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All For One walks into a large dark room. The light behind him is the only thing that is making the room visible. He walks in the pitch-black before his foot hits something. He grabs it and realizes it's an arm. He's found him. He snaps his fingers and the lights turn on, he looks down and sees he's holding All Might's hands. All Might tries to roll into a ball, trying to hide from the light.

AFO: "There you are. Did you have fun with Dr. Garaki?"

No response.

AFO: "Didn't think so. All Might, please stand up."

All Might cover his face with his hand.

AFO: "Stand up before I show you Inko's corpse again."

All Might quickly stands up and hides his face. He's been stuck in nothing but darkness for what felt like years. He's had to survive on Inko's flesh and water that leaked when it stormed or rained. He couldn't get out, he couldn't use his quirk and he was told they would kill Izumi and everyone else he loved if he tried to escape, couldn't risk that. He's weak and tired. He's nothing but a skeleton at this point.

All Might: "Why are you doing this...? What did I do...?"

All For One slaps him.

AFO: "You almost gave the heros important information. You could've jeopardized our entire mission. This is what you get."

All Might: "I'm sorry...just let me and Izumi go...please..."

AFO: "No. Not until we are finished with you. Come with me."

All Might follows All For One out of the darkroom into a large warehouse. He covers his eyes as he gets adjusted to everything again. He looks around and sees objects covered up, where is he? Why is he here?"

AFO: "All Might? What is the last thing you remember?"

All Might: "I...I was in an interrogation room and I was talking to Nezu and went was dark for so long..."

AFO: "Yes, we had you shot and killed, but with the help of my friend, Dr. Kyudai Garaki, he brought you back from the dead. Why? Because you have not outlived your usefulness. You are a valuable asset that we will use."

All Might: "! I'll never work with a villain...!"

He tries to activate his quirk but instead feels a shock in the back of his skull. He falls to the ground, he's never felt pain like this. Why does it hurt so much? He holds the back of his head as he yells in pain.

AFO: "The doctor has a field day with you. First, he had to steal your corpse from the morgue, then he had to re-awaken you, and finally, he made sure you didn't get out of line. There is an electronic device that shocks you every time you try and activate your quirk. It's specifically shocking your neck but because the doctor re-wired your brain's understanding of pain, you feel like it's right behind there."

All Might: "Make it stop!"

He sways his hand and the shock stops. All Might breathes heavily as he tries to get up. All For One puts his foot on his back and pushes him back down on the floor. He hits the concrete with a loud thud.

AFO: "Let's get straight to the point. You are property, my property. You are to do what I tell you to do. Understand?"

All Might: "I...yes..."

AFO: "Good. Now, time to re-introduce yourself. Tomura! Bring them in!"

In a few minutes, Tomura brings everyone to All For One and All Might. They see him on the floor, in a dirty rag covered in blood. Their jaws drop, All Might is alive.

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