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Reborn want to shoot someone in the head. He had given Giannini distinct instructions on what he expected while he was gone. He had given the man one rule to follow for three hours. How the fuck had this happened?

"What is the one thing I told you to do?" he asked the inventor, his voice low and tone dangerous.

"Not to mess with anything while you were gone..." was the quiet answer he got in return. Giannini had the decency to look shameful.

"And what, pray tell, did you do?" Frustration with a hint of bloodlust was growing steadily through the small conversation. The urge to shoot the man in front of him grew with it.

"Mess with something while you were gone..." Another quiet answer, but it still rang loud in the silent room.

Reborn pinched the bridge of his nose in composed frustration and sighed. Despite what he wanted, he could not shoot the engineer in the head because Tsuna would be upset with him. "You have until Tsuna gets back to fix this or I'm planting lead in your leg." That wasn't going to stop him from threatening the man, though.

"But that's in an hour!"

"Fix it!"


Tsuna had had a wonderful time at his 'meeting'. To Reborn and his Guardians it was a meeting between the Skies - and Earth - of the allied famiglias. In good faith, only Skies - and Earth -  showed, leaving all bodyguards and most weapons - only carrying one each - in their respective homes with their famiglias. In truth, the 'meeting' was an excuse to get away from responsibility for a week out of the year and spend time together. They hadn't realized it until recently, but apparently those in the role of 'Sky' can harmonize with each other. It was a shock when they all started to feel withdrawal symptoms around the same time. Not wanting to worry their famiglias, they organised a meeting, figured out what was happening, and made it a yearly thing. Though, the first and last days were for business, the rest of the week was solely relaxation.

The Sky Sumit - as it had been unofficially labeled - had ended a few hours ago and his plane was set to land in Palermo Airport in about fifteen minutes. From there, his driver would pick him up and they'd drive another thirty minutes home to Carini.

Tsuna was hoping for a nice quiet evening when he got back, but the headache he got as the plane neared the ground alerted him to the opposite happening. Something was either currently happening or was going to happen as soon as he got home. Either way, it wasn't dangerous but the stress would probably send him to the grave earlier than promised. Though, that wasn't saying much considering the occupational hazards of his job.

He waited for the other passengers to get off the plane before himself mostly so he could stall getting home. His Hyper Intuition so helpfully told him there was no avoiding the situation, but he was going to postpone it as long as he could. Besides, he had a window seat and he enjoyed people watching. It was one of the reasons he chose to fly economy instead of first class...or private jet. The other reason was so he wouldn't call attention to himself. His identity, after all, was a very closely guarded secret among his family and allies for some reason.

Now the only one seated, Tsuna stood to grab his carry-on and leave the plane. He thanked the stewardesses and the pilots as he left. He got smiles and 'You're Welcomes' in return. He made sure to memorize their names when they first introduced themselves and he was going to give a good word for them with the airport. Anonymous, of course.

Finally in the airport, he found his driver quickly. The man was wearing jeans and a t-shirt to be casual, but he had a custom ring - one that everyone in the Vongola had - hanging from his necklace sp Tsuna could identify him. Quickly checking the Flame signature on the ring, Tsuna greeted the man and the two went to the baggage claim to wait for the brunet's suitcase to appear.

"How was your trip?" the driver asked his boss.

Tsuna smiled. "It was nice. Me and the others got a lot of work done and we even had time to relax!"

The driver smiled, "That's good to hear. You work so hard all the time, it's good you got some time to relax."

Tsuna giggled and spotted his luggage. He quickly grabbed it and returned to his companion. "Shall we return home, Antonio?"

Antonio smiled and took his boss's bags, ignoring his protests, "We shall, il capo."

Tsuna shook his head in amusement and followed Antonio to the car. Despite his best efforts, everyone who worked for him refused to call him by his name. Instead, they called him 'boss' in their native language. Antonio and Hayato, for example, called him 'il capo', meaning 'boss'. Others like Takeshi, Chrome and the head maid Ren called him 'bosu' also meaning 'boss'. Though, his Guardians only called him 'boss' when they did something they knew he wouldn't like, they otherwise called him by his name, with missions being the exception.

The drive back was quiet. Antonio wasn't a big talker and Tsuna was tired, so it worked out. With music softly playing in the background, Tsuna told Antonio to wake him when they got home or if anything happens before they got there. Hearing the man's acceptance of the order, Tsuna leaned his head back and fell asleep.

All too soon, he was awoken by Antonio who said they had reached the Vongola Mansion. It wasn't much of a mansion, though. The Vongola had taken up residence Carini a few years ago with their main base of operations being in the Castle of Carini, after renovations, of course. From there, the rest of the city was inhabited and converted to a town of mafioso, all employed under the Vongola.

Tsuna stretched and got out of the car while Antonio got his bags from the trunk. He thanked the man, grabbed his bags and walked up the steps and to the door. His Hyper Intuition was now laughing at his misfortune about what was to befall him. He swears up and down that it's sentient, but no one believes him. Taking in a deep breath, Tsuna opened the doors and walked in. The doors closed behind him, alerting him to how oddly quiet it was. "What in the world?"

"Jefe?" he heard and turned to face the voice. It was the head butler.

"Hola, Mateo." Tsuna greeted, "Why is it so quiet?"

Mateo took his bosses bags and followed him towards his room, "I don't know, sir."

"Are my Guardians here?"


"What about Reborn or the other former Arcobaleno?"

"Just Reborn, sir."

"The Varia?" Xanxus had left the Sky Sumit a day earlier because of an emergency call from Squallo. No one really questioned it, but Tsuna knew he'd get a report about it within the next week.

"No, sir."

Tsuna hummed. If there was no one extra in the castle, then that would explain the quiet. Against that theory, though, was the fact that all of his Guardians were here. Normally, with everyone in one place, he'd be able to hear them from the other side of the fortress.

When they arrived at his room, Tsuna asked, "Is Reborn in a good mood?"

Mateo put the bags down and shook his head. "No, he's been in a bad mood all day. He even went to the shooting range and still came back upset!"

Tsuna hummed. That explains the noise level. "Thank you, Mateo. I'll see you at dinner, yeah?"

The head butler smiled, "Si. I'll see you then." Then he left.

Now alone, Tsuna put his bags in his room to unpack later and decided to hunt down either Reborn or his Guardians, whoever he ran into first, really. Knowing it would take too long to search normally, he let his Hyper Intuition guide him. Much to his disdain, he was led right to the labs. Again, he took a deep breath and pushed his headache away. "I really should've unpacked before coming here." Shaking his head, he opened the door and excepted his fate. "I'm back, everyone!" he announced.

"Watch out-!" was the greeting he got.

Knowing it was too late to move out of the way of whatever was hurtling towards him, he didn't even open his eyes. He could, however, feel something hit his head before smoke filled his lungs. "Cazzo!" he swore.

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