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Lambo, Giannini, Shoichi and Spanner were in for hell the second Tsuna got back. Not only had they put the Sky - their boss - in unnecessary danger, they'd also exposed both their own and parallel Tsuna to unknown factors! Everyone is born with the knowledge that unknown situations could cost you your life. This is especially true when you're a part of the Underground.

Needless to say, Reborn was going to punish them. He wasn't going to stop there, though. He was going to have Bermuda oversee their punishment which would, of course, be inside of the labyrinth that is Vindicare Prison. He wasn't going to tell Tsuna, though. The Sky had way too much stress for the week. Besides, Reborn knew that the Vongola Castle Staff would fight him to make sure Tsuna got at least a day off.

That thought brought him to another one. He'd gotten a notification a few days ago from Tsuna, but the messages hadn't been able to come through. That means that his former student had tried to contact him. Why? Was he in trouble? He hadn't gotten any messages after that, but he wasn't about to let his mind wander to the worst case scenario. If Tsuna died, Reborn swore that he'd bring the idiot back to life just to kill him again.

Sighing, he sent a quick message to all of Tsuna's Guardians as he left the lab. Lambo was due to bring the Parallel Bazooka up to Tsuna's office an hour before dinner so that they could get their Sky back. The deadline was in twenty minutes. All that was left to do was to find the Parallel Tsuna and take him up to the office as well. Kyoya assured he'd have the kid by then, so everyone was converging there now.


Tsuna had the feeling that his Family had just done something incredibly stupid. He'd had that feeling all week, but it was now amplified and it was making him anxious. Not only that, but he'd been uncomfortably aware of how weak his bonds were getting as his time away from them stretched on. So, to try and regulate those emotions, he was stress cleaning and shopping. By now, this safe house - that he'd hopefully never have to see again - was spotless and stocked to the brim with non perishable food and drinks, plus hygiene essentials, first aid equipment, and emergency rations. All bought with stolen money acquire like Robin Hood.

He sincerely hopes that his parallel self uses this place.

With nothing else to do, Tsuna though 'Fuck it.' And sent two messages to the two Reborns in his contact list. The first one was to his Reborn saying that he may or may not commit a murder when they got him back and that the guilty party will be suspended and placed under house arrest for the next month. Basically, he grounded the guilty party(s). The second message was to this worlds Reborn. It was a quick 'I-will-never-contact-you-again-but-this-number-might-so-please-don't-shoot-me!'. And, yes. He had, in fact, added this world's Reborn's number into the burner phone he'd bought. He was going to leave it for this worlds Tsuna. The contact was labeled 'Reborn. Do NOT contact unless absolutely necessary.'.

Despite having been thrown here without consent, getting found by this world's Aria, being forced to leave Italy with her, almost getting arrested because of her, seeing his mother with another child, and living in and fixing up an abandoned house, Tsuna found himself feeling like he was going to miss this place. Sure, he didn't know when he'd be getting home - his Hyper Intuition said it'd be 'same day' soon - exactly, but he felt a bit sad at leaving this place. Like an author with their characters or an artist with their pictures, he was leaving a piece of himself here.

He was never going to tell anyone his thoughts on this, though. It was stupid he felt this way, so he was going to carry that strange longing to his grave.

Standing in the middle of the sitting room, Tsuna allowed himself to relish in the familiar smell of parallel air. A tingle in his head told him that he was going home soon, and the blue smoke filling his vision only proved that point.

Despite only having ever traveled like this once before, the bridge between Parallel Worlds was a magnificent, beautiful, and terrifyingly familiar place. It was a void of white that also reflected so much colour without showing any at all. It was a contradiction, a paradox, in and of itself.

All too soon, but also not soon enough, Tsuna was standing in his office.

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