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Chrome and Tsuna played in the courtyard until long after lunch. They were so cute playing together that no one wanted to bother them. It wasn't until Reborn asked where they were a few minutes before dinner was served that someone went out to fetch them.

"Chrome? Tsuna?" Mukuro called from the glass doorway.

"Yes, Mukuro?" Chrome called back. Tsuna looking over at Mukuro didn't miss either of the adult's notice.

"It's time for dinner." he answered.

Chrome looked at her watch and sighed. "He's right, Tsuna, it's time to go in for dinner."

"But-!" the boy was going to complain, but he cut himself off. These people were being nice to him. They didn't have to feed him or play with him or give him a bath. Hell, they could've thrown him in a locked room until their version of him showed up! So, he shut his mouth and followed Chrome and Mukuro to the dining room. He wanted to keep playing, but he needed to do as they said.

Both Mists caught onto his complaint and were confused as to why he cut himself off. Sure, they were both prepared to tell him know, but him stopping himself from asking to keep playing was almost completely unexpected. Mukuro, though, knew that this behavior was left over from the boy's time in the Estrano's hands.

Chrome had offered her hand to Tsuna who took it. He didn't look up from the floor, though. Mukuro stood on Tsuna's other side. A quick glance to Chrome and Tsuna's hands gave him an idea. Making sure Tsuna heard and saw him moving, he took the boy's other hand and started swinging it. Chrome caught on to what he was doing and started to swing the brunet's other arm.

Perplexed by the change of events, Tsuna looked up from the floor. First at Chrome smiled gently, then at Mukuro who smirked playfully. Giggling, Tsuna smiled back at the two and let them swing his arms back and forth. It was a lot of fun. Chrome let go when they got to the dining room doors, though. It made Tsuna a bit sad, but Mukuro still held his hand.

Chrome walked into the dining room ahead of the two males. She had a feeling Mukuro needed to talk to the kid really quickly, so she was going to let him. Her fellow Mist needed a few moments with the young Sky.

Mukuro didn't take a step forward, so neither did Tsuna. They stood in place, holding hands, in front of the now closed dining room door.

"Are you okay?" Mukuro asked the young boy.

Tsuna looked up at the older man in slight surprise. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what I asked." was the answer, "Are you okay? I was in those labs, too. I went through almost the same thing you did, and I sure as hell wasn't okay. You can talk to me if you need to."

Tsuna didn't know what to say. He recognised Mukuro as the boy he'd encountered the day of the escape, but he didn't know this Mukuro had gone through the same thing! It made him feel some type of way. He couldn't place the exact feeling, but he new it was a warm and good feeling to have. It was close to 'comfort', if a name could be given to it. Tsuna looked back up, but not at Mukuro. "I don't know how to talk about it. But, would you mind playing with me tomorrow?"

Mukuro smiled at the boy holding his hand, the kid's grip a bit tighter. "No, I wouldn't mind. I'll even get you for breakfast in the morning." The grin he was rewarded with was completely worth it. Though, Mukuro would rather die than show any kind of 'soft side' to anyone other than Chrome or this child. He might consider consulting with his boss, but that was a huge 'maybe'.

Together, the two went into the dining room and sat in their chairs. Tsuna was put in the middle between Hayato and Takeshi, while Mukuro sat on the right end of the table beside Ryohei. With everyone now present, the food was brought out. In their native languages, everyone thanked the chefs and their chosen deities for the food and began to eat.

Halfway through the meal, music began to play over the speakers in the room. It was common practise to play classical music softly throughout the final meal of the day, but the volume meant that another impromptu party would be starting once a majority of people were done eating. It wasn't common, but it was fun as hell.


Now that they were in the air, Tsuna gave up all hope of getting away. He knew he'd have a chance of fleeing when the plane landed in Japan, but until then, he was at the mercy of Aria for the next twelve-ish hours. It had been pointless to try running while in Sicily, so he knew the result would be the same in Japan.

Resigned to his fate, Tsuna turned away from the window he was staring out of and faced Aria. She only had Gamma sitting with her, but her bodyguards were all just out of hearing distance if they talked quietly.

"So, Yoshino-san," Aria started, her legs crossed and her hands on her knees, "What's your real name?"

"I think you know, Aria-san." Tsuna chose to drop the fake voice as he spoke. She mostly likely already knew who he was. If she didn't, then she'd get him to spill anyway.

She chuckled, "I guess you're right, I do know you. However, Gamma doesn't."

"A compelling argument," Tsuna sighed dramatically before turning his attention to the blond haired man who seemed very confused. "My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you, Gamma-san."

While Gamma rolled the information over in his head, Aria continued the conversation, "I didn't peg you as someone who enjoys crossdressing."

Tsuna smiled awkwardly, her amusement not lost to him. "Ah, no, I don't normally crossdress. I only found it appropriate for the situation I've found myself in. I don't have any useable cards or ID with me, so a disguise was a good opportunity to get those things. Besides, if I hadn't disguised myself, there'd be a few problems for this worlds me."

"You have a good point." The two let a comfortable silence fall over them, the hum of the plane's engines taking over.

Maybe, Tsuna thought as he looked back out of the window, it won't be so bad.

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