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The walk from Tsuna's room to the dining room was only good vibes. Alessia and Tsuna were in their own little world as they walked through the halls, causing everyone they passed to stare at them. The duo sparkled like stars on a clear midnight and everyone was in agreement of that statement.

Upon reaching the dining room, the two walked in, still not completely aware of the people staring at them, and got their food. Breakfast was set up in a buffet style, so people came and went as they pleased. Alessia helped Tsuna get his food, got some for herself, then led him to the head table where she dropped him off with Chrome before bidding him a good morning and leaving to eat.

Chrome, the only of the Guardians currently present, smiled at the small Sky when he was sat in his seat. Deciding he looked a bit lonely, now that Alessia had left to go eat, she moved to sit beside him in Takeshi's seat. Normally, she wouldn't dream of sitting in anyone else's seat, but this was an exception.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked the boy softly. She had made her moves very obvious and loud so that she didn't startle him. He didn't flinch and she took it as a win.

Tsuna looked up at the lady beside him and shook his head slightly, looking back down and looking at his food. She seemed nice enough.

"Is there something wrong?" Chrome asked when he didn't start eating.

"No," he answered, "It's just, um..." he motioned uselessly to the silverware and plate and shrugged.

Chrome frowned. "Do you...not know how to use silverware?"

Tsuna blushed and shied away from her gaze. Of course he knew what silverware was, he'd just never used it before. He'd seen other people use it, but that was about it. Whenever he got the chance to eat, everything was finger food. He didn't normally care what people thought as he ate, but these people were fancy and he didn't want to seem like a slob.

Sighing, Chrome put down her fork and reached for Tsuna's hand, making sure he saw what she was doing. "My name is Chrome," she introduced herself briefly, "Would you like me to help you?"

Blushing more, Tsuna nodded and allowed Chrome to grab his hand. Her grip was gentle and made him feel safe. Slowly, he relaxed and let her mess with his hand.

Chrome picked up Tsuna's fork and put it in his hand, directing him on how to hold it and demonstrating. Once he had a good grip on it, she helped him stab some bacon on his plate before letting go. He seemed to understand what to do from there. Once he'd eaten and swallowed the bacon, she helped him scoop up some eggs. Tsuna quickly got the hang of it and began to eat on his own. Chrome went back to her own meal, though she kept an eye on the child so he wouldn't choke.

By the time Tsuna was done with his breakfast, the dining room had begun to fill up with the Vongola Staff who had come to eat. Most of the Vongola eat together in the morning, but it was not required. Starting and ending they day as a collective group, though, had noticeably improved everyone's moods when they'd done it the first time, so they proceeded to make and keep the tradition going. Their boss had been overjoyed to eat with everyone, giving them an even bigger mood boost.

Chrome was still the only Guardian present, so she turned her attention to the boy beside her. "What do you want to do today?" she questioned politely.

"Um," he thought for a moment. He wasn't meant to be there, so they probably wouldn't let him go outside where people could possibly see him. He also didn't want to get in the way of anyone's work, but he didn't know where anyone worked. "Um..."

Seeing his internal struggle becoming an external struggle, Chrome giggled softly and stood up, offering her hand to Tsuna who was now looking up at her. "Would you like to go to the courtyard? It's in the middle of the palace, so we don't have to worry about anyone seeing you there."

Stars lit up in his eyes. He could go outside! He wouldn't be stuck inside the whole time he's here! Yay! Standing quickly, he grabbed Chrome's hand. "Lead the way, Chrome!"

Smiling, she took the boy through the castle, pointing out a few things and waving hi to the staff they passed. The boy's curiosity and the way he soaked up everything she told him slightly  amazed her. He was so cute! It was also strikingly obvious that he was opening up. He was waving to people with her and sending small smiles to everyone, but that was enough for everyone to know that he was relaxing. It was a good feeling to know that their boss - from a parallel world or not - was comfortable around them. It also solidified their resolve to protect the bean no matter what, should the need arise.

When the two reached the courtyard, the originally open arches having been filled in with glass and glass doors, Tsuna let go of Chrome's hand and started to run around. Chrome let him and she closed the door behind herself.

The courtyard was beautiful! A huge olive tree sat directly in the centre of the area. It was surrounded by different colours of flowers and insects roamed wildly, but peacefully. A swing hung from one of the stronger branches of the tree, and a few tables and chairs were scattered around. Overall, it was a simple and stunning place to see.

Tsuna made his way over to the swing when he was done looking at every single flower. He'd seen other kids play on swings in parks, but he hadn't ever played on them. He was too busy surviving. Now, though, he could. So, he climbed up on it and tried to figure out how to make it move. The wind helped a little, but not much.

Chrome hadn't lost her smile, and it was only amplified and amused when she noticed Tsuna trying to get the swing to move. Walking over, she offered to push him. When he asked what she meant, she explained it to him. He accepted. "Hold on tight, and don't let go until you stop, okay?" He nodded and she began pushing him on the swing.

The two, absorbed in the atmosphere that only Tsuna - child or adult - could produce, neither noticed the other Guardians, Reborn, Byakuran, or Yuni watching them from some of the windows. The group agreed to let the two be and would only disrupt them for meals.

Today, Tsuna figured with a wide smile and a laugh, was shaping up to be a fantastic day.

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