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Tsuna had, by some miracle he wasn't going to even consider questioning, successfully hid from Rebon. Again, no questions asked and no concerns raised. Despite the fact that the cursed hitman was now out of Japan, he knew it would only be a matter of time before he came back. Though, the assumption he can make based off of the boy his mother - this world's Sawada Nana - was holding, Reborn shouldn't be coming back for about ten years. Even when - not if - he comes back, he won't have to deal with it! It will be entirely this world's Tsuna's problem!

He couldn't help but feel a bit bad leaving other him to deal with the hitman on his tail. The feeling didn't linger. Instead, he thought of ways to potentially help other him! The abandoned house was now not so abandoned looking anymore, he'd managed to set up auto payments with the bank account he slid into the system, the water was running, there was heating and electricity, all that was really missing was a personal touch. Seeing as he's a different person, though, he'd only leave a small bit of his own personal taste.

There was a small voice of doubt in the back of his head saying that all of this work was useless because the house would go unused and the money spend on it wasted, but the voice of his Hyper Intuition said otherwise. The two voices had saved him many times in their own ways, but his Hyper Intuition was more trustworthy, so that's the one he listened to.

The last finishing touches he added was a thrifted painting of the sunset over the New York City skyline over the ocean, a small lion plush he left on the couch that had been in the building already, and an envelope with a detailed explanation of who he was and what he had done during his impromptu visit. He also left the phone he bought and the password. He made sure his own was in working order, though, and that the two phones shared a number.

Overall, Tsuna was proud of what he'd done during his near-week stay. Sure, he had run into a few bumps in the road, but what kind of adventure would it be if it sailed smoothly? A boring one, that's what. But now that he's done, he's bored. He can't talk to anyone in person, over phone or text, so social interactions were a no-go. Wandering around was also a bad idea, mostly because he'd donated all of his clothes - minus the outfit he was now wearing - to a Homeless Shelter in a neighboring city. All in all, his loose ties were all taken care of.

With nothing to really do, Tsuna felt for the bond he shared with his Guardians. He'd been doing this every night, so the weak - almost broken - state it was in was no surprise. Honestly, he was more impressed than anything. It made his heart feel warm. While it was faint, he could still feel his Families emotions. That was the only real comfort he found here. That being said, though, he knew that Disharmony would set in in two to three days. He was not looking forward to having to deal with that again. No thank you.

As night fell over the sky he sat under, Tsuna made sure to watch the stars as he fell asleep to the panicked humming of the bonds he felt. The wildlife outside only added to the ambiance. While safety was a huge stretch, he was content enough to fall asleep.


Kyoya and Tsuna had been near Lambo's room when the teen ran down the hall. It had taken several long stare downs, but Kyoya finally got Tsuna to follow him around and not wander the passageways alone. Though, the two quickly made their way to the lab when they saw Lambo rush that way. The feeling the teen gave off was very giddy, so Tsuna could only imagine that something good had happened.

The passageways were narrow, but the duo traversed them easily. Kyoya, because he was used to it, and Tsuna because he was small. What Tsuna didn't expect, however, was to be able to hear everything being said in the lab very clearly. He turned his gaze to the man beside him and tilted his head to ask the expressionless question.

"It came like this." was the near silent answer. Somehow, Tsuna heavily doubted that.

"If we get this right," one of them said. The voice sounded like he was nervous or excited. "We could get Tsuna back!"

The exclamation hurt Tsuna a lot less than it would have, had he not allowed himself to fall back in his default. However, the lessons he'd survived by did nothing but significantly lessen the blow. It still hurt. His trust - too easily given away, he now realizes - was broken and it hurt.

Another one of them spoke up. Ths one sounded like emotion was too much of a hasle. "If the blueprints are right, then this should take us no longer than an hour to build."

"Yeah, but-" a third voice, this one higher pitched than the other two, and much more nervous than the others, "How do we test it?

"We don't." Lambo - Tsuna'd recognize his voice anywhere - said with a sigh. "We can try, but I don't know if this will work on inanimate objects or animals. The Ten Year Bazooka was never tested on those things, and neither was the Parallel Bazooka. They might affect humans differently than anything else."

The room Tsuna and Kyoya were listening in on fell into a state of tense quiet. All four people inside were thinking about their next course of action. Actions, Tsuna knew, that would determine his way home.

"Then we test them." the second voice stated. "We'll test the Ten Year and Parallel Bazookas on some objects and rats. Once we have the results in, we'll build and test the improved Parallel Bazooka with the same trials. Then, we'll go from there."

He didn't see what the other three did, but Tsuna knew that they had all gotten to work. He didn't do anything other than sit down on the floor. Kyoya would have to leave him sooner or later, so he figured sitting and waiting would bore the man into leaving. It didn't work. Kyoya, the bastard, sat beside Tsuna to wait with him. Every thought screamed at the man next to him, but Tsuna found the tiny - nice - voice in his head saying that he actually didn't mind Kyoya's company.

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