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"You know—we really should get out of bed and spend time with Izuku... I'm starting to relate to how you feel... do you ever feel like you're never doing enough for him? Or you're there just because he lets you be there?"

Nana: "Yeah, it's never a good feeling, but then he always seems to fix it. It's like he understands how we're feeling when he actually doesn't, and he seems to cheer us up. Honestly, I'm starting to think he's too good for us."

Hisashi: "Yeah, we should spend more time with him. How about we go down there right now and have him do something fun?"

Nana: "I'd enjoy that."

The two get out of bed, put their clothes on, and exit. They turn their heads to the door next to them and feel a wave of guilt. Should they be together? What if it doesn't work out? The two will have to live a life filled with awkward moments, and Hisashi doubts Nemuri will take him back. He walks over and knocks on the door, patiently waiting for a response. He's met with silence; he knocks again, and no one answers. He knocks one more time.

Nemuri: "What...?!"

Hisashi: "Nemuri? Hey, I just... wanted to check in on you and see how you're doing. It's pretty late in the morning, so maybe you should get up. Also, um..."

He turns to Nana and whispers to her.

Hisashi: "Should I invite her? Invite her to spend time with Izuku with us?"

She nods, and he turns back to the door.

Hisashi: "Nana and I want to hang out with Izuku later today, and maybe you could join us? If you want, of course, but... yeah."

Nemuri: "You want me to spend time with my son while you and your new girlfriend are there? Watching us?"

Hisashi: "I mean, Nana and I are also gonna do stuff with Izuku, so, technically, we're not watching you."

Nemuri: "Just go away, Hisashi."

Hisashi: "Okay, I'll... talk to you later?"

He doesn't get a response. He sighs and walks over to Nana. She grabs his hand and kisses him on the cheek. They both feel extremely guilty, but Hisashi is overwhelmed with emotions.

Hisashi: "I don't know... what to do. I feel like such an asshole."

Nana: "Me too. I think the best thing to do right now is to leave her alone and let her move on. Luckily, she has Izuku and Newt, so maybe they'll be able to help her move on."

Hisashi: "Yeah, maybe..."

Nana: "I don't think we should... dwell on it. Let's just move on with our day, okay?"

He nods, and the two hold each other's hands as they make their way downstairs slowly. On the way down, they hear echoes of grunting and sounds of struggling. Eventually, when they make their way to the bottom, they see Newt doing something to Izuku on the dinner table. They see him in pain, and they quickly rush over.

Nana: "What's happening? What are you doing?"

Newt: "Hmm? Oh, good, you're here! I need you to put pressure on his wound now!"

Newt moves out of the way, and the couple sees Midoriya with a large and deep cut in his stomach. Nana quickly puts her hands on the wound and applies pressure. Midoriya yells out in pain. The two look at Newt, waiting for an explanation, but see him instead crushing a plant in a bowl.

Hisashi: "Newt! What happened?! What are you doing?!"

Newt: "Quiet! Do you have bandages or some kind of cloth that I can wrap around the wound?"

Hisashi: "No! Izuku used them all a few days ago, and I can't leave to get more!"

Newt: "Merlin's beard! Okay, stay here. Do not remove your hands from the wound. You, continue to crush the Dittany. Once it starts to have a consistent texture and a distinct smell, spread it over the wound. I will be back; do not tell his mother!"

He steps back and disappears. Hisashi does as Newt says and continues to crush the Dittany. He turns to Izuku and is about to ask him how this happened, but Midoriya yells in pain. Hisashi starts to speed up the process, and soon, the texture is consistent and has a smell to it. He quickly grabs the powder and spreads it over the wound. Midoriya has a sigh of relief as he feels the pain starting to fade away. Nana is successfully able to stop the blood from flowing, and suddenly, Newt appears with a few rolls of bandages, needles, and a large thread. He pushes Nana and Hisashi out of the way as he stitches the skin back together and applies the bandages. After he's done, Midoriya lies on the table with blood on his clothes, and his body feels sore. He feels sick. Everyone breathes heavily. Nana takes a quick breather and quickly rushes to his side. She places her hands on the sides of his head.

Nana: "Izuku! Izuku! Are you okay? How do you feel? Are you in pain?"

Midoriya: "I'm fine, I'm fine..."

Nana: "Are you sure? No pain? Nothing?"

Midoriya: "No, not anymore..."

Nana: "Thank God. What happened? How were you injured?"

Midoriya: "It was... Itzuka. She stabbed me. God, I'm such a screw-up."

Nana: "What?!"

Hisashi: "Is she still here?! Newt, can you find her?!"

Newt: "I'm not sure... I knew I shouldn't have trusted her."

Midoriya: "Well, I thought... it was someone else, someone with... a shape-shifting quirk... they were disguised as Kendo, but... it wasn't actually her."

He sits up.

Newt: "So you ran into an impostor? Hmm, no one else in the camp noticed? Why couldn't you get help from some of the individuals who live in the camp?"

Midoriya: "They were all busy fighting. We were ambushed by the villains. They found the camp and... destroyed everything. It's all gone..."

Hisashi: "Everything? Is everyone... dead?"

Midoriya: "No, not everyone... maybe a few losses... but there are more dead villains than heroes."

Hisashi: "Must've been a massacre..."

Midoriya: "Yeah, it was..."

Nana: "Izuku, why are you wearing a suit?"

Newt: "Yes, why are you wearing a suit? This was not what you were wearing when you left."

Midoriya: "I... saw him again. That other version of me, do you remember?"

Midoriya gets off the table but collapses, and his legs are shaking. Nana quickly helps him up, allowing him to use her as support.

Newt: "The alter-ego made out of the evil of dark magic?"

He nods.

Midoriya: "He was there, watching me lie on the floor. He said he could help me if he let me take control, and... I did. I didn't see any other choice, and when he took over, he healed my wound, changed my outfit, and... fixed my wand."

Izuku pulls out his wand and hands it to Newt. Newt inspects it and quickly has his eyes locked on the visible cracks. He can see where it had been snapped. Suddenly, the wand snaps into two pieces again, and everyone is shocked. Newt sighs and places the pieces on the table.

Midoriya: "He was the one who... killed all the villains. There was a beam of light or something, and it was like a laser; it... cut everyone in half. I watched, and after it ended, he gave me my body back, saying he'd use it later."

Newt collapses into a chair and covers his face with his hands, and everyone looks at him, worried. Newt clenches his hands together and looks at Midoriya. He shakes his head.

Newt: "The other version of yourself that you see is a... virus. He has infected you to the point where there's no coming back. You've been associated with dark magic so often that... it'll start to change you. There is only one thing you can do now: confront him and eliminate him. If you don't, he will continue to spread his influence, and... he will take over your mind. Your body will become his."

Everyone is silent.

Newt: "I suggest you rest. We'll come up with what to do later; for now, just rest. Nana, would you escort him to his room?"

Hisashi: "Actually, why don't I escort him to his room? I need to talk to him about something..."

Newt: "Okay, Hisashi, take Izuku to his room. Nana, if you're willing to, would you help me clean up this mess?"

She nods, Nana and Newt watch as Hisashi takes Midoriya upstairs, and they take one more step before they disappear. Newt pulls out his wand and sways his hands; mops and brooms start to clean up the trail of blood Izuku left when he entered. Newt turns to Nana.

Newt: "If you would please grab that-"

Nana hugs Newt, and he's taken aback.

Nana: "Thank you for helping him! Thank you so much!"

Newt slowly hugs her back.

Newt: "Of course..."


Hisashi makes it up the stairs with Midoriya. He turns the corner, hoping that Izuku's door is already open, but instead bumps into Nemuri. She is pushed back before her eyes widen as she sees the blood on Izuku's clothes.

Nemuri: "What happened?! Izuku, are you okay?!"

Hisashi: "He's fine, just a little tired. I'm taking him to bed. Let him rest, please."

Nemuri: "He doesn't look fine! He looks like he's going to pass out at any moment!"

Hisashi rolls his eyes before taking Midoriya into his room. He suddenly remembers that he and Nana slept in his room, and he uses his magic to quickly change the sheets. He slowly and carefully puts Midoriya into bed. Nemuri and Hisashi watch as Midoriya slowly starts to drift away.

Midoriya: "Hey, dad...? Why don't you use your magic...? I had forgotten that you were even a wizard..."

Hisashi: "I choose not to. It's helpful for times like these, though."

Midoriya: "Hmm... hey, I just remembered... when we first met, you were talking about your life growing up... you stopped when you were talking about being a dark wizard bounty hunter, and when you brought up Inko again... can you tell me more about that...?"

Hisashi: "Oh, I... sure. Okay... Do you remember what I said before all that?"

Midoriya: "Not really..."

Hisashi: "Okay, okay, I'll start from the beginning then. Your grandparents weren't around a lot when I was growing up. My mom died when I was young; I don't remember why, and my dad was always busy with work. He was focused on trying to make the fastest broom possible. It was usually just me and my older sister, Itzhak. She taught me everything growing up, like how to read, write, and talk. She was like a mom. Eventually, I was accepted to Hogwarts, and she was so excited and happy for me that she bought me all the supplies I needed. Imagine her reaction when I was kicked out."

Midoriya: "What about your dad...? Was he still around...?"

Hisashi: "Yeah, but he seemed to care more about work than his children, so we never talked to him. Itzhak might've said something to him a few times, but she never had a full conversation with him, and neither did I. After I was kicked out, she was so angry with me that she forced me to study math and science, hoping that school would help me get a job. I failed school and dropped out, and that's when I joined that bounty-hunting group. They taught me how to use my wand, and I caught evil wizards and witches with them. Itzhak was not happy with what I was doing. We argued a lot, and I wish I could take back some of the things I said. She's the reason I left."

Midoriya: "She convinced you to leave...?"

Hisashi: "I left because she was... murdered. I had captured the leader of some kind of cult, and they were pissed. They broke into my home, injured my father, and kidnapped Itzhak. I tracked them down, and they told me it was either me or her. I chose me, and they let her go, and we fought. I had to use dark magic to win, but in the end, they were all killed. I went to check on her, hoping to see her unscathed, but I found her dead. One of the cult members had followed her and killed her; they were planning to kill both of us."

Midoriya: "Dad, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

Hisashi: "It's alright... After that, my father blamed her death on me, and I just couldn't deal with him, so I ran away. I made my way to Japan and started a new life there. I met Inko outside of UA; we started dating, and then we married. We got divorced a couple of years later because we were trying for a kid, and we kept arguing about it. I met Nemuri a couple of years after that, and... you know the rest."

Midoriya: "Wow, it sounds like it must've been pretty tough..."

Hisashi: "It was, but you get used to it. Hey, Nemuri, do you remember when I first told you this story? Halfway through, you almost burst out in tears, so I had to stop. And when you were pregnant, if we had a girl, you said we'd name her Itzhak. Obviously, we didn't have a girl, so you named our child Izuku because-"

Nemuri: "Because I still wanted to honor your sister, yeah, I remember... there isn't much similarity to their names, but I was happy with what I chose."

Hisashi: "Yeah... Izuku, I know I don't tell you this very often, but you're my son, and I love you. You mean everything to me; if I could've given you a better childhood, I would've, and I'm sorry I couldn't... I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Midoriya doesn't respond; he has fallen asleep. Hisashi lets out an annoyed sigh before turning to Nemuri.

Hisashi: "How long ago did he fall asleep?"

Nemuri: "After I had stopped speaking."

Hisashi: "And you didn't bother telling me?"

Nemuri: "I wanted to see what you would say. It was worth it."

He rolls his eyes and gives a smile before they exit the room and close the door.

Hisashi: "So... you had to hear that again."

Nemuri: "And it was just as heartbreaking as the first time."

Hisashi: "Yeah, hey, can we talk? About, y'know, us?"

Nemuri: "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about that as well. Hisashi, I've realized that you and Izuku were right. You and I cannot have what we once had, and... I'm willing to move on. I see that you and Nana are happy, and I hope you two spend your time well with each other. The both of you deserve to be happy, and I'm not going to ruin it for you. I'm sorry for what I did yesterday."

Hisashi: "It's okay, Nemuri; I would've been angry too. I'm sorry for you finding out that me and Nana were a thing when you walked in on us... I should've told you. You deserve to be happy as well; you deserve someone better than me. I hope you find that person."

She nods, and they have a warm, embracing hug. Hisashi asks if Nemuri can help Newt and Nana clean up downstairs, and she agrees. Hisashi puts his back against the wall and sits down. He starts to think about what he told Izuku. It's been a while since he's told another person that story; he always hates re-telling the events that happened.

He misses his sister.

Izuku wakes up a few hours later, a little tired but feeling better. He gets out of bed, changes his clothes, and makes his way downstairs. He sees everyone peacefully sitting at the dinner table, talking to one another. He sees this as a rare moment, so he decides to leave them alone. He disappears from the stairs and appears a few feet away from the destroyed camp. He walks towards it and sees everyone slowly going through the rubble and trying to help others who have been injured. He sees Nezu, who is sitting down on the floor with his phone and walks over to him.

Midoriya: "Nezu, sir, are you okay? I'm sorry I haven't been able to appear until now; I was injured, and... it's a long story."

Nezu: "I understand, Izuku. We need to talk, though. Multiple eyewitnesses say that you used your quirk to kill the villains that attacked us. Is this true?"

Midoriya: "It is... true. I had no other choice; they were pushing us, and we were-"

Nezu: "No, I don't want to hear it. Izuku, we do not kill. Yes, the circumstances were dire, but we could have won if we-"

Midoriya: "Are you serious? Sir, I had no other choice! It was either kill or be killed! I wasn't going to let others die just because I didn't want to kill."

Nezu: "Izuku, if you kill, you're no better than them. You are willing to take the life of another person, even if that person has done horrible things, which is not okay. It's up to the justice system to decide what to do with them."

Midoriya: "What justice system? Law and order don't exist at this point anymore. You either kill to survive or you get killed."

Nezu: "Izuku, do you hear yourself? You're speaking like a brute; you're talking like a psychopath!"

Midoriya: "Maybe we need to act like psychopaths so we can survive! If we don't, everyone here is dead."

Nezu shakes his head.

Nezu: "Whatever your reasons are, your fellow campmates are scared of you. They have asked me that you leave the camp and find somewhere else to stay."

Midoriya: "W-what? You're... kicking me out? Is this like exile?!"

Nezu: "Yes, you are being exiled. Everyone is afraid of you, Izuku. Please, don't make this any harder than it has to be."

Before Midoriya can say anything else, there is a loud crash, and yells can be heard. Nezu and Midoriya turn their heads to see All Might, Kutskui, and Kutsumi. Their eyes widen as they realize that they've come to finish off the survivors.

Toshinori: "Settle down, everyone! We're not here to attack you; we're here for one person. A man by the name of Newt Scamander, has curly hair, a blue jacket, and a British accent. He was seen here; has anyone seen him?"

Nezu turns back to Midoriya.

Nezu: "Your father? He was here?"

Midoriya: "It's a long story; I'll talk to them. You need to lead everyone away; I'll buy you time."

Nezu: "No! If they're looking for your father, they'll want to get to you for information. I will buy you time. You must lead-"

Midoriya: "Nezu, please! There is no time to argue; they could lose it at any moment and kill all of us. I will buy you time. Go!"

Nezu quickly nods and leaves. Midoriya slowly walks towards them; the trio spots him and smiles. They remember Scamander; he was one of the braver students at UA. Alongside that, he's related to Newt Scamander, so it'll be easy to get information from him.

Kutsumi: "Hey, it's you! You're related to Newt, aren't you?"

Midoriya: "What do you want with him? He's never hurt you; I have. Whatever you plan to do to him, do it to me. Just leave him out of this."

Kutskui: "There's no way we're leaving without him! He knows where Izumi is!"

Midoriya: "What?"

Kutskui: "Three years ago, she ran into someone who convinced her to start a new life and leave. Shoto saw who this guy was. It was Newt Scamander! Izumi must've told him where she planned on going; tell us where he is!"

Midoriya: "My father and I parted ways a while ago; even if I wanted to tell you, I wouldn't. I don't know where he is."

Kutskui: "Liar!"

Midoriya: "Look, what if Izumi was feeling guilty after what she did? What if she wanted a way out of the life she was living?"

Toshinori: "Why would she just abandon her family? We could have helped her with her guilt and her pain. Just tell us where he is, Scamander!"

Midoriya: "I told you! I don't know! I-"

In the blink of an eye, All Might is right next to Midoriya. He punches Midoriya and sends him flying into a tree; the tree snaps and falls to the floor. Midoriya groans out of pain; he definitely broke something. He slowly gets up and sees the three walking toward him.

Kutsumi: "Last chance!"

Midoriya: "Go ahead and keep attacking me; you have experience beating people, don't you?"

Kutskui runs over to him and slams his head on the bark of the wood. Midoriya fights back, pulling on Kutskui's hair and slamming his face into the ground, but is grabbed by All Might and thrown toward a hut. Kutsumi catches him and slams him into the ground. She activates her quirk and starts to burn his back. He yells out in pain and cries for help.

Midoriya: "Help! Help! I'm talking to you! Help!"

"I could help, but... I think it would benefit you if you told them the truth about who you are. Izuku Yagi has been dead for a long time. Imagine their reaction when they find out you are Izuku Yagi..."

Midoriya grabs Katsumi's ears and starts to pull, but it doesn't bother her. He fights back and turns around, punching her. She rolls off of him, and he quickly gets up. He runs toward his hut and makes it to the entrance to his home, but is grabbed by Toshinori. He slams him into the ground. Midoriya yells out and spits up blood. He wheezes for air and crawls toward the door. Toshinori grabs his leg and throws him toward the door. Midoriya crashes through the door and flies toward the dinner table, where he crashes and destroys it once more; he is unconscious."

Nemuri: "Izuku?! Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God..."

She rushes over to him.

Toshinori: "What the...? There's an entire household in here? How is that possible? Huh?! You! Newt Scamander!"

Toshinori enters, and everyone turns their heads toward All Might. Their eyes widen; they need to escape.

Toshinori: "You! You told Izumi to run away! You convinced her to run from us! I'm going to kill you!"

Nana steps in front of Newt.

Nana: "Over my dead body, Toshinori! If you have to kill me again, I'll at least die for my family! I won't let you get close to them!"

Hisashi stands by her side.

Hisashi: "Yeah, I guess that applies to me as well..."

Toshinori: "Master? Hisashi?! How?! How are you alive?! I thought both of you had died... I thought-"

Nana: "You thought you had killed me; well, guess what?! I'm back! Stand down, Toshinori!"

Toshinori: "Master, you don't understand... Izumi disappeared three years ago, and we've been trying to look for her. Newt is the only lead we have; I'm just trying to find my daughter."

Nana: "You honestly think that your daughter would even want to come home after seeing what you're doing!? Do you think she wouldn't be scared?! If I were her, I'd hide from you, hoping to never see you again.

Toshinori: "You're not her! I'm trying to fix what happened, okay? I'm trying to find her and Izuku so we can be a family again."

Nana: "Izuku died, Toshinori. You have to let him go. You have to let both of them go.".

Toshinori: "His death was faked, and you know it! Damn it, Nana! I don't want to do this again! I don't want to have to kill you again!"

Nana: "Then stand down!"

Toshinori: "Not until I get what I want."

All Might jumps toward Nana and tries to punch her, but she is suddenly covered by a purple sphere. He shatters the sphere and falls back. He groans out of pain as he sees his knuckles start to bleed.

Hisashi: "Newt, Nemuri, get him out of here! We'll hold them off!"

Nemuri: "I'm not leaving without you! Newt, take Izuku and-"

Midoriya suddenly wakes up; he sits up and yells in pain. His back is killing him, but he forces himself to stand up. Newt and Nemuri help him up.

Midoriya: "You have to leave... Nana, Hisashi! You need to leave! Get out of here, all of you!"

Newt: "We can't just leave you here; we must all go!"

Midoriya: "No, I'll buy you time, but you need to get out of here, all of you."

Nemuri: "Izuku! No, they're going to kill you!"

Midoriya: "Mom, there isn't enough time to argue; please, just go. I'll catch up with you guys; I just need to know you're all safe. Dad, can you use your magic to get everyone out of here?"

He nods.

Midoriya: "Okay, I'll see you in a little bit..."

Nemuri: "Izuku, no! Please don't do this, not again!"

Newt grabs Nemuri's shoulder, and they disappear. Midoriya lets out a sharp sigh. He feels weak. He hasn't felt like this since he was living with the Yagis. He limps over to Nana and Hisashi.

Nana: "What are you still doing here?!"

Midoriya: "I'm here to help; I'll hold them off while you guys get out."

Hisashi: "What? Izuku, don't you remember? We're technically ghosts. We can feel stuff, but we can't die."

Midoriya: "I don't care! You're leaving, but in the meantime, we need to deal with them!"

Toshinori: "Izuku, please. I'm willing to spare you because you share the same name as my son. I suggest you stay out of this. Wait... where did Newt go?"

Nana jumps toward Toshinori and punches him. Kutskui and Kutsumi fly toward Hisashi and Izuku. Hisashi casts Protego, protecting the both of them. Kutsumi and Kutskui try to break the shields but can't.

Midoriya: "Dad, I need you to make a wand or something!"

Hisashi: "Izuku, you do realize that you don't need a wand to cast magic, right?"

Midoriya: "Wait, seriously?!"

Hisashi: "How do you think I'm doing this without a wand? You just need to concentrate, trust me! Don't try advanced spells; they'll wear you out!"

Midoriya closes his eyes and zones out. He throws his arms around and yells out.

Midoriya: "Accio!"

A chair flies toward Kutskui and hits him; he groans in pain as he continues to punch the shielding. As more and more objects fly at the twins, hitting them, they become annoyed and start to fight the things flying at them.

Hisashi: "There you go!"

Suddenly, Newt reappears.

Midoriya: "Dad, go!"

Hisashi: "Wait, we can't leave! We-"

Midoriya: "Just go!"

Hisashi: "Jeez, alright, alright... stay safe!"

He runs over to Newt, holds onto his shoulder, and they disappear. Nana flies over to Midoriya, and he quickly limps over to her. He helps her up.

Midoriya: "Get ready to get out of here!"

Nana: "Couldn't we all have gone at the same time?!"

Midoriya: "And line up so Toshinori can kill us all? Yeah, that would've been a good idea."

Nana: "Shut up. You get ready to go next; I'll hold them off."

Midoriya: "No, Nana! I can stand seeing you-"

Kutskui flies toward them and tries to punch them, but Izuku shields them, and he bounces off. He flies into Kutsumi, and they tumble into the wall.

Midoriya: "I can't stand seeing you get hurt! I know you can take it, and I know you're dead, but I just can't!"

Nana: "You think I stand it?! Seeing you hurt?! You are going next, not me!"

Midoriya: "I'm staying behind; I have to end this. You should go be with Dad; don't worry about me!"

Toshinori jumps toward them, ready to break the shield. Izuku starts levitating Nana and throws her at Toshinori; she punches him, and he flies through the upper floors. She falls back down, and Midoriya catches her. Newt appears again.

Newt: "Izuku! Hurry! I can take the both of you!"

Midoriya: "No! I have to stay back and end this! I can't let them get away with breaking into my home and hurting you!"

He levitates Nana to Newt.

Midoriya: "Go!"

Newt: "I am not leaving you!"

Nana: "Just get over here!"

Midoriya: "Just go!"

He levitates both of them and throws them out through the exit. He repairs the door and slams it shut. He falls to his knees as he breathes heavily. He's bleeding again, and he's starting to become extremely exhausted. Suddenly, he's punched by Kutskui and Kutsumi; they drag him upstairs, where they use him to break down every door they see. Izuku uses the broken pieces of the door to attack the twins; they let go of him to stop the doors from continuing their attacks. Midoriya punches Kutskui and throws him toward Kutsumi; they fall over, and the doors continue to attack them. Izuku leans on the wall and slowly limps down the hall; he's starting to feel even weaker. He makes it to his room, realizing that he still has Izumi's letters inside. He grabs them and quickly exits; he starts to limp down the hall. He makes his way downstairs, where he throws the letters into some cabinets. He'll come back for them later.

He slowly limps toward the door but collapses. He breathes heavily, realizing that this is it. He looks behind him and sees Kutskui and Kutsumi slowly approaching them. He looks up and sees All Might slowly making his way down. It's over. They're going to kill him.

Kutskui: "Now you know what it's like to get your ass kicked! Remember the USJ?!"

Kutsumi: "We should wait for All Might; he's going to enjoy this."

Midoriya coughs up blood.

Midoriya: "Go ahead, do it... you'll never find Izuku Yagi then."

Kutskui: "Like you know where he is."

Midoriya: "I know everything. He was Quirkless, abused, and neglected for day, he ran away, yelling at his sister and her father..."

Kutskui: "Everyone knows that; it's old news. Why should we believe anything you say?"

Midoriya: "Because... I'm Izuku Yagi..."


Midoriya slowly opens his eyes. He groans out of pain again and looks at the ceiling. It's painted white; he sits up and looks around; he's in a nicely decorated house. He looks around and looks like he is sleeping in the living room. He gets up and feels energetic; he doesn't feel like he's going to pass out. He walks over to a door and opens it. He sees a skinny Toshinori sitting on the edge of the steps that lead up to the house. He looks behind him and sees Izuku. He has a bright smile, but Izuku just slams the door on him. Toshinori quickly gets up and opens the door. He sees Izuku sitting on the couch with his hands on his face.

Toshinori: "Hey, son, how are-"

Izuku stands up and kicks the wooden table in front of him. He points at Toshinori; he is pissed off.

Midoriya: "You don't get to call me that! Not after what you did! I'm not your son, and you're not my father!"

Toshinori: "Izuku, please..."

Midoriya: "No! Stop! Shut up! I hate you, and I thought it was clear when I disappeared! I hate you!"

Toshinori: "Calm down! Calm down! Look, Izuku, I understand you're angry. What we did to you was unacceptable, and I'm willing to try and fix it if-"

Midoriya: "Fix it?! Do you think you can fix it?! You refused to feed me; you let me stare; you didn't do anything every time I showed you the bruises and scars I had; you did nothing! Stop trying to act like my father, because you're not! You never will be!"

Toshinori looks at him with pain in his eyes.

Toshinori: "Can I ask if you consider Newt your father...?"

Midoriya: "Yes! What do you think?! He's shown me more love and care than you ever have! Everyone you were fighting has cared for and loved me more than you ever will!"

Toshinori: "Including Hisashi...? Your-"

Midoriya: "Yes! Yes!"

Toshinori: "Okay, I understand. Does Newt truly know where Izumi is?"

Midoriya: "No, but I do. Izumi came to me after she talked to Newt; she figured out that Izuku Scamander was Izuku Yagi. She apologized for what she did, and I forgave her."

Toshinori: "Why can you forgive her and not me?"

Midoriya: "Because she knew she wasn't going to have her apology accepted, she was willing to change; she was willing to start a new life where she would help people!"

Toshinori: "If I-"

Midoriya: "No!"

Toshinori nods.

Toshinori: "Where is she now?"

Midoriya: "I'm not telling you that. I'm never telling you that. Look, Toshinori, let me set this straight for you. Never come looking for me or my family again, or I will obliterate you. That includes Izumi. I am not your son, and she is not your daughter."

Toshinori: "Izuku, please, if you could give me another chance, I could be a better father than Newt or Hisashi. I just-"

Midoriya: "You wish."

Midoriya walks past Toshinori and exits the house. Toshinori follows quickly and watches Izuku disappear into thin air. He goes back inside, slams the door shut, and throws the table he knocked over. He pulls something from his pocket. A large collection of letters.

Toshinori: "I've lost my son... but my daughter will come back home."

He opens one of the letters, and he has a smile that reaches ear to ear. He knows where his daughter is. With her, they'll be a somewhat functional and loving family.

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