man and looked over his shoulder. "What are you doing?"

The inventor moved over a bit so his companion could see better, "I want to know how the Ten Year Bazooka works, but the math isn't mathing."

Lambo smirked a bit at the phrasing. He was proud of himself for culturing the three mechanics. It was now easier for him to understand them, even if everyone else had a harder time now. Besides, he could translate. Though, in the time he spent with Tsuna during breaks from both school and paper work, he had made sure Tsuna was cultured as well. Reborn got in on it, too, but the man would never admit that he had to be taught.

Focusing on the board, Lambo ran over some of the equations in his head. Because it was his family who designed and built the Ten Year Bazooka, he had seen the blueprints. It was only once for about a minute, but he had memorized them. He later found out that he has an eidetic memory and a whole lot of things started to make sense. Though he neglected to tell anyone but Tsuna, who was with him when he found out.

He hummed. "I don't know about the equation, but I could redraw the blueprints for you. Would that help?"

Giannini had stars in his eyes when he turned to the young Guardian. "Really? You could do that?" Asking how he would be able to do that didn't even cross his mind.

The teen nodded, grabbed some blueprint paper and a pencil, sat down and got to work. He didn't know why Giannini wanted to figure out how the time machine worked, but he didn't think much of it. He probably should have, though.

No more than thirty minutes had passed when Reborn joined the two in the lab. He hadn't heard any kind of explosion and was getting suspicious that something was going on. The little bell that was his natural hitman's intuition told him that the lack of noise had something to do with why he had woken up in a bad mood.

"What are you two doing?" the hitman asked when he entered the room.

"Reborn!" Giannini greeted the man, "What brings you down here?"

"I asked you first."

The inventor sweatdropped, "Right...Lambo's draw some blueprints for me!"

Skeptical, Reborn raised an eyebrow, "For?"

"He wants to know how the Ten Year Bazooka functions. Since I've seen the blueprints, I figured I could help him out." Lambo walked up to the two men and handed Giannini the now finished blueprints, "I'm tired now, so I'm gonna take a nap before fratello gets here." He nodded to Reborn on his way out, yawning and stretching on his way to his room.

Now a duo, Reborn turned his attention back the the shorter man who now held the blueprints on how to build a time machine. "I'm going to go check on the status of the other Guardians. I'll be back in three hours." there was a glint in his eyes that promised pain, "Don't mess with anything while I am gone."

Giannini gulped and nodded. Barely satisfied, but having other duties to attend to, Reborn left the lab.

Now alone, Giannini turned around to see why his calculations weren't working out the way they should. He soon noticed the extra object sitting by where Lambo had been early and he got an idea.

10 Year MishapWhere stories live. Discover now