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Ryukyu immediately hugs Midoriya and he just kind of stands there, never being hugged by anyone else besides his father. It's a new feeling, he enjoys it. Ryukyu let's go of Midoriya.

Ryukyu: "It's you! It's really you! How have you been?! Where have you been?!"

Midoriya: "It's a long story."

Midoriya explains everything that he's gone through and explains everything to Aizawa and Ryukyu. They are surprised that he was able to meet someone like Newt, someone willing to take him in and help him.

Aizawa: "That was a lot...but, let's get straight to the point, how come you didn't come to us? Why didn't you say anything?"

Midoriya: "I hadn't seen you guys in a while, and I was scared that you'd treat me the same way the Yagi's did. I planned on running away but I ran into Newt first."

Aizawa: "Man...that's horrible. I'm sorry we never checked up on you or did anything to make sure you were okay."

Midoriya: "You don't have to apologize. Everyone assumed I had a quirk so everyone thought I was doing well."

Ryukyu: "We should take this up with other heros and Nezu. We'll get them in court and jailed."

Midoriya: "No, not yet."

Ryukyu: "What? Why?"

Midoriya: "Because of Izumi. She's not going to stop coming after me if it's revealed. Her parents will probably praise her for trying to fix her mistakes by annoying me or doing something stupid. That goes for her parents and her friends as well."

Aizawa: "We can't just hide this, everyone is worried."

Midoriya: "The best thing I see us doing here is waiting until I've graduated, or maybe just faking my death."

Aizawa: "Why wait until you've graduated and fake your death?"

Midoriya: "So then I can face Izumi like an adult rather than as a teenager, and so I have the proper skills to fight her in case she does something dumb. Faking my death sounds harder but it could pay off more, they'll stop looking for me and Izumi will possibly stop annoying me."

Aizawa: "Maybe we should console some other heros about this? I'm not so sure."

Ryukyu: "Unless we had some kind of duplicate of Izuku, I don't see another way of faking his death. I see it as the best option."

Midoriya: "I think I can get a replica of me, actually. I've been learning a new spell that allows me to transform certain objects into different things, I can make a replica of me just using a stick."

Aizawa: "What? Geez, it seems like your power doesn't have a limit. How does all of this magic stuff work, anyway?"

Midoriya: "I'm not sure, but are we going through with it?"

Aizawa: "We need to tell other heros and Nezu, just to be safe."

Midoriya: "No, it'll be harder to keep it a secret. It's just you two, Newt and Itzuka Kendo."

Aizawa: "Why her?"

Midoriya: "I felt like I could trust her."

Ryukyu: "She's a nice girl, very kind and friendly. But, back to the point, how are we going to do this?"


Newt: "I knew keeping a dragon down here was a bad idea...ow, that was painful."

Newt looks at the back of his coat and sees it's been burned, he lifts the coat and his shirt to see a big black spot on his back, but he hears the entrance open and close, and he drops the coat and shirt.

Newt: "Oh, Izuku, hello. How are you?"

Midoriya: "I'm fine, I just need your help with something."

Newt: "What is it?"

Midoriya: "I need help with the transfiguration spell, I need to make a replica of me, that bleeds."

Newt: "What? Why? What do you plan on doing with...yourself?"

Midoriya explains everything and Newt is surprised, he doesn't like the idea, but if it's to keep Midoriya's identity hidden, then he'll help.

Newt: "That is...I don't like that plan, but if it helps keep your identity concealed, then so be it. This is going to be hard, grab that jar and follow my hand moments."

Midoriya and Newt spend a few hours practicing. Midoriya quickly gets the hang of the spell and is able to make a replica of himself, but it isn't perfect. It's always missing a limb or an ear or some important detail, and it doesn't bleed. Midoriya eventually gets the hang of it, getting those details. But still, no blood.

Midoriya: "God, again? Why doesn't it bleed? I'm doing everything correctly."

Newt: "It's probably due to you being tired, or stressed. Best to take a break and continue later, I made some tea and crumpets, do you want some?"

Midoriya: "Yeah, thanks."

Newt brings in a small circular table and sets down the tea and crumpets on the table. They sit down and start to eat, talking about their days.

Newt: "I had to deal with the dragon near the Hippogriffs, they were antagonizing the poor beast and they started a fight. I had to calm her down but she ended up breathing her fumes at me, I have a big burn mark on my back now."

Midoriya: "Are you okay?"

Newt: "Fine, it just stings. Surprised she didn't eat me, she's been having trouble trusting me. What about you? How was school? And the after-school tutoring? That what was it was, right?"

Midoriya: "It was good, I was able to catch up and able to use my powers a little more. Oh, and I revealed my identity to Aizawa and Ryukyu. And it's traning, I pretty much learn how to use my abilities better."

Newt: "Ah, I see. Who are these people?"

Midoriya: "They're pro heros and teachers here, I trust them to keep it a secret, they promised."

Newt: "As long as you trust them, then I trust them too."

Midoriya and Newt continue to talk after they've finished eating. They move on from spells to books to the Wizarding World. They talk about the war and the dangers of magic, dark magic looms everywhere in everyone. Eventually, they get back to practicing.

Newt: "Just focus, and breathe, imagine yourself looking at a mirror and focus on all the details."

Midoriya: "Why can't you just do this for me?"

Newt: "You need to envision all the details, and you should learn."

Midoriya focuses on the empty glass jar and looks at it with focus. He closes his eyes and imagines himself, what he used to look like. Bright yellow hair, dark eyes. Small freckles and scrawny. Weak and insecure, worth nothing. Within the flash of an eye, Midoriya sends out a beam of light and it hits the jar.

The jar quickly transforms into Izuku Yagi, with perfect details. Everything Midoriya imagined is there, no details are missing. Midoriya grabs a small knife and cuts into the replica.

Midoriya: "It's bleeding! It's bleeding! Yes!"

Midoriya is ecstatic. He and Newt celebrate, Newt not knowing how to feel just gives Midoriya a cookie. A few days later, late at night, people are surrounding a building, yelling at someone standing atop looking down. Soon the police arrive.

"Oh, crap, go call in the heros! He's gonna jump!"

In less the five minutes, three groups of six heros have formed, a larger audience of people has formed and there is a spotlight on Midoriya. He's wearing a yellow wig and fake eyeball lenses. He sees Aizawa standing in an alley wearing normal clothes, looking at Midoriya, while Ryukyu is down with the heros devising a plan, using that to stall them.

Izuku: "Just leave! Get out of here! There isn't a point to be here! Go home!"

"Come on kid! Don't do this, you have your family to live for!"

Izuku: "Family is the reason I'm jumping."

"Why should you jump, kid? Besides family, that can be sorted out!"

Izuku: "Because I realized that our existence in this universe is nothing, compared to the stars and planets out there, our meaning to live is close to nothing. There just isn't any point anymore..."

Midoriya looks at Aizawa and Aizawa heads up to the spotlight, no one is handling it since it's stationed directly at Midoriya. Midoriya grabs a rock and throws it toward the spotlight, Aizawa smashes the spotlight and pulls out a rock, he puts it into the spotlight.

The area is covered in darkness and soon the heros start to head up to the building Midoriyas on. Some fly, others crawl the building or make their way up the building by taking the stairs. Midoriya quickly brings out Newt's suitcase and the replica comes out, he dangles the suitcase over the edge and a loud splat is heard. He then disappears with the suitcase. Police pull out flashlights and they see the replica, bleeding. The people watching yell out in horror.

Aizawa leaves and Ryukyu is left to deal with the mess.


Kendo: "You're so stupid!"

Kendo kisses Midoriya, and he melts into it. Kendo had just seen the news, she really thought Midoriya killed himself. When he just appeared in class the next day, she almost burst into tears, the moment they were out of class she demanded to know everything. Midoriya explained his plan and so she called him stupid, saying he should have told her first.

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