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Tsuna and Ryohei spent that day training to the ballroom. Ryohei made sure Tsuna was doing the exercises correctly. He even did them with him! Anytime the small Sky felt like he wasn't able to go on, the two took a small water break and Ryohei asked him why he felt that way. It was good to be in the right mentality while working out, otherwise it's a waste of time and no results would show.

"I guess I'm just used to doing this much work." Tsuna explained, sitting on the floor for a small rest, "Sure, I've been running around Italy for a year, but that situation and this one seem really different."

"Really?" Ryohei was now extremely curious. "How so?"

Tsuna didn't move from his position other than tilting his head to look at the Sun. "Well, running through the streets was for survival. If I couldn't run, I get hurt. If I couldn't run, I wouldn't get to eat. Here, I can eat and I won't get hurt even if I don't run."

Ryohei ran the kids words through his head and came up with the reasoning of 'adrenaline'. While it's not healthy in huge and constant doses for long periods of time, it was helpful for surviving less than optimal situations. He wasn't going to mention it, though. Despite how incredibly intelligent and street smart this kid was, he's still only five years old. The kids age brought up a whole different matter that the boxer was going to ignore for now. Instead, he turned his focus back to the list Reborn gave him. "Well, we've finished all ten laps, so now it's time to move onto push-ups and sit-ups. Which do you want to do?"

Tsuna thought for a moment. He didn't like doing either of those things. Push-ups made his arms hurt, but sit ups made his stomach hurt. The  lesser of the two evils was probably the push-ups. "Sit-ups." he decided. If he could get his stomach hurting out of the way, then maybe the push-up position might make him feel better. Not his arms, though. Those were as good as useless after push-ups.

Satisfied with the answer, Ryohei help Tsuna into the starting sit-up position and told him to start when ready. He held the kids feet down for the six minutes it took him to do thirty sit-ups. The Sun thought it was a bit much, but didn't say anything. He was going to be more lenient on the push-ups, though. The kid wasn't used to this kind of physical activity, so pushing him could be disastrous. 

Tsuna let himself lay on the floor in the starfish position for a few minutes before he got up to do push-ups. He didn't know how long it took him, but he'd heard Ryohei count out all thirty sit-ups before he allowed himself to completely collapse on the floor. After this, he didn't ever want to do anything like these exercises. Never again.

The child managed to roll himself over and placed his hands on either side of his head, ready to push his body up before he was to slowly let himself down. Ryohei crouched in front of him and let him begin, counting each time he lowered himself as one.

Ten minutes later found Tsuna laying on his back again, his arms shaking just as much as his legs were. At least his abs didn't hurt anymore, that was a plus.

Ryohei smiled at the kid and handed him a water bottle as he sat up. "You did good. I'll walk ya through some cool-down stretches, then you can go take a bath. When you're done, we'll get some food, okay?" Too tired to respond, Tsuna nodded and slowly stood up, his legs and arms still shaking.

True to his word, Ryohei took Tsuna to his room for a bath after they had finished the fifteen minute cool-down. The silver haired man filled the tub, got some clothes for the kid, and left to wait in the hall. When Tsuna came out of his room, the two headed to the dining room. It was a small shock to the brunet when he realized that it was only noon. He thought it was much later than that! He told his companion this and the man seemed to frown before saying that it was okay because he had extremely lost track of time and that it happens to everybody.

It was not, in fact, extremely okay. It was actually extremely concerning to the doctor. Tsuna not having a sense of time - no matter how small or accurate - made a lot of assumptions run through his head. He didn't say anything, though. He didn't want to child to worry.

"I've got some work to do in the hospital wing after lunch," Ryohei told Tsuna, "You can come with me, or you can go play with one of the others. What do you want to do?"

Tsuna pondered his choices for a few minutes. The hospital wing sounded like it would have lab equipment in it. He didn't like lab equipment, so he probably wouldn't like the hospital wing. But, as far as he knew, everyone else was buys today. Maybe he could just be with them? He'd stay out of the way! He told Ryohei his decision and the man nodded.

Lunch was a very informal meal in the company of the Vongola. It was less 'everyone's eating at the same time in the same room' and more of 'come and eat whenever you want'. With almost no formalities, Tsuna chose to sit on the floor and eat his lunch and Ryohei joined him. No one really seemed to care outside of a double take and a greeting directed at the two.

After lunch, Tsuna asked if he could grab a book from somewhere. Seeing this as a good idea, the two stopped at the library on their way to wherever it was they were going. When Tsuna had the book he wanted, Ryohei took him up to the top floor of the castle. Tsuna hadn't been there before, so he made sure to look at everything. At the very end of the single corridor - ironically lined with several doors - was a door to rule them all. Ryohei knocked.

"Come in!" was called from the other side and the two entered.

The room, revealed to be an office, was the same colour palate as the rest of Vongola Castle, so colour pops occured in the details. The desk and chair were darker than the floor, the sofa and armchairs to the side matched the lighter coloured rugs. The bookshelves opposite the seats and the coffee table matched the desk. Small trinkets and plants of various sizes filled a majority of the space, giving the room a cozy feel. The desk was covered in paperwork that had even spilled over to be on to of the filing cabinets beside the bookshelves. It was an overall mess, but that didn't take from the strange charm of the room.

Ryohei let Tsuna over to the armchairs and sofa. "I have some work to do," he said to the male behind the desk, "so Tsuna's gonna extremely stay in here with you for a bit, 'kay?" The other male waved him off, obviously not paying much attention. With one last look to the child in the room, the Sun left, closing the door behind him.

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