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Tsuna didn't know what he was expecting when he woke up in the morning, but this was not it. First of all, he remembered falling asleep in a cardboard box, not in a fancy ass bed. Second of all, who the hell was this man and why was he beside the bed? Third, he's really hungry. He hadn't eaten since maybe three days ago, so he was a bit peckish. Sitting up and pushing the quilts off of himself with full intentions to leave the room, Tsuna stopped short when the man on the floor spoke.

"Finally awake, I see?"

For a long moment, Tsuna didn't move. He was hoping the man would think he was still sleeping and would leave, but he was quickly proven wrong.

"I know you're awake, so don't even try." the man stood up and turned to face the bed. He was a bit unnerving, but not scary. 'Scary' had been given a new definition shortly after he met his sister and brother, and this man did not fit that bill.

Reborn raised a brow at the child with a smirk. "Take a picture," he said, "It'll last longer."

Tsuna recovered quickly but didn't say anything as he looked away. He didn't know his current situation, so he was going to try and figure it out. He didn't have anyone with him anymore, so he was on his own. Tsuna didn't move anything other than his eyes as he looked around the room, planing an escape route and finding any possible weapons.

Reborn watched the young brunet with a frown on his face. The kid was acting like a trained, caged animal! What the hell? From what he knew from observation, interaction, and witnesses, Tsuna hadn't been like this at all as a child. Again, what the hell? Had the people of Namimori come together to uphold an elaborate lie? No, that wouldn't be possible, at least not on that large a scale. But then, what was going on? Then, the thought hit him.

"Kid," Reborn approached carefully. There were too many unknown variables in this situation for him to be anything but cautious. "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?" The child didn't answer. His frown seemed to deepen, but he continued nonetheless. "Where are you from?" The kid's use of fluent Italian hadn't escaped him. Again, no answer. "Do you know where you're parents are?" This time, Tsuna shook his head after a moment's hesitation. "Do you know who your parents are?" Again, Tsuna shook his head.

The hitman sighed heavily and sat down on the edge of the bed. He noticed the small brunet flinch, but he didn't move away because the kid didn't either. Obviously, the child didn't seem his as a threat. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing had yet to be decided.

Pulling out his phone, Reborn send a quick message to Mukuro and Takeshi to come to their Sky's room. He had a feeling he knew what was up, but he needed some conformation. With much hesitation, the Sun sent a message to the two other Skies of the Tri-Ni-Sette and told them to come over as soon as they could. He turned off his phone and turned his attention back to the brunet who still had yet to move. "There are some people coming up to meet you, okay?"

Tsuna didn't respond verbally. Instead, he nodded his head. He was so very confused still, but he had his evacuation route planned and possible weapons chosen should he need them. He didn't know how to fight, and this man - and probably his friends, too - is obviously trained, but he knew he was fast. He'd been living on the streets for nearly a year now, so he knew he could get out as long as he used street rules. That being said, he had no illusions that he could land even a proper hit on this guy unless he caught him by surprise.

"Hey, kid!" the man's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Are you listening?"

Tsuna turned his head to look at the man, carefully avoiding eye contact. He knew what would happen if he looked someone in the eye. It meant pain. While he knew he could handle it, he didn't think his body knew that.

"I asked if you're hungry."

The brown haired child thought for a moment. He was going to shake his head 'no', unwilling to risk getting poisoned by this stranger, but his stomach answered for him loudly. Tsuna saw the man smile a little before he touched a black rectangle thing. He'd seen those things in the labs, but he didn't know what they were called.

"I'll have Mukuro and Takeshi bring something up for you, then."

'Mukuro?' Did he hear that right? He'd only heard that name once before, just before he and his brother and sister got out. But that couldn't be right. As far as he knew, everyone had been returned to their families and homes, those who weren't were sent to orphanages. If that was the case, then why was that Mukuro kid here?

Tsuna, so lost in his head, didn't notice the faint ringing that was trying to bring him back. He also didn't notice the voices saying his name or the hands shaking him. All he heard was the steady beeping of machines and the distant screams and the smell of blood and the sound of someone running towards him and the crunch of snow and the feel of needles pushing stuff into his arm and the-

He screamed as he slammed his hands over his ears, a burst of orange and indigo pushing the hands off of him. He didn't want to be here! He just wanted to be left alone! He didn't care if that meant fighting for his food or sleeping in the cold, he just wanted these people to stop touching him and the loud beeping to stop!

"Tsunayoshi!" Reborn, Mukuro and Takeshi had been pushed back by the sudden burst of Flames. The orange ones had formed a barrier around the brunet like a blanket while the indigo ones lashed out if any of them got within a few feet of the child on the bed. The Mist Flames had been what surprised them, because as far as they knew, Tsuna's Secondary Flame was Lightning, not Mist.

Takeshi had started to let his Flames slowly trickle out and fill the room since he and Mukuro had entered, but they hadn't been working. Upping the output, he quickly cut off the flow when Tsuna's own Flames reacted violently to the sudden comfort. It was almost as if he thought he was in danger. "He thinks he's in danger." the Rain voiced.

"Oh?" Mukuro asked, glancing at the Japanese male before looking back at the panicking Sky, "What ever gave you that idea?"

Takeshi ignored the sarcasm. "His Flames are pushing mine away from him. It's almost like the concept of 'comfort' is an entirely knew thing to him.

Reborn had been over by the door to make sure no one else came into the room. The three of them should be enough, if not overwhelming. "What do you suggest we do then?"

It was then that Byakuran decided to come flying in through the window. He ignored everyone else in the room and made a b-line straight for Tsuna. Much to the shock of the three Elements, Tsuna's Flames didn't react violently to the Sky's presence. In fact, they wrapped around him as he got closer to the brunet and allowed him to hold the now crying child. Slowly, he managed to calm the brunet down enough so he fell asleep.

Reborn, Takeshi and Mukuro, seeing the Sky and Mist Flames retreat, risked stepping closer to the bed. When they weren't pushed back or attacked they walked closer and joined the two Skies on the bed. Takeshi had stopped to pick up the food that had been thrown to the ground.

"So," Reborn was the first to speak up, causing Byakuran to look at him, "You wanna explain what that was?"

Byakuran let his hand continue to run through Tsuna's hair. "I will, once you tell me why the hell he's a child."

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